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看板 NBA
作者 thanos (thanos)
標題 [外絮] 未與Monroe達成續約協議讓大范有點焦慮
時間 Tue Jul 15 18:18:50 2014

Greg Monroe free agency makes Detroit Pistons' Stan Van Gundy 'little nervous'

AUBURN HILLS -- Stan Van Gundy gave his most direct assessment to date on
Greg Monroe's free agency today, and for the first time admitted he finds
some of the uncertainty a bit unnerving.


That doesn't change anything, the Detroit Pistons' president of basketball
operations and head coach stressed, because the plan is in place no matter
what Monroe decides or whose palms sweat in getting there.


"There's not really anything going on there right now," Van Gundy said.
"There's not really a whole lot more that can go on. We'll just see where the
situation takes us.


"Look, I'm not sweating it right now, because there's nothing that we can do
at this point."


Still, Van Gundy also acknowledged that having his biggest piece of business
sit unfinished, after two weeks of free agency, makes him "a little nervous."


"The nervousness is just the unknown," he said. "It's not knowing, beyond
this year, especially, where you're going. But again, we have plenty of time,
if something happened, to adjust for next year and everything else."


If Monroe chooses that route, he would play for less than $5.5 million next
season but become an unrestricted free agent in summer of 2015.


The Pistons have discussed a long-term contract with Monroe worth in the
range of $12 million annually but the sides haven't agreed. Monroe also
hasn't signed an offer sheet with another team, which the Pistons would have
three days to match, or they would lose him without compensation.


The stakes are high for both sides.


The Pistons want Monroe back but their stance suggests they may be gambling
he doesn't receive a maximum-contract offer, won't sign a qualifying offer to
play for less than half his market value, and ultimately agrees to terms with
them. If so, and if they're wrong, they could lose Monroe without
compensation next summer, and have a potentially unhappy player next season.


Monroe could leverage a better offer on the open market, or get the Pistons
to improve theirs with the threat of signing the qualifying offer. But if
Monroe signs an offer sheet, the Pistons can match, which he may not want.
And if the team is willing to endure a long summer of uncertainty, Monroe
will have to decide if he really dislikes it here enough to take the
qualifying offer's pay hit.


As free agency pushes ahead, diminished opportunities around the league could
be one factor that pushes Monroe toward signing the Pistons' qualifying offer.


"Part of it is Greg and his agent, and their strategy -- if they're pursuing
offers, or anything else," Van Gundy said. "It'll play out. I wouldn't say
I'm not a little nervous about it. I am. But it's out of my control, at least
at this point.


"Again, we've gone over everything, we know how we'll react in every
situation. It's not going to throw us for a loop, no matter what happens."


Greg Monroe free agency makes Detroit Pistons' Stan Van Gundy 'little nervous' | MLive.com
Monroe and the Pistons are at something of a stalemate and team president and head coach Van Gundy acknowledges the process could drag on for quite some time. ...


