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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Nick Young下季希望湖人隊組新F4
時間 Thu Jan 22 18:14:48 2015
Nick Young Plans to Recruit Goran Dragic, Marc Gasol, and Kevin Love for the Lakers | Complex
Nick Young wants to play general manager for the Lakers. ...
Nick Young wants to play general manager for the Lakers. ...
Forget playing alongside Kobe Bryant. The way Nick Young sees things right now,
free agents should want to come and play with him in the coming years.
So during an interview with the Los Angeles Daily News earlier this week,
Swaggy P revealed that he plans on trying to recruit free agents to come to L.A.
over the next couple seasons. He's already started pursuing Goran Dragic
and he also has his sights set on Marc Gasol and Kevin Love.
Nick Young現在認為湖人該找與他未來一起打球的自由球員
他透露自己已經開始招募Goran Dragic,同時也把目光放在M.Gasol跟Love身上
"I told Goran Dragic on the court, 'You might be my teammate next year,'
" he said after the Lakers lost to the Suns on Monday.
"I'll talk to Marc [Gasol]. Me and him are cool. Kevin Love, I'll talk to him."
What about LeBron James, too, Swaggy? While you're at it, you might as well!
In all seriousness, doesn't this break some kind of tampering rule?
We appreciate Swaggy's enthusiasm for the future and his willingness to
go above and beyond for his team. But as of right now, those guys are locked up
under contracts, so Swaggy should probably just stick to worrying about himself
at the moment.
Dragic-Young-Love-M.Gasol ?
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推 : 老大是中神通 跟F4不同級別的1F 01/22 18:15
推 : 老大一個打四個沒問題喇.....2F 01/22 18:16
推 : 他什麼咖? XD 以為自己在NBA很有地位?3F 01/22 18:16
推 : 先問老大退休準備好了沒比較實在4F 01/22 18:16
※ 編輯: PaulDavis (, 01/22/2015 18:16:52推 : 他招募有比較有用嗎?5F 01/22 18:16
推 : Lin呢?6F 01/22 18:16
推 : 然後球給老尖7F 01/22 18:16
→ : 叫老大退休比較實在8F 01/22 18:17
推 : 老大至少會瞄一下隊友有沒有空擋,老尖是只有籃框9F 01/22 18:17
→ : 老大不退 老尖你是要拿什麼招人?10F 01/22 18:19
→ : kobe不退休 球星不會去湖人11F 01/22 18:19
推 : KOBE一走湖人就有新F5了 不用擔心12F 01/22 18:20
推 : 當我豪死人嗎13F 01/22 18:22
推 : 哇靠 湖人要靠你招募球星了喔14F 01/22 18:24
推 : 豪豪不是死人 他是麵包師15F 01/22 18:26
噓 : 老尖打這麼爛 都不會不好意思16F 01/22 18:26
噓 : Dragic才不會去 看到師父被霸球害到沒冠軍...17F 01/22 18:26
推 : 那種感覺有點像 若JR現在還在尼克的話 由他號召球星18F 01/22 18:27
推 : 楊鐵心,你自盡吧!19F 01/22 18:27
推 : 又想搶劫20F 01/22 18:28
→ : 到尼克組F4(不含melo) 是同樣的道理XDD21F 01/22 18:28
噓 : 組板凳F4可能信還大一點!!!!!!!22F 01/22 18:31
推 : 老大不在裡面XD23F 01/22 18:32
噓 : 喜劇演員24F 01/22 18:33
→ : 被小尖招募的人內心OS不知道是啥 XD25F 01/22 18:34
推 : 他連湖人都不能先發了26F 01/22 18:38
推 : 老大不倒,湖人不會好27F 01/22 18:38
推 : 洋鐵心 哈哈28F 01/22 18:40
推 : 未看先推 Kobe Nash mwp Howard Gasol29F 01/22 18:41
推 : 先把球投進吧你30F 01/22 18:42
→ : 還有第六人AJ31F 01/22 18:42
推 : 某人明年不退就有2000多萬的薪資空間被佔著 要其他32F 01/22 18:43
→ : 三人減薪加嗎?
→ : 三人減薪加嗎?
推 : 他那種打法有時真的會讓人很無奈34F 01/22 18:44
推 : 奇怪 怎麼每個人都忘了AJ呢35F 01/22 18:44
推 : Young超有趣好嗎…36F 01/22 18:44
→ : NASH(MVP*2) KOBE(MVP*1) MWP(DPOY) Gasol(歐冠)37F 01/22 18:44
→ : DH(DPOY) AJ(最佳第六人)
→ : DH(DPOY) AJ(最佳第六人)
推 : 以下開放湖人四天王推文39F 01/22 18:45
推 : 我的天哪 他以為他是誰= =40F 01/22 18:46
推 : 來4個籃板王幫老大搶早就奪冠了41F 01/22 18:51
→ : 什麼沒有林林!?42F 01/22 18:52
推 : 可是老尖,你是替補耶43F 01/22 18:53
推 : 哼哼 別得意了 Nick Young只是我們四天王中最弱的44F 01/22 18:54
推 : 這傢伙XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD45F 01/22 19:00
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 101
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