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作者 標題 [外絮] Derrick Rose表示:之前那個我已經消失了
時間 Sat Apr 25 20:05:26 2015
Derrick Rose says former version of himself is 'not there anymore'
Derrick Rose believes he is a better, 'smarter' player than before injuries
Derrick Rose says he is a "smarter" player than the pre-injury version and that he is not the "reckless" player he was when younger. ...
Nick Friedell, Chicago Bulls beat reporter
MILWAUKEE -- Chicago Bulls point guard Derrick Rose believes he is a better
player than he has ever been despite the fact he has missed so much time over
the past three seasons. And he is also convinced that his team has "something
special" as it gets set for what it hopes will be a long postseason push.
芝加哥公牛隊的控衛Derrick Rose相信他比起缺席了三個球季的他還要優秀。
After scoring 34 points and playing a season-high 48 minutes in Thursday
night's Game 3 win over the Milwaukee Bucks in the Eastern Conference
quarterfinals, Rose said his body is feeling "good" and he is very confident
in himself and his game.
"That player that you saw, that reckless player, I'm smarter now," Rose said,
comparing the differences in his game from before the left ACL injury he
suffered on April 28, 2012, to now. "I'm smarter. If I didn't grow in this
game, I'd be mad at myself. Just trying to take the shots that they're giving
me, trying to adjust while I'm playing. That old, young, reckless player that
you saw years ago, he's not there anymore."
Does he prefer the player he has become?
"I love this player," Rose said. "This player is better."
Rose, who has played just eight games since returning from a meniscectomy on
April 8, is admittedly "very confident" in his abilities and feels he is a
"smarter, more effective" player than ever before. The former MVP has been
noticeably more demonstrative in the postseason, talking to teammates more
and showing more emotion. The 26-year-old admitted he is savoring this
season's journey in the playoffs after all he has been through.
"For someone like myself to go through three surgeries at a young age, your
"For someone like myself to go through three surgeries at a young age, your
whole perspective of the game and life is different," Rose said. "Especially
having a son. Your appreciation of the game, your appreciation of the fans
and just seeing everybody jump off the wagon, get back on the wagon, it's
fun. It's fun. It's part of it. You can't get mad at people. You can't get
mad at the fans. People are always going to have opinions, so it's just funny
to hear the opinions and get motivated by them."
Rose acknowledged that the minutes restriction he was under for the first few
months of the season, handed down by the Bulls' front office over the summer,
might have been part of the reason he is having success later in the season.
But even he is unsure just how much of an impact it has had given how many
games he missed. Rose missed 31 regular-season games this season because of
various injuries.
"Probably so," Rose said of the restrictions helping. "Who knows? Just every
minute off the court is going to help you if you do it the right way and you
recover the right way, so who knows? We're performing well right now, so I
只要你使用得當都會對你有幫助,像是用來恢復身體的疲勞,所以誰知道呢? 我們現在
只要你使用得當都會對你有幫助,像是用來恢復身體的疲勞,所以誰知道呢? 我們現在
Rose has talked throughout the season about how his mentality has changed
because of all the injury hurdles he has dealt with, but his outward
confidence has never been shaken. He has always believed he is still one of
the best players in the game.
"Nobody knows how hard I worked. That's the fun thing about it," Rose said.
"That's the exciting thing about it. Nobody knows what to expect because I
don't know what to expect. It's kind of like predicting weather -- nobody
knows. All I know is that I prepare myself well and I have a lot of
confidence in myself."
In other Bulls news, rookie Nikola Mirotic is not expected to play in Game 4
on Saturday because of a swollen left knee and a strained left quad. Bulls
coach Tom Thibodeau said Mirotic has not been able to do any running yet.
至於其他的公牛隊消息,新秀Nikola Mirotic應該不會在G4上場,因為他扭傷的左膝依然
很酸痛。公牛教頭Tom Thibodeau說Mirotic直到現在都還不能跑。
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推 : ROSE 最新鞋款 "not there anymore" 強勢出擊!!!!8F 04/25 20:09
推 : 遊戲 4ni?9F 04/25 20:09
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推 : 翻譯:新款的比舊的好11F 04/25 20:10
※ sx4152:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls 04/25 20:10推 : Rose 7.0 ver. Vanish 驚呆上市12F 04/25 20:12
推 : 喇叭感覺是公牛跟螺絲前面的一道牆很久了13F 04/25 20:13
推 : 之前的鞋已經消失了,大家買新款的吧14F 04/25 20:30
推 : Rose新世代!!! 球鞋新品上市15F 04/25 20:33
推 : 但是賣鞋的你還沒消失16F 04/25 20:34
推 : 我覺得他每次放話就會神隱...我很喜歡你,你還是專17F 04/25 20:39
→ : 心打球比較好!
→ : 心打球比較好!
推 : 所以是另外一個我嗎19F 04/25 20:39
推 : RETURN OF THE ROSE 7.120F 04/25 20:40
→ changrabbit …
推 : The NEW.Rose 1.023F 04/25 20:46
推 : rose健康後還一直玩鞋梗其實蠻無聊的24F 04/25 20:46
推 : 這就是總版 習慣就好 哈哈25F 04/25 20:48
→ : 現在的我 最新版26F 04/25 20:50
推 : 每次放話後都會被攙扶下場,希望這次不要.......27F 04/25 20:52
→ : 如果下一輪騎士對公牛會很有看頭!28F 04/25 20:58
推 : Rose 5.0.1 我更好版本上市囉29F 04/25 20:59
推 : 所以現在這個Rose是偽物?30F 04/25 21:00
推 : 改用腳以外的地方爆發ˊˇˋ31F 04/25 21:02
推 : 話別說的太早32F 04/25 21:06
推 : 拜託不要再放話了 每次都講完不久就爆炸33F 04/25 21:08
推 : 兵馬俑玫瑰哥~~~34F 04/25 21:11
噓 : 到處都是腿迷的身影 酸別人捧主子 太監無誤35F 04/25 21:12
推 : 羅斯Boy36F 04/25 21:16
推 : 加油 ROSE 擊倒騎士吧37F 04/25 21:17
推 : 昨日的我譬如昨日死 今天的我譬如今日生 靠杯阿38F 04/25 21:25
→ : 哪個北七華人翻台灣課本給他看的?
→ : 哪個北七華人翻台灣課本給他看的?
推 : 公牛要小心被寄生蟲寄生40F 04/25 21:33
推 : 之前的版本已絕版不在銷售 現在推出最新版本D.Rose41F 04/25 21:40
推 : 他的意思就現在這個鞋比較好啊42F 04/25 21:41
推 : Rose43F 04/25 21:44
推 : 遊戲王?!44F 04/25 21:47
推 : 赤司征十郎45F 04/25 21:57
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