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看板 NBA
作者 sky419012 (fly)
標題 [外絮] Giannis Antetokounmpo keeps improving
時間 Sun Dec 14 18:16:01 2014

Giannis Antetokounmpo keeps improving


Bucks forward Giannis Antetokounmpo is ranked as one of the most improved

sophomores in the league this season.


The "Greek Freak" turned 20 years old on Dec. 6. He continues to make

spectacular plays and electrifying dunks while working to improve some of the


綽號"希臘怪物"的他 今年12/6剛滿20歲


"His foundation is getting stronger," Bucks coach Jason Kidd said. "He's

understanding what he's capable of doing. He's still learning the game.

"他的體格變得更強壯了"公鹿總教練Jason Kidd表示

"他懂得什麼是他能力該做的 也保持解讀比賽"

"I think his start to this season has been great. He works extremely hard.

You're going to make some shots; you're going to miss some free throws. He's one

of the guys who does get to the free-throw line.

"我認為這賽季讓他先發是好的" 他自己做了相當大的努力

"He's learning how to play without having to score the ball, say shooting threes

or shooting jump shots. He can live at the free-throw line. Some of the top

players in this league, that's what they do."

"他正在學習如好在無持球的情況下得分 能投三分 能跳投 能要犯規"

Entering Saturday's game the 6-foot-11 forward was averaging 12.2 points and

5.9 rebounds while shooting 48.1% from the floor and 72.4% at the foul line. He

already had 98 free-throw attempts, compared with 202 all of last season (in 77


禮拜六比賽之前 這位6'11前鋒 每場能得到12.2分 5.9籃板 投籃命中率48.1%

罰球命中率72.4% 這賽季已經上罰球線98次 上個賽季站上罰球線總共202次(77場)

But the Bucks coaches also are working with Antetokounmpo to improve his medium

-range shot. If he is able to develop a reliable 16-to-18-footer, opponents

would not be able to play off him so far and he would be even more effective.

不過公鹿教練持續加強它中距離投射 如果他能發展成可令人信賴的16~18呎跳投者

對手將更難防守他 他也將更有影響力

"We're not really messing with the shot; we're trying to get him to be

comfortable with his shot," Kidd said. "A lot of times people want to change


"We want to know what his shot is and go from there."

Kidd said he believes Antetokounmpo can develop a reliable jumper.


"He wants to be good," Kidd said. "The more time he's in different spots on the

floor...he does some really good things and sometimes he makes some mistakes.

"他想要變得更好" Kidd說 "更多時候他在球場上會做得不錯但也會犯錯 但這就是籃球"

"But that's just basketball. You look at the process of the stars in this

league; it takes some time. Everybody wants to look at him now, but we're also

trying to look at the future of where he could be."

大家想要注視著他 但大家更試著關注他未來能夠達到什麼境界

Notes - Giannis Antetokounmpo keeps improving
The “Greek Freak” turned 20 years old on Dec. 6. He continues to make spectacular plays and electrifying dunks while working to improve some of the basics. ...



第一次翻譯 翻不好 請見諒>"<


Giannis Antetokounmpo 20 points 5 rebounds vs Clippers 13.12.2014 - YouTube Facebook:  Twitter:  All clips property of the NBA. No copyright infring...


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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1418552165.A.0BA.html
※ 編輯: sky419012 (, 12/14/2014 18:17:18
carotyao    : 字母哥!1F 12/14 18:19
Kobetakeall : 幹嘛英文標題...我剛還以為是水桶公告2F 12/14 18:25
shangyen    : 希臘KD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KD3F 12/14 18:28
jtch        : Kidd:我相信他能成為4F 12/14 18:29
rbking21    : 阿鐵偷昆布!5F 12/14 18:29
jackthegreat: antikobelanpa6F 12/14 18:30
MacheteKerKe: 坤伯7F 12/14 18:32
atrabiliar31: 三分線上籃8F 12/14 18:34
ken97845    : 到底怎麼念.....9F 12/14 18:35
j71648      : 以為水桶公告+110F 12/14 18:37
Kulan       : 我現在還是不會唸他名字 靠北 lol11F 12/14 18:38
gn01914120  : アンテトコウンムポ12F 12/14 18:39
gary360     : 我也以為水桶公告.....13F 12/14 18:43
avrilrock   : 安貼偷坤伯14F 12/14 18:46
iloveben75  : Antikobedalambo15F 12/14 18:48
Spartan5566 : 好難念的名字16F 12/14 18:49
WeGoToHotel : Antikobesmanba17F 12/14 18:52
Coolest     : 我都唸Antetokounmpo18F 12/14 19:05
mugir       : 支持Antikobedalampa!19F 12/14 19:09
martell11655: 就差外線惹20F 12/14 19:10
aikensh     : 身材超像KD21F 12/14 19:16
a3119967    : 羊奶斯 安偷忒哭破 這樣念才對啦22F 12/14 19:21
yimade      : 期待這隻23F 12/14 19:23
Miyanishi25 : 我都念costo24F 12/14 19:25
a1091100075 : 我比較常唸ikea25F 12/14 19:29
a125567365  : 有人會念?26F 12/14 19:34
Windows11   : 從三分線上籃只要2步的男人...27F 12/14 19:38
retre77     : 才20歲 前途大好28F 12/14 19:46
liao18      : 我都唸antkikonmmmpo29F 12/14 19:54
XBUCKXMR    : 上罰球線次數跟KD比起來差太多了30F 12/14 20:20
c7683fh6    : 外線還不太行啊 不過還年輕 加油啊31F 12/14 20:27
jjrdk       : 很期待未來的"坤伯吃百二"連線32F 12/14 20:32
firxd       : 烈踢紅球波33F 12/14 20:38
frayzzz     : 哇才2034F 12/14 20:40
MVPartest   : 三分線兩步上籃的奇才...35F 12/14 21:36
sjvious     : 今年很期待PARKER+Antetokounmpo  12&34號 妙組合36F 12/14 21:37
gohit       : 他非常猛 很想看他打球 名字難念 XD37F 12/14 21:38

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