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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Kobe: 我夠老!!可以吸引很多人加入湖人
時間 Wed Oct 29 16:54:06 2014
Kobe Bryant Suggests His Resume Is Enough To Entice Free Agents
Kobe Bryant Suggests His Resume Is Enough To Entice Free Agents | Lakers Nation
Five-time NBA champion Kobe Bryant believes that his impressive resume is enough to bring free agents to Los Angeles. ...
Had a good chat with Kobe earlier today, he said he trusts that any negative
quotes about him are not coming from inside the Lakers' building. As for the
idea that free agents don't want to sign in LA because of fim, Kobe told me:
"It's silly. It's nothing I pay a lot of attention to. Here's what you get
signing up to play with me: Seven finals appearances and 5 rings. So that's
the end of that conversation."
There’s not much else Kobe could say to discredit this article. His resume
does speak for itself. Bryant’s presence has made the Lakers a competitive
team for over a decade, period.
Kobe確實不需要再補充什麼, 他的資歷說明了一切,
It could be arguably the toughest season yet for an aging Bryant, but he’s
benefited from embracing challenges in the past and will try to do so once
again with the end of his career drawing near.
Kobe越來越老,這季應該會是最艱難的一季, 但過去他面對了所有的挑戰
, 撐過後也從中獲得不少收穫, 在生涯末期Kobe也將會以同樣的姿態再度試著去面對眼前
心得: 長人大腿們,還不怪來跟老太學怎麼拿冠軍,5冠81分耶
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1414572849.A.09A.html
→ : 前一個要成為老大的今天腿斷了1F 10/29 16:55
至少他學會了前年的KOBE→ bahamutuh …
推 : Kobe今天真的是虎落平楊被犬欺…3F 10/29 16:56
→ : 各種科酸廢文接連出籠,NBA板怎能沒有老大!!4F 10/29 16:57
你也是今天狂出來透氣阿 XDDD推 : 老大!5F 10/29 16:57
※ 編輯: kaotall (, 10/29/2014 16:59:00推 : 爸爸你夠老6F 10/29 16:59
推 : 還好我是一直在酸 沒有在看表現好不好的7F 10/29 17:00
推 : 迷迷 :太霸氣了8F 10/29 17:02
→ : 可惜你不是大腿9F 10/29 17:05
推 : 霸氣外漏10F 10/29 17:05
推 : 老大現在有點像那種只能提當年勇的孤單老人 有點於11F 10/29 17:06
→ : 心不忍阿...
→ : 心不忍阿...
推 : 可是$$$$$13F 10/29 17:07
推 : Kobe!!!!14F 10/29 17:09
推 : 老大 !!!!15F 10/29 17:09
推 : 家有一老 如有一寶16F 10/29 17:10
推 : 可是老大你的薪資讓有能力的球員不想來17F 10/29 17:15
推 : 喬登晚年有這樣落魄嗎 哈哈哈哈18F 10/29 17:18
推 : 沾黃表示:19F 10/29 17:20
推 : 禪師表示:20F 10/29 17:23
→ : 樓下說說一年2425萬能簽幾個U質長人21F 10/29 17:24
→ : 還 多
→ : 還 多
→ : kobe應該是想說我夠老 退休後可以吸引很多人23F 10/29 17:29
推 : 就是沒用的爛看板啊 沒號召力24F 10/29 17:36
推 : 爸爸你夠老25F 10/29 17:39
→ : 拜託你快亮出你的冠軍 把一兩之雜魚換掉26F 10/29 17:51
推 : 5冠都靠別人的 怎會有說服力XDDD 自以為5冠是靠自己27F 10/29 18:01
推 : kobe退休 nba板話題會變少吧28F 10/29 18:06
推 : 迷迷:霸氣! 老大!29F 10/29 18:08
推 : 老大晚年不保 還是早點OUT吧 離開這個是非之地30F 10/29 18:10
→ : kober:我只要亮出抱腿的5冠,就會有很多人來讓我抱31F 10/29 18:15
推 : 沒錢沒球沒冠軍32F 10/29 18:26
推 : 老大!!!33F 10/29 18:36
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 46