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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] D.West+L.Stephenson<--->R.Rondo?
時間 Thu May 29 08:00:33 2014
The Indiana Pacers are on the verge of being eliminated, fueling talks
suggesting that the team could make big moves this offseason in hopes of
improving their title chances next season.
According to Hoops Rumors, the Pacers, who are down 3-1 in the Eastern
Conference Finals against the Miami, could make a strong push to acquire
Rajon Rondo this summer.
Rajon Rondo。
NBA analysts are convinced that the Pacers need an upgrade at the point guard
position if they want to finally dethrone the Heat, and Rondo has been
continuously being linked to Indiana.
Celtics president of basketball operations Danny Ainge has been insisting
that the All-Star point guard will not be traded, but Myron believes that
they are just looking for the right offer to come.
塞爾提克的營運部總裁Danny Ainge堅稱不會交易Rondo,但是Myron相信只要他們
According to Myron, the Pacers could convince the Celtics to part ways with
Rondo if Indiana will be willing to package David West along with Lance
Stephenson, who is having a breakout season this year.
Myron提到,如果溜馬願意送出David West和Lance Stephenson的交易包裹或許可以
"The Pacers could get Rondo, but it might take giving up Stephenson in a
sign-and-trade along with David West, whom the Celtics wanted to sign after
the lockout," Myron wrote.
However, the possible trade depends on Stephenson's willingness to play for
the Celtics, considering the fact that the 23-year-old guard, who averaged
13.8 points to go along with 7.2 rebounds and 4.6 assists during the regular
season, will be an unrestricted free agent this summer.
Rondo, who started the season sidelined by an ACL injury, averaged 11.7
points to go along with 9.8 assists and 5.5 rebounds in 30 games this season.
NBA Trade Rumors 2014: Indiana Pacers Could Acquire Rajon Rondo; Sacramento Kings Interested in Kevin Love : Sports : Latin Post
The Indiana Pacers are on the verge of being eliminated, fueling talks suggesting that the team could make big moves this offseason in hopes of improving their title chances next season. ...
The Indiana Pacers are on the verge of being eliminated, fueling talks suggesting that the team could make big moves this offseason in hopes of improving their title chances next season. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1401321636.A.7B2.html
→ :溜馬虧爆1F 05/29 08:01
→ :升級後衛卻拆掉內線 和熱火拼輪轉?2F 05/29 08:01
推 :選到Smart這樣搞一定ok阿3F 05/29 08:01
推 :溜馬少了West還打個屁阿..................4F 05/29 08:03
推 :亂抖這樣換得到喔@@5F 05/29 08:04
推 :west最強的欸6F 05/29 08:06
→ :季後賽根本就大衛西在打而已...要不然早就被淘汰了7F 05/29 08:06
→ :又腦補 軟豆除了助攻沒扮相優點8F 05/29 08:07
推 :West目前像是一哥9F 05/29 08:07
推 :看起來的確是我們青賽賺,拜託不要換了10F 05/29 08:07
推 :這包太鳥了啦...超智障的11F 05/29 08:09
→ :別鬧了 要Rondo來 West更不能走12F 05/29 08:09
→ :Rondo最有威力的地方就是能跟內外兼修的PF打擋拆
→ :Rondo最有威力的地方就是能跟內外兼修的PF打擋拆
推 :丟搞才這樣換14F 05/29 08:11
推 :6馬就靠 West 了, 換了根本智障15F 05/29 08:11
推 :換是可以 但west絕對不能走啦16F 05/29 08:12
E.Turner+G.Hill<--->R.Rondo 薪資對等 如何?
※ 編輯: thanos (, 05/29/2014 08:13:42
推 :軟豆來還是被LBJ打爆+釘板阿17F 05/29 08:14
推 :薪資對等也要價值對等阿...18F 05/29 08:14
→ :超賽會想要舞王嗎?19F 05/29 08:15
→ :west是一哥? ptt少數人的見解真是跟全世界不同20F 05/29 08:15
推 :舞王的市場價值應該不低吧,有機會成為全明星21F 05/29 08:16
→ :turner+hill 青賽應該不會換吧..22F 05/29 08:17
→ :軟豆都已經沒特異功能了一堆人還在腦補幹麻23F 05/29 08:20
→ :"目前像是"而已,閱讀能力要加強喔24F 05/29 08:22
推 :沒有West,Rondo來是能把球助攻給誰?沒人站得住低位阿25F 05/29 08:22
→ :太不划算了…26F 05/29 08:23
→ :所以每一隊的一哥 一場打不好 一哥就會換人哦lol27F 05/29 08:23
推 :West才成為溜馬的老大哥 而且去年才延長續約的樣子28F 05/29 08:24
推 :C's的大前鋒很多人了啦,不可能換29F 05/29 08:24
→ :看你對一哥的定義啦,但其實應該沒有吧,這有那麼重要?30F 05/29 08:27
推 :青賽不會要West這老人啦31F 05/29 08:30
→ :是不重要 只是覺得這種見解很獨特而已32F 05/29 08:31
推 :又還沒打完33F 05/29 08:32
推 :一哥去釣魚、中鋒一直睡 西哥這段期間是一哥沒錯阿34F 05/29 08:33
推 :放心,我也沒有很認真的要拱他作王牌什麼的,如果貶損35F 05/29 08:33
→ :到你支持的球員抱歉了
→ :到你支持的球員抱歉了
→ :turner要練起來 不然這個交易虧死37F 05/29 08:34
→ :丟west 基本上溜馬就掰了38F 05/29 08:36
推 :kerno是那個對投票有獨特見解的人嗎 XD39F 05/29 08:36
→ :抱歉啦 沒有要辯 才剛讓一個人被站規罰 最近先休息一40F 05/29 08:38
→ :下乖乖看球好了
→ :下乖乖看球好了
推 :屁啦 大鳥乾兒子怎麼可能拿去換 賣鬧42F 05/29 08:38
推 :PG這系列打太差了,守不住LBJ只能站前,讓禁區被爽切,43F 05/29 08:39
→ :熱火也打站前,但溜馬就是切不進.PG加油啊,你不爆發今
→ :天就打包去釣魚了,可以釣很久.
