看板 YP
作者 標題 [問片] 像球般滾動前進的生物-恐怖(驚悚)片()
時間 2013年10月24日 Thu. PM 10:47:03
看板 movie
作者 標題 [問片]像球般滾動前進的生物-恐怖(驚悚)片
時間 Tue Oct 22 20:28:57 2013
作者 hawaii987 (綠茶無糖去冰) 看板 sex
標題 [新聞] C.羅女友噴E乳 露半球壓奶
推 :西螺站 到了02/17 15:48
→ :西囉沾 兜勒02/17 15:49
→ :塞雷站 告阿02/17 15:50
推 :we are now at C羅 station02/17 15:54
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: pataco 來自: (10/22 20:29)
→ :小魔星1F 10/22 20:31
推 :Critters2F 10/22 21:10
推 :小精靈 ????3F 10/22 21:15
推 :攻擊方式是滾過去吃人 有好幾集 越拍越爛4F 10/22 22:04
推 :我好像也有看過類似的片子,是一團粉紅色的吃人麻糬5F 10/22 23:06
推 :好像叫外星/星際毀滅者?超愛吃會發射刺針的外星人?6F 10/22 23:08
推 :小精靈?碰到水會分裂壞個性的同類7F 10/23 00:45
推 :樂可樂可8F 10/23 12:32
推 :不是小魔星(蜘蛛) 也不是小精靈 是《外星通緝者》(Critters)9F 10/23 12:39
→ :拍了一系列不只一集 他們可以合體變成一顆大球滾過去吃人
→ :http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090887/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
→ :拍了一系列不只一集 他們可以合體變成一顆大球滾過去吃人
→ :http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090887/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
Critters (1986) - IMDb
Directed by Stephen Herek. With Dee Wallace, M. Emmet Walsh, Billy Green Bush, Scott Grimes. A race of small, furry aliens make lunch out of the locals in a farming town. ...
Critters 2 (1988) - IMDb
Directed by Mick Garris. With Scott Grimes, Liane Curtis, Terrence Mann, Don Keith Opper. Eggs of the small, furry alien carnivores are left behind on Earth and, after hatching, set their appetites on the next neighboring town. ...
Critters 3 (1991) - IMDb
Directed by Kristine Peterson. With John Calvin, Aimee Brooks, Christian Cousins, Joseph Cousins. The tiny fur ball aliens that will eat anything or anyone set their sights on a Los Angeles apartment tower. ...
Critters 4 (1992) - IMDb
Directed by Rupert Harvey. With Don Keith Opper, Terrence Mann, Paul Whitthorne, Anders Hove. After being cryogenically frozen and waking up on a space station in the near future, the Critters aim to have the unwitting crew for lunch. ...
→ :以上是1~4集的imdb資料 值得一提的是 李奧納多有演第三集XD15F 10/23 12:41
推 :泰博倫之日的吃人怪物16F 10/23 20:53
→ :google一下,是Critters沒錯!謝謝各位17F 10/23 21:46
推 :外星通緝者(Critters)18F 10/23 21:52
※ 作者: YP 時間: 2013-10-24 22:47:03
※ 看板: YP 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 248