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看板 NBA
作者 kart (=\)
標題 [外絮] ESPN Haberstroh專欄:我的MVP選擇是...
時間 Thu Apr 16 16:22:13 2015

        反正有兩天備戰日,可以好好討論獎項了 ^^
ESPN Insider Tom Haberstroh shares his 2014-15 awards ballot -- NBA
Tom Haberstroh unveils his 2014-15 NBA awards ballot, including Most Valuable Player (Steph Curry), Defensive Player of the Year (Draymond Green) and more. ...


        是ESPN常駐專欄作家之一 Tom Haberstroh說他選MVP的標準

    Most Valuable Playe

    1. Stephen Curry
    2. James Harden
    3. Anthony Davis
    4. Chris Paul
    5. LeBron James

    It's time to bury the "carrying the Team X" trope when discussing
    the MVP award. We've heard it ad nauseam when it comes to Harden's
    and Westbrook's MVP candidacy, usually at the expense of Curry and
    the juggernaut Warriors. Harden is carrying the Rockets to the
    second seed. Westbrook is carrying the Thunder into the playoffs.
        是時候把「某某某carry了某某隊」 這種迷思在討論MVP時剔除了。

    Never mind that no team has more double-digit scorers than the

    Rockets, which speaks to their sneaky depth. Never mind that the
    Rockets' foundation is built on having the sixth-best defense in
    the NBA. Never mind that Enes Kanter is averaging 18.4 points and
    10.9 rebounds since arriving in OKC, a rate that only four other
    bigs can match over the full season.

    At its core, the "carrying" storyline is a flimsy rhetorical
    shortcut that degrades teammates who have made winning
    contributions. But here's the whopper: Statistically, Curry
    carries the Warriors more than Harden and Westbrook carry their
    respective teams.

    Per NBA.com lineup data, the Warriors are 16.8 points per 100
    possessions better with Curry on the court compared to when he's
    on the bench. The swing is just plus-7.8 for Harden and plus-6.6
    points for Westbrook, far less impactful than Curry.

    Are you a visual learner? Take a look at the chart below. As you
    can see, the swing between on/off court is far wider for Curry
    than it is for Harden or Westbrook. When Curry is on the floor,
    the Warriors have outscored opponents by 16.8 points (green dot)
    while the Warriors have played an even 0.0 net rating when he's on
    the bench (red dot). Actually, LeBron James (plus-17.2) and Chris
    Paul (plus-20.3) have slightly larger swings than Curry, which
    speaks to their lack of quality reserves.

    By no means should this alone decide the MVP race. There are other
    factors that should be considered, namely whom each player tends
    to share the court with and whom they play against. But the
    "carrying" notion sounds a lot better in theory than it does in
    reality. (And if you've been paying attention, the Rockets have
    actually been outscored with Harden on the court this month, and
    they're killing opponents when he's on the pine. Poor timing.)



    Going beyond the fact that Harden's biggest rhetorical chip has
    backfired, there are more reasons why I think Curry is the 2014-15
    MVP. He helped turn the Warriors from a good regular-season team
    to an all-time great regular-season team, which is harder to do
    than going from bad to average or average to good. At 66-15, the
    Warriors have added 15 wins to last season's total, which is the
    most that a 50-win team has ever done in NBA history (the previous
    record was 13).

    The Curry-led Warriors are absolutely crushing the league. Even if
    the Rockets nab the No. 2 seed, it shouldn't bolster Harden's
    case. That would suggest that the Rockets, as a No. 2 seed, are
    right behind the Warriors as the No. 1 seed. In reality, the
    Rockets aren't even in the same stratosphere as the Warriors, who
    have a plus-11.4 net rating. No team is even close.

    As Insider pal Kevin Pelton points out, this isn't a reductive
    "best player on best team" argument. Curry has the individual
    cred. Survey the advanced metrics and you'll find that Harden and
    Curry are basically indistinguishable. Harden narrowly edges Curry
    in win shares and WAR; Curry nips Harden in PER, RPM and VORP.
    Throw in the fact that Curry's "VER" -- "Vine Efficiency
    Rating" -- is unofficially the highest in the league (seriously,
    he is the ultimate Vine maker on the popular social network). All
    in all, Curry has put together the best 2014-15 season. He is my
        我的同儕Kevin Pelton(也是ESPN常駐寫手)前幾天才說評斷Curry該得


        PER, RPM, 和VORP上勝出。如果再考量到Curry在社群網路中的人氣

    As a bonus, here are some of my favorite Curry nuggets:

     Curry has sat out 19 fourth quarters this season because of

     Curry has shot .500 FG%/.517 3PT%/.944 FT% since the All-Star
        Curry在全明星賽後的數據:50% FG/51.7% 3PT%/94.4% FT%

     Curry has made 33 3-pointers this month, which is more than the
    Memphis Grizzlies as a team (25) and the same total as the Miami

     Curry is fourth in the NBA in steals and has cut his foul rate
    down to a career-low 2.0 per game.

     Curry has drained 37 pull-up 3-pointers in transition (less than

    five seconds into the shot clock), which is more than any non-
    Warriors team (Raptors are the next-highest at 34). Hat tip to
    NBAsavant.com for that gem.

     Curry is shooting 87-of-162 (53.7 percent) from 3-point land in
    back-to-back games.
        Curry在背靠背的比賽中,三分命中率是53.7% (83/162)!

     Curry is averaging 7.7 assists and 3.6 3-pointers per game. When
    Ray Allen averaged 3.4 3-pointers per game in 2005-06, he
    registered just 3.7 assists -- less than half as many as Curry.