→ :熱火也打站前,但溜馬就是切不進.PG加油啊,你不爆發今
→ :天就打包去釣魚了,可以釣很久.
推 :他可能小船都買好了xD 準備釣整個夏季46F 05/29 08:46
→ :Rondo在老人離開之後還沒能證明自己47F 05/29 08:57
→ :溜馬不會要這個中二的48F 05/29 09:02
推 :West很猛欸...49F 05/29 09:03
推 :BOS一堆PF要養拿WEST幹嘛?50F 05/29 09:15
推 :軟豆來還不是一樣被LBJ打爆?51F 05/29 09:15
推 :溜馬瘋了嗎52F 05/29 09:20
噓 :還沒淘汰就要賣掉嗎?53F 05/29 09:28
推 :早就該四克拉球權了54F 05/29 09:29
推 :Rondo要怎樣才算是 證明自己??55F 05/29 09:31
推 :期待Stephenson去塞當王,看看他有多少能耐56F 05/29 09:31
→ :C's在重建期還能場均9.8助攻57F 05/29 09:32
推 :送出West,就是繼妙麗之後,第二次自爆58F 05/29 09:32
→ :West到頂了 走下坡是預料中事59F 05/29 09:35
推 :但用科學訓練加保養配老天保佑的話可以讓這頂頂很久60F 05/29 09:40
→ :West能保持今年狀況的話 那還是一位很好的球員
→ :West能保持今年狀況的話 那還是一位很好的球員
推 :問題在 C's拿West要幹嗎?62F 05/29 09:42
→ :軟豆一樣過不了LBJ定辜支63F 05/29 09:46
→ :這一換溜馬就一輪遊了64F 05/29 09:46
→ :拿這樣去換 內線剩下hibbert穩輸的65F 05/29 09:46
噓 :軟豆需要外線練準 態度謙虛 不恥下問66F 05/29 09:49
→ :放掉West簡直是腦殘 換個盤球時間超長沒投籃的後衛67F 05/29 09:50
→ :軟豆目前對球隊的價值還比不上高速MARIO68F 05/29 09:51
→ :內線一內一外就是最好搭配
→ :內線一內一外就是最好搭配
推 :溜馬好賺 軟豆比CP3還強上數倍耶70F 05/29 09:52
→ :稀薄只要加強進攻手段就夠了71F 05/29 09:52
噓 :傻了?72F 05/29 10:01
推 :少了West必死無疑73F 05/29 10:07
推 :季後賽根本就靠這兩隻在撐,要交易也不能選這兩隻吧74F 05/29 10:14
→ :!
→ :!
推 :丟West還要軟豆幹嘛?76F 05/29 10:16
推 :kerno真是見解獨特77F 05/29 10:19
推 :怎麼可能丟West去換Rondo 超虧78F 05/29 10:22
噓 :這是幻想文吧79F 05/29 10:25
推 :吾溜大虧80F 05/29 10:32
推 :可是看了一下超賽的陣容,亂斗能洗到快10助攻也不容81F 05/29 10:33
→ :易吧
→ :易吧
推 :籃0王單換軟豆,老賽內線瞬間升等83F 05/29 10:33
推 :我抓到推人84F 05/29 10:35
→ :放槍
→ :放槍
→ :我覺得雙輸86F 05/29 10:45
噓 :不恥下問三小87F 05/29 10:46
噓 :肚爛韋你頭三小88F 05/29 10:52
推 :最穩的west交易掉還搞屁89F 05/29 10:56
推 :Hill和舞王可以丟 West丟可虧大了阿90F 05/29 10:59
噓 :幹 這......91F 05/29 11:09
→ :用West單換Rondo都不划算吧92F 05/29 11:09
→ :寄生火迷開始酸了大家快閃93F 05/29 11:15
→ :PG表示:37分6板6抄 我不是一哥94F 05/29 11:21
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