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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-03-17 19:09:52
看板 WomenTalk
作者 Vivian5566 (5566)
標題 [閒聊] 大家最喜歡Katy Perry 的哪首歌?
時間 Tue Mar 15 18:30:02 2016

人正身材又好又有魅力 超喜歡
比較喜歡的是teenage dream   hot n cold

但最喜歡的是wide awake!


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KEKEKUO: QQ1F 03/15 18:30
※ 編輯: Vivian5566 (, 03/15/2016 18:31:11
chihao5566: 沒聽過QQ2F 03/15 18:33
candy88512: This is how we do3F 03/15 18:34
chuchuer: TGIF、fireworks4F 03/15 18:35
hoduck0505: teenage dream5F 03/15 18:35
abwaa: The one that got away / birthday6F 03/15 18:36
sheltie1127: waking up in vegas7F 03/15 18:37
iinstan: E.T8F 03/15 18:37
kv8220: teenage dream沒有之一9F 03/15 18:39
chihao5566: 剛剛去查才發現聽過超多...Dark Horse10F 03/15 18:40
katychen: firework,E.T .,roar, part of me好多都好好聽11F 03/15 18:41
coconut322: firework12F 03/15 18:41
pig322: Roar13F 03/15 18:44
Louina: wide awake too :D14F 03/15 18:48
mariaday: Thinking of you15F 03/15 18:48
cosmogirl: the one that got away, TGIF16F 03/15 18:49
jdoraemon: Teenage dream、the one way you got away17F 03/15 18:50
jdoraemon: 、California girl、roar...好多
qwerfvdc: 我也是她的粉 好聽的太多啦><19F 03/15 18:51
haaaana: thinking of you超催淚20F 03/15 18:54
makoto0915: teenage dream21F 03/15 18:54
noneed: hot n cold/the one that got away22F 03/15 18:56
rt321: firework23F 03/15 18:58
librann: teenage dream24F 03/15 18:58
Katy Perry - Dark Horse (Official) ft. Juicy J - YouTube
Get “Dark Horse" feat. Juicy J from Katy Perry’s PRISM:  Do you want to play with magic? Insert yourself into the video using #DarkHo...