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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1405419534.A.899.html
milk0953    :恐慌大師1F 07/15 18:19
※ 編輯: thanos (, 07/15/2014 18:20:48
evangelew   :還有哪幾隊 吃得下monroe的合約??? 太陽??2F 07/15 18:20
kerogunpla  :開始恐慌了3F 07/15 18:21
yoshro      :火箭:機會來囉~~~~~4F 07/15 18:22
jeremy1202  :湖人ㄋ???5F 07/15 18:23
kurtc       :火箭要搶他幹嘛啦XDDDD 到時又跟DH衝突6F 07/15 18:23
kl015013    :蛤?他今年自由球員嗎? 完全無感7F 07/15 18:23
gox1117     :去小牛8F 07/15 18:24
yoshro      :阿災 現在每隻都有他 ==>乳摸:火箭在追求Monroe9F 07/15 18:24
jeremy1202  :小牛有錢簽了也不錯10F 07/15 18:25
jeremy1202  :希望他去湖人或小牛
thanos      :活塞想用1200續約Monroe被他拒絕了12F 07/15 18:25
thanos      :           ^萬
dogville    :拜託Monroe撐一年吧 明年馬刺頂薪準備好了14F 07/15 18:26
keroromoa   :火箭何時管球員位置衝突了15F 07/15 18:27
DAVIDWAY    :火箭來囉^_________________________^16F 07/15 18:28
dogville    :火箭沒有萬用包了是要怎麼換... 難不成要出我鬍?17F 07/15 18:28
verydisco   :不知道湖人還有沒有空間簽?18F 07/15 18:28
nkjbond     :火箭:不要都找我抬價19F 07/15 18:28
HookWorm    :Welcome to Rockets20F 07/15 18:31
bbo9527     :來太陽吧 就差個能用的大個子了21F 07/15 18:32
ChenWay     :Monroe換佈雷受好像還不錯?22F 07/15 18:33
always0410  :樓下看大范焦慮也變得很焦慮23F 07/15 18:37
langeo      :目前沒人開合約給monroe 活塞想跟也沒得跟24F 07/15 18:40
jonakemp    :熱火!!!25F 07/15 18:42
JessicaA1ba :火箭表示要同時追求綺夢與夢蘿26F 07/15 18:43
langeo      :各隊在想的應該是開了也是助攻給活塞 懶都懶得開27F 07/15 18:44
thanos      :樓上正解 明年拳王和阿罵到期 小牛和尼克都可以開28F 07/15 18:45
JackieShane :應該有人開,但Monroe沒簽29F 07/15 18:45
thanos      :頂薪簽 現在開了報價單等於助攻活塞30F 07/15 18:45
june0204    :12M都被打槍了,可能受到黑娃跟CP25的刺激了吧XDDDDD31F 07/15 18:46
su43123     :來我箭先幫他ps背號啊32F 07/15 18:46
NLchu       :大笵少耍白目了,這隻明年變FA一定是頂薪,賭三小?33F 07/15 18:53
LAKobeBryant:大范什麼時候不焦慮啊34F 07/15 18:54
coiico      :還沒開打就開始恐慌了....35F 07/15 18:54
ChenWay     :活塞開的約已經不小了1200W/y36F 07/15 18:54
NLchu       :他還真的以為活塞能用一點錢就留這隻?連Josh Smith37F 07/15 18:55
NLchu       :都開到15M了,連同隊的Meeks快7M了,然後希望他12M?
ChenWay     :J Smith開的約是前GM開的 個人覺得是溢價39F 07/15 18:57
ChenWay     :而且就算頂約1600W/Y 活塞也跟得起
ChenWay     :只是大家知道活塞跟的起 興致缺缺不想報價而已
NLchu       :Indeed42F 07/15 19:01
june0204    :請問如果S&T呢?還有出不出清J.Smith?43F 07/15 19:01
ChenWay     :我想大范開13M~14M 孟羅就會點頭了44F 07/15 19:06
avadar      :火箭全都要45F 07/15 19:06
GayLeeGur   :我箭又多一個夢可以作摟46F 07/15 19:13
hihi29      :恐慌大師 !!47F 07/15 19:14
avadar      :我箭亂槍打鳥,總會有球員上勾的48F 07/15 19:15
qtgeorge    :可是Monroe,買家剩87火箭了49F 07/15 19:18
focoket12   :湖人不追嗎,沒有好的長人,我豪會不好搭啊50F 07/15 19:19
eno03       :夢羅值得,給他五年七千萬吧51F 07/15 19:24
jojomickey2 :八奇:請PS大神幫我換個球衣!!52F 07/15 19:25
DASHOCK     :便宜耶 其他隊來鬧一下好了53F 07/15 19:25
pickon      :如果不換掉JOSH,Monroe絕對會走54F 07/15 19:31
june0204    :我湖應該沒空間可以喊了吧XDDDDDDDDDDD55F 07/15 19:32
june0204    :公鹿,76人到底有沒有達薪資下限阿?
attpp       :小牛賴打加TE跟你換57F 07/15 19:36
Uber:轉錄至看板 Pistons                                         07/15 19:37
knight0123  :連CP和黑娃都有1500,這隻應該也有這身價,而且是長人58F 07/15 19:39
larson      :剩餘薪資空間:爵士14M,76人25M,魔術14M,活塞14M59F 07/15 19:39
larson      :黃蜂10M,熱火10M,公鹿13M
larson      :薪資空間大於6.4M就是低於薪資下限
Q12345Q     :明年一堆球隊薪資都清出來了 忍一年吧62F 07/15 19:41
shau7276    :太陽直接開15m給他啦63F 07/15 19:48
shau7276    :根本不用先簽後換
yoshro      :76人這樣不是還得吃一堆人補空間= =!65F 07/15 19:51
jeremy1202  :去湖人小牛吧66F 07/15 19:58
langeo      :monroe頂薪應該是無望了 因為市場上的買家錢好像都花67F 07/15 20:01
animist     :monroe要頂薪的時間不對 今年比他大咖的太多 難啊:68F 07/15 20:01
langeo      :的差不多了 除非monroe想拿一年550萬 明年再來69F 07/15 20:01
langeo      :可是一年的變數太多 搞不好明年受傷 行情反而被打壞
OCEANBOY7329:gasol走了希望湖人能簽下他71F 07/15 20:03
june0204    :太陽的Bledsoe也還沒處理完...72F 07/15 20:10
magamanzero :感覺很異常 理論上布雷獸和夢蘿應該會有很多乳摸73F 07/15 20:21
magamanzero :實際上卻沒多少傳出來..
magamanzero :同樣是RFA的高富帥倒是很快就交易完成
tsubasa6405 :一定會跟就沒人想抬轎吧76F 07/15 20:26
june0204    :可能因為他們有很大的薪資空間77F 07/15 20:31
june0204    :火箭跟的話3巨頭美夢就鎖死了
yao60301    :為何當初小牛不追monroe 反而去交易拳王?79F 07/15 20:32
GANZ        :Monroe 生涯火鍋0.6 怎麼cover司機80F 07/15 20:47
lovecmgirls :看到黑娃CP那種約肯定拒絕12M81F 07/15 20:57
lovecmgirls :可能評估活塞一定匹配任何報價,所以不想簽Monroe
liusim      :因為他們的gm沒給司機報價啊83F 07/15 21:02
shihchinlun :今年球員怎麼都這麼貴...84F 07/15 21:11
ChenWay     :孟羅是打PF的 跟司機衝突吧85F 07/15 21:14
simon0131   :我湖中鋒還有誰.....86F 07/15 21:21

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