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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-03-19 09:19:11
看板 WomenTalk
作者 ZaneTrout (台中神鱒)
標題 [討論]女孩們最喜歡的男運動員
時間 Sat Mar 18 02:26:40 2017



Maria Sharapova.Caroline Wozniaki.詹皓晴...



Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic - The Unmatched Champion (HD) | Tribute - YouTube 2015 - The greatest season of tennis history. 11 titles, Year-end #1 and breaking number of other records. One man dominated from beginning to the end and no...


Roger Federer
Roger Federer - All Grand Slam Championship Points - YouTube
Congratulations Roger Federer on your 18th Grand Slam title! Here they are: All of Roger Federer's Grand Slam Championship Points. Raz Ols


Rafael Nadal
Rafael Nadal - All 69 Championship Points and counting [HD] - YouTube Follow the video "Roger Federer - All 88 Match Points and counting" of TennisTop10's, so I made this project for Rafa. Enjoys and dont forget like, comment n...


Andy Murray
Andy Murray - Grand Slam Champion ᴴᴰ (Tribute) - YouTube
Facebook page:   The Australian Open tribute that I c...


Andre Agassi
Andre Agassi - Top 10 Best Points Ever - YouTube
It's time for another legend: this time the great Andre Agassi! Here are, in my opinion, his 10 best points from his career. Don't forget to like, comment an...



Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant Mix - It's My Time (HD) - YouTube
A Kobe Bryant career mix with the best highlights since he had the number 24 and a great song. Song: It's My Time - Fabolous ft Jeremih Absolutely no copyrig...


Dwyane Wade
Dwyane Wade Mix "Flash" ᴴᴰ - YouTube
interested in joining the program at the start of the video? Check out: boingvert.com/time Instagram:  Hope you g...


LeBron James
LeBron James - "Lord Knows Mix" - YouTube
LeBron James had a great season, which unfortunately came to an end by the hands of Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors and in this video you will se...


Stephen Curry
NBA - Stephen Curry Mix - "Black Beatles" ᴴᴰ - YouTube
#SkuBNatioN (SUBSCRIBE ITS FREE) Follow My Social Media! - Twitter: @subhanimran_ - Instagram: @subhanimran_ - Snapchat: @subhaniimran TURN MY POST NOTIFICAT...


Ricky Robio
Ricky Rubio Mix - "No Interruption" ᴴᴰ - YouTube
Thanks for Watching! Song: Hoodie Allen - No Interruption 2nd Channel:  Follow Me:


Goran Dragic
Goran Dragic Mix - "My House" ᴴᴰ - YouTube
Song - Flo Rida - My House Thank you for watching! Be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the video and sub for more videos! Connect With Ya Boi Instagram - ...


Jeremy Lin
Jeremy Lin Mix- Linsanity ʜᴅ - YouTube
Thanks for watching my video Don't forget to subscribe and like all my other videos Follow my Instagram @nbanation.edits I do not own anything in this video ...



野獸林志傑中華隊特輯 -「我不離開」 - YouTube
2013年亞錦賽, 林志傑帶領中華隊打敗中國、打進前四強, 帶給台灣球迷無限的希望與感動。 隨著2015瓊斯盃的結束, 無論今年是不是志傑為中華隊打的最後一年, 我們都相信,志傑在球場上留下的身影從未離開。



Mike Trout
Mike Trout Career Highlights - YouTube
A Career Highlights Video for Mike Trout!


Buster Posey
Buster Posey- Career Highlights "Believe" - YouTube
Song- Believe (T-Mass Remix) || None of these video clips are mine, I just put them together


Kris Bryant
Kris Bryant | 2016 "MVP" Highlights ᴴᴰ - YouTube
Kris Bryant | 2016 Cubs Highlights ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please like, comment, and share! Song: Flower - Mo...


Dan Haren
Dan Haren Career Highlights - YouTube
Dodger fans: Dan Haren will return to form this year - 2014!



陳偉殷 Wei-Yin Chen チェン・ウェイン | 2015 Full Highlights | Baltimore Orioles | MLB 2015 Season - YouTube •出生日期:1985年07月21日 •身高體重:183公分 89公斤 •投打習慣:左投左打 •守備位置:投手(斜肩投球) •最快球速:154 km/h (2009年日本職棒一軍) 96 mph (約154 km/h,2014年MLB) •擅長球路:四縫線快速球、二縫線快速球、滑球、曲球、變速球 •出生地點:中華民...





Lionel Messi
Career Highlights of Lionel Messi - YouTube
Lionel Messi - beyond measurement. This video is about Messi's career highlights for FC Barcelona


Neymar Jr.
Neymar Jr ●King Of Dribbling Skills● 2016 |HD| - YouTube
Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram:  -------...


Christiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo - Ultimate 'Career Highlight' Montage - YouTube Cristiano Ronaldo - Ultimate 'Career Highlight' Montage Please like the video and share wherever you can (Twitter, Facebook, Google+). I upload in the best p...


Gareth Bale
Gareth Bale 2016-17 ● Dribbling Skills/Tricks & Goals || HD - YouTube *If you have anything against my uploads (use of content etc.), please don't make a scene, send me an email: sportvideosmm2@gmail.com and I'll take it down. ...