ruruyen777: The one that got away26F 03/15 19:00
svul3mp5: Wide awake27F 03/15 19:01
adam00093: Birthday28F 03/15 19:02
cindy8512: Roar29F 03/15 19:03
eileen200321: teenage dream mv超美的!30F 03/15 19:04
misszerozero: Teenage dream31F 03/15 19:04
MDLOVE: wide away超好聽32F 03/15 19:05
MDLOVE: *awake 打錯
yingrain: firework34F 03/15 19:07
soga0309: Thinking of you35F 03/15 19:07
lpbrother: 支持36F 03/15 19:08
emptyz89513: Roar37F 03/15 19:11
silence6927: Dark house38F 03/15 19:12
silence6927: 打錯 是Horse XDDDDD
ac517790: firework40F 03/15 19:17
minhua12: firework41F 03/15 19:17
burlesque: Roar42F 03/15 19:17
YuTacooooo: Thinking of you/The one that got away/Firework/...43F 03/15 19:17
YuTacooooo: ..多到不行鐵粉每首都喜歡
sky1119: the one that got away45F 03/15 19:17
stss: dark horse46F 03/15 19:21
lincnan: roar47F 03/15 19:21
smart8122: the one that got away48F 03/15 19:21
chink5566: hot n cold49F 03/15 19:22
whoohoo: hot n cold50F 03/15 19:23
youngtree516: the one that got away51F 03/15 19:26
susukkk: the one that got away 失戀金曲qq52F 03/15 19:28
susukkk: mv每次都看到哭!
kc1c: roar愛上她的真~54F 03/15 19:29
RPHero: hot n cold超好聽 是高中搭公車聽icrt愛上55F 03/15 19:29
NewTyPeRose: Thinking of you56F 03/15 19:30
lelechiba: Birthday57F 03/15 19:31
tika: Part of me !58F 03/15 19:35
nbmrockon: 跟她不熟但熱愛walking in air!!!!!!!!!!!!birthday也59F 03/15 19:36
nbmrockon: 不錯
audzzz: teenage dream61F 03/15 19:40
momotoro: I'm Still Breathing62F 03/15 19:45
bobyhsu: TOTGA63F 03/15 19:48
ott: http://disp.cc/b/18-2vxH (Katy Perry - Firework (Victoria64F 03/15 19:48
Katy Perry - Firework (Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010) - ott板 - Disp BBS
  Lyrics:(official) Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind 你曾經感覺像任風擺佈的塑膠袋 Wan
dzshdavid: firework無誤65F 03/15 19:50
fallingjp: not like the movie / thinking of you66F 03/15 19:50
Ftou: hot n cold67F 03/15 19:51
hate23: 全部都愛耶 XD68F 03/15 19:53
hate23: 沒推到,補一下
sherry228: Dark horse70F 03/15 19:54
hate23: 阿咧 手機怪怪的71F 03/15 19:55
hisssea: 喜歡 teenage dream!!!!!!!72F 03/15 19:59
si183009: Dark horse  !!!73F 03/15 20:04
s12319110: i到了 kiss a girl><  剛紅時他當音樂節目主持人有表演74F 03/15 20:04
s12319110: 這首歌,自從那次就被電到喜歡她!
s12319110: i kiss a girl  上面留言手機在跟我開玩笑啊……
jamie0523: Firework!一聽還會再聽!77F 03/15 20:06
claire174: 聽了很久只有Teenage dream永遠不膩! 還有I kiss a gi78F 03/15 20:10
claire174: rl也不錯
a7412121: Roar80F 03/15 20:11
exas612: fireworks,喜歡ET的MV81F 03/15 20:12
connie0418: Dark horse82F 03/15 20:14
bg306900: 科科83F 03/15 20:20
sofa: et84F 03/15 20:21
joesmile: Part of me 分手振作必聽! Dark Horse/This is How We85F 03/15 20:28
joesmile:  Do/Firework/Teenage Dream冷門有一首Legendary Lover
joesmile: 之前很愛
sausage16: I kissed a girl !!!!我聽了這首立刻掉入她的坑XD88F 03/15 20:36
tinyyu: Dark Horse89F 03/15 20:38
vannah: 喜歡E.T.跟The one that got away90F 03/15 20:38
jslinbb: Unconditionally91F 03/15 20:40
fresh888: I kissed a girl 因為這首開始喜歡他的歌,TGIF也好好92F 03/15 20:49
fresh888: 聽
tiffany8931: Roar94F 03/15 20:49
li924iy: roar95F 03/15 20:50
tvsiecnkgy: 最愛firework96F 03/15 21:00
j147589: fireworks 連金正恩都愛97F 03/15 21:04
chouyu1022: 11樓推的都好聽98F 03/15 21:08
daifuku: Part of me!mv也很勵志99F 03/15 21:12
cynthiasx: 也是wide awake!100F 03/15 21:13
stevexbucky: Firework101F 03/15 21:13
whoisanky: 舞力全開好多他的歌 跳的好開心~~~102F 03/15 21:15
abc41327: This is how we do 沒有之一103F 03/15 21:15