     Klay Thompson shoots 47.1 percent from the floor and 44.0 percent
    from downtown when he plays with Curry, and just 42.5 percent and
    40.9 percent, respectively, when Curry sits.




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wilsonkoo   : 一個老美跟我說心目中MVP是哈蛋, 他說要犯是藝術1F 04/16 16:23
cjiajia973  : end2F 04/16 16:26
spongebob56 : CP3 LBJ CURRY 真的才是對球隊重要的 但CP3常被忽略3F 04/16 16:26
Romeo5566   : curry的三分不只藝術了   是國寶4F 04/16 16:27
JCrawford   : 得分雙十最多的球隊..真的很想笑..你的先發打個40場5F 04/16 16:28
JCrawford   : 拉替補上去打先發,再打個40場, 你也可以得到最多
JCrawford   : 雙十的球隊..
JCrawford   : 這理由太鳥了,比比RPM就知道誰的陣容才更有深度
formap      : 海綿說的不錯9F 04/16 16:32
u9596g12    : Curry End10F 04/16 16:32
nctucch17170: 先補血 3~9袋弟子會噓這篇11F 04/16 16:33
cksxxb123   : Paul每次都被忽略,是大家習慣他的強了嗎…12F 04/16 16:33
idfpigeon   : 以下開放鬍迷崩潰13F 04/16 16:34
newkey      : @_@14F 04/16 16:35
twsoriano   : 全世界最喜歡新柯神的人應該是湯嬸15F 04/16 16:36
chou8564    : Curry MVP BJ416F 04/16 16:36
BelphegorIan: 個人數據吊打其他所有隊伍到底是三小......17F 04/16 16:41
jeffery20223: 先幫補 Curry MVP!!!!18F 04/16 16:43
chenlansue  : 風向正確....這板就是捧CURRY就好棒棒19F 04/16 16:45
chenlansue  : 得分上雙十是火箭太多替補要打上先發好嗎
gibe        : 美國風向也是再捧Curry啊XD不然人氣怎麼來的21F 04/16 16:46
rexagi1988  : 人家說Curry強就說人家風向正確  這也滿好棒棒的22F 04/16 16:47
gibe        : 而且他也不只講了得分雙十最多這點,雖然這點很瞎23F 04/16 16:47
jeffery20223: 為啥支持就是捧  你也可以捧鬍子阿 只是我會去噓24F 04/16 16:47
az753951    : 說的好。鬍子洗洗睡25F 04/16 16:50
allen5743   : 推看來勝負已揭曉26F 04/16 16:51
nomaybe     : 就這麼強了還需要用捧的?27F 04/16 16:53
newkey      : 美國也是CURRY!?28F 04/16 16:53
JCrawford   : 另外一點也是蠻扯的 鬍子4月份在場上的Netrtg是+5.429F 04/16 16:57
JCrawford   : 哪來負的?
BanJarvan4  : 其實有進步了啦....31F 04/16 17:06
BanJarvan4  : 以前鬍黑捧林黑鬍 現在進步了 該高興
chinhan1216 : 事實上比curry carry球隊的就LBJ CP3不是Harden33F 04/16 17:13
cindynancy36: 論點不錯,西河雖然強大,但是kanter能力也強,不34F 04/16 17:15
cindynancy36: 能只說他一人carry整個雷霆
FairyBomb   : 連美國都在捧Curry,哪來的風向(?)36F 04/16 17:20
FairyBomb   : 另外光Curry有19場第四節不在場上,還能保持現在的
FairyBomb   : 數據,就知道有多誇張了..
kusami      : Curry拿MVP實至名歸 但ㄧ堆人不是討論Curry本身反39F 04/16 17:21
kusami      : 而酸2-4的不知啥心態
kusami      : 而且季初狂捧K湯完全忽視Curry  現在又反過來...
FairyBomb   : 季初是討論SG,當然是拿K湯出來,這有啥問題?42F 04/16 17:26
kusami      : 到處寄生別人來酸沒問題啊哈哈哈43F 04/16 17:30
kusami      : 這麼大方承認還真是難得
ghghfftjack : 說哈登上場負分那段很顯然是指+-而不是淨勝分吧45F 04/16 17:34
ghghfftjack : 但是即使如此四月哈登大多也是+居多 馬刺兩場才-
ghghfftjack : 這作者的標準真的很奇怪...
jajepound   : curry出場時間在mvp排行榜前三名應該是最少的吧48F 04/16 17:40
JCrawford   : 不要說今年前三最少 他拿了MVP就是史上最低的上場49F 04/16 17:45
JCrawford   : 時間
jeffery20223: 不看深入數據,他提到很重要的一項是咖哩把50勝級強51F 04/16 17:46
jeffery20223: 隊帶成歷史級,光憑這點,我覺得MVP給誰真的很清楚
jeffery20223: 了~
hayate1143  : 風向對了54F 04/16 17:53
sam86716    : 推海綿,CP3一直被遺忘,聯盟最佳組織控後55F 04/16 18:10
Libby329    : 好好回答問題就說人家寄生酸,飯迷水準真的不意外,56F 04/16 18:11
Libby329    : 怎麼不想想每次爭議文在那寄生酸的就你們阿~~~~~
TARONHSAU   : 推咖哩58F 04/16 18:11
sam86716    : 不過curry明星賽後的3pt%太扯了吧 …59F 04/16 18:12
otaku5566   : kusami:而且季初狂捧K湯完全忽視Curry 現在又反過來60F 04/16 18:12
otaku5566   : 你知道Curry明星賽票選得票對多嗎,哪來完全忽視
otaku5566   : 你是活在平行世界摟?
otaku5566   :                         *最多
superbatman : Curry也能酸 證明酸酸只是為了尋求存在感而反~64F 04/16 18:21

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