※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-29 20:59:37
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作者 標題 [外絮] Hibbert說的「自私的傢伙」指的是Stephenson
時間 Thu May 29 16:22:34 2014
Report: Hibbert’s‘selfish dudes’comments was directed at Lance Stephenson
At the end of March when the Pacers were right in the thick of their
second-half struggles, Roy Hibbert lashed out at his teammates following a
loss to the Wizards.
在今年三月底,溜馬在對巫師的下半場打得很掙扎,隨後也輸球了,Roy Hibbert在賽後
“Some selfish dudes in here,” Roy Hibbert muttered. “
Some selfish dudes. I’m tired of talking about it. We’ve been talking about
it for a month.”
“We play hard, but we’ve got to move the ball,” Hibbert
said. “Is it obvious, or what? I don’t know whatever our assist ratio, or
whatever it is, is in the league, but it probably isn’t up there. I’m
really trying hard not to spaz out right now, but I don’t know. We’ve been
talking about it for a month. I’m not handling the rock. I don’t know. I’
ve made suggestions before and we do it for, like, one game, and then we
revert back to what we are. I don’t know. I’m not the one to answer that
question. It directly affects me and the bigs. We’re just out there and it
makes us look bad.”
As it turns out, Hibbert wasn’t taking down a group of players with these
remarks. Instead, they were directed solely at Lance Stephenson.
Report: Hibbert’s ‘selfish dudes’ comments w - 05-29-2014
At the end of March when the Pacers were right in the thick of their second-half struggles, Roy Hibbert lashed out at his teammates following a loss to the Wizards.
“Some selfish dudes in here,” Ro ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1401351760.A.A9F.html
※ 編輯: neoage (, 05/29/2014 16:24:29
推 :國王的標題1F 05/29 16:23
→ :king's title2F 05/29 16:23
→ :舊聞?3F 05/29 16:24
推 :新衣的標題4F 05/29 16:24
推 :謠言不是說溜馬練習時 使地分身說了稀薄特代綠帽的5F 05/29 16:25
→ :事?
→ :所以看來不爽他也很正常
→ :事?
→ :所以看來不爽他也很正常
→ :看來只能兩個之中選一個留下來了8F 05/29 16:27
推 :舞王每次拿到球就在那邊抖動 時間快到才丟炸彈9F 05/29 16:30
推 :有什麼好選 hibbert已經續約了阿 放舞王吧10F 05/29 16:30
→ :是他隊友當然會崩潰11F 05/29 16:30
推 :老大?????????????????12F 05/29 16:31
→ :把他換去湖人!!!!!!!!!13F 05/29 16:34
推 :舊聞了吧 而且Roy自己打好不要當通靈王就好14F 05/29 16:37
推 :一堆反24号的急著說是PG15F 05/29 16:37
推 :史蒂文森 <--> 哈登 何如?16F 05/29 16:39
→ :這不是舊文嗎.....17F 05/29 16:40
推 :這是今天的外電 這次明確指出是舞王18F 05/29 16:41
推 :他有吹氣嗎?19F 05/29 16:42
推 :PG:還好我3P都有揪20F 05/29 16:43
推 :Roy Hibbert:我是當今聯盟第一中鋒21F 05/29 16:46
推 :地方的火箭需要hibert22F 05/29 16:46
→ :我猜下一場溜馬輸球 然後Lance被交易23F 05/29 16:59
推 :Lance跟CP25一樣便宜又大碗,溜馬應該會留吧24F 05/29 17:27
→ :預估45M~50M/5y
→ :預估45M~50M/5y
推 :KOBE:幹嘛?26F 05/29 17:29
推 :這篇有什麼公信力需要特別翻譯轉載嗎.. 網站不是主流27F 05/29 17:37
→ :傳媒 而且他全文還是引用ESPN的報導吧
→ :"Click here for full article" ...
→ :傳媒 而且他全文還是引用ESPN的報導吧
→ :"Click here for full article" ...
推 :把舞王交易調吧30F 05/29 17:47
→ :KB24自私一哥無誤31F 05/29 17:55
推 :原文完整文章的下面 讀者也在批評這篇報導的意義跟32F 05/29 17:56
→ :Hibbert 有興趣的版友可以去看看
→ :Hibbert 有興趣的版友可以去看看
→ :跟鬍子同隊過你就知道什麼叫團隊籃球34F 05/29 18:12
→ :都是拜嫩把老大病毒帶過去35F 05/29 18:19
推 :這傢伙連接球時要卡位都不會,又打不進去還敢要球?36F 05/29 18:40
推 :某人殘體字請滾37F 05/29 18:49
推 :殘體顆迷快滾吧38F 05/29 19:34
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 63
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