breadbrad: 只有E.T104F 03/15 21:18
qwe159236: 實力派,不走歪。105F 03/15 21:30
cydialove: firework106F 03/15 21:31
mavisgao: Dressin' Up107F 03/15 21:35
myroy: Thinking of you108F 03/15 21:36
mirja: thinking of you109F 03/15 21:39
celida: 喜歡roar!!!110F 03/15 21:46
bread10x: i lissed a girl加1111F 03/15 21:47
bread10x: kissed*
flora917: 只有E. T聽不膩113F 03/15 22:02
yufan097898: Firework114F 03/15 22:06
puddingxddd: I kissed a girl115F 03/15 22:07
appleguo: 毫不猶豫 dark horse116F 03/15 22:08
loloveit: firework117F 03/15 22:19
robim: teenage dream!!!118F 03/15 22:23
noupset: thinking of you119F 03/15 22:29
tseupnpneyi: Hummingbird Heartbeat120F 03/15 22:33
ytc9607: Thinking of you121F 03/15 22:35
bieber0302: firework122F 03/15 22:39
purplegucci: The one that got awat123F 03/15 22:48
purplegucci: Away
lovelamb: firework!!低落時候聽會振作起來!125F 03/15 23:02
zorara: firework126F 03/15 23:12
lorde1107: I Kissed a girl~127F 03/15 23:21
wxyz111: fireworker128F 03/15 23:28
nyx254: Unconditionally129F 03/15 23:44
flora1210: E.T Roar130F 03/15 23:46
kaet: I Kissed a Girl131F 03/15 23:52
chiawen0601: unconditionally132F 03/15 23:53
assk1231: Roar133F 03/16 00:02
sh19931217: 超喜歡roar134F 03/16 00:03
wingCL: 最喜歡part of me135F 03/16 00:06
a85316: Part of me、Teenage dream、Hot n cold、Friday night136F 03/16 00:06
nelljin: i kissed a girl,hot n cold,thinking of you,(第一張專137F 03/16 00:31
nelljin: 輯的都很喜歡)
ruruyen777: 忘記推i'm still breathing 每次難過失意必聽139F 03/16 00:38
ningg: teenage dream ~~可是這首現場唱很難唱好XDD140F 03/16 00:40
gpszero: hot n cold141F 03/16 00:44
BABOs: the one that got away142F 03/16 00:48
blue1725: The one that got away/I kiss a girl143F 03/16 00:50
baby5731: Teenage dream144F 03/16 00:56
doravigenlee: Think of you145F 03/16 01:01
a0953952096: firework146F 03/16 01:01
holyQ: ET147F 03/16 01:09
sisi29508: teenage dream 這輩子唯一一次去看演唱會就是katyperry148F 03/16 01:26
sisi29508: 竟然快一年了!
MM79979: 怎麼辦 每首機乎都能當主打般好聽150F 03/16 01:41
binfentea: It Takes Two151F 03/16 01:51
forever135: hot n cold, unconditionally, By the grace of god152F 03/16 02:57
featherbbma: Wide Awake, ET, Dark Horse, I Kissed a Girl153F 03/16 03:20
mandymm103: firework154F 03/16 04:29
suchiachi: roar 當時在澳洲狂聽XD回台後聽到roar感覺就像回到au!!155F 03/16 07:34
Hamachan: Roar,好喜歡MV,會幻想自己被大象洗頭髮,有老虎寵物156F 03/16 07:56
ccwhat: 愛錢 只愛出口水歌157F 03/16 10:29
aaa77413: Firework158F 03/16 11:11
robotcl: Unconditional159F 03/16 11:20
monkeygirl81: Fridaynight160F 03/16 11:55
as1738: wide awake++++161F 03/16 13:06
kk8850tw: the one that got away162F 03/16 13:09
yzkeroro: Thinking of You超讚 全都超好聽喇<3163F 03/16 13:39
Sparks0917: Hummingbird Heartbeat 沒有之一164F 03/16 16:24
Sparks0917: 蠻喜歡她的 不過同意她只出口水歌@@
bubblyred: Not like the movie166F 03/16 17:23
juncc118: this moment , I kissed a girl , part of me167F 03/16 17:40
DingFT: The one that got away168F 03/16 18:22
vanessa710: Peacock169F 03/16 18:24
jengeddie: 我難過170F 03/16 20:48
haha1989888: Roar,firework171F 03/17 00:45
gogokathryn: This is how we do172F 03/17 01:27
TT0916: ET173F 03/17 05:48
JayceLai: The one that got away174F 03/17 09:24
JayceLai: Starstruck
winnie14725: Teenage dream!!176F 03/17 09:45

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1樓 時間: 2016-03-18 15:28:06 (台灣)
  03-18 15:28 TW
最喜歡~The One That Got Away!
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