Gerd M棊ler
Gerd Muller ●Best goals and skills in history ● HD - YouTube
Gerd Muller ●Best goals and skills in history ● HD Gerd Muller ●Best goals and skills in history ● HD Gerd Muller ●Best goals and skills in history ● HD Gerd...


像是Usain Bolt.Michael Phelps...

我是部落衝突Pollo o Pavone部落的首領


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YUTU: 慢跑選手馬英九1F 03/18 02:27
mxr: 只要白人都喜歡2F 03/18 02:28
MonkeyCL: 黑人都長得一模一樣…3F 03/18 02:28
jetaime851: 啊啊啊啊我正在幻想c羅1樓你幹嘛4F 03/18 02:29
YUTU: 黑人差很多好爆5F 03/18 02:29
YUTU: 馬帥度不下西螺
YummyBosh: Oden屌超大7F 03/18 02:32
YUTU: 看過?8F 03/18 02:32
YummyBosh: 網路上有圖!或者去NBA板找9F 03/18 02:33
SunSky0126: 529!!!!!!10F 03/18 02:34
kvhiucn: 最近喜歡的是Irving跟LaVine 還有星海哥 豪鬼也不錯> <11F 03/18 02:56
iiiiyouyou: 沒有信安?12F 03/18 03:01
tingmeow: 努力找圖中13F 03/18 03:04
hawaiisu: 一朗14F 03/18 03:05
dwdt: Roger Federer辣>_<15F 03/18 03:09
DenTisGirl: 0////0!!16F 03/18 03:24
melissalewis: 不花的連男生都覺得帥,亂搞的就是人渣一枚17F 03/18 03:32
charlieman: Rudy Fernandez18F 03/18 03:40
JohnLackey: Jose Fernandez19F 03/18 03:45
wty84136: 費爸跟納豆<320F 03/18 03:57
qookennylin: 當然是貝爾君啦21F 03/18 04:28
miro119: 居然有放到 Gerd  M棊ler 讓人有些意外~最愛的當然是Miro  03/18 04:3
miro119: Miroslav Klose23F 03/18 04:34
miro119: 推文變得怪怪的…原po看到可以幫忙修成正確人名嗎?感謝
miro119: ~25F 03/18 04:35
jonsauwi: 啊啊,看到Klose的名字真開心...XDD 不過我很花心還喜歡26F 03/18 04:39
jonsauwi: Inzaghi!
kyodaisuki: 費爸、LBJ28F 03/18 04:40
cpf0119: 民運青年 陳為庭、林飛帆29F 03/18 04:47
cpf0119: 陳為庭又高又帥又高學歷 根本三高青年QQ
cpf0119: 我們班都超愛他的
smallay7: Torres32F 03/18 04:51
a193362: Federer! 最近新歡是Zverev33F 03/18 05:20
sakuradrops: yuzuru!34F 03/18 05:30
syvia1026: 李龍大35F 03/18 05:33
syvia1026: 還有陶菲克,雖然退役已久...
insulin: Djo Dirk37F 03/18 06:01
Dirk Nowitzki~~~
amos30627: westdoor Dinter38F 03/18 06:21
chhwchinese: Rafa還有培閎~39F 03/18 07:04
※ 編輯: ZaneTrout (, 03/18/2017 07:10:27
MWSR: Rafa 和 Murray40F 03/18 07:11
ZaneTrout: 握手41F 03/18 07:11
jessie801109: Roger Federer <342F 03/18 07:20
yangbaobao: 蔣智賢 王柏融43F 03/18 07:22
m03495: kimi raikkonen~44F 03/18 07:37
sirenita: Iker Casillas45F 03/18 07:53
Anna0207: 永遠的費爸~46F 03/18 07:54
detectiveak: 羽生結弦47F 03/18 08:08
IlovePete: 唯一不變的Federer!48F 03/18 08:41
sampsonhugh: 有任何意見歡迎寫信給行政院  [url]http://0rz.tw/UJHXZ[/url]49F 03/18 08:43
Norh: Manuel Neuer我男友51F 03/18 08:46
Walmart: 加藤鷹52F 03/18 08:51
gnocchi: 籃球怎麼沒有TD >///<  微笑吃T 永遠的新秀53F 03/18 09:28
yejie: 棒球沒有鈴木一朗,足球沒有席丹,失敗54F 03/18 09:38
metra: 怎麼可以沒有陽岱鋼!!55F 03/18 09:44
BusterPosey: 咦? 小丑和西螺也算?56F 03/18 09:46
SunSky0126: TD:我宣佈參與2017-18的NBA選秀57F 03/18 09:49
a2530720: 宇野昌磨58F 03/18 09:57
Sunzhongshan: Marco Reus59F 03/18 10:37
rsc1311186: 沒有一朗 這篇已經失敗60F 03/18 10:43
audzzz: 大谷翔平!!!!61F 03/18 10:52
Kimmimi: 林哲瑄62F 03/18 10:58
YummyBosh: 卓君澤63F 03/18 11:21
chen841115: 我是男的都覺得梅西超帥64F 03/18 11:30
aizc: C羅65F 03/18 11:35
tim8333: 跳水選手王世堅66F 03/18 11:36
BusterPosey: 西螺如果分在跳水選手或內褲模特兒 OK67F 03/18 11:36
ailcee37: Rafa <368F 03/18 12:02
NicePP32: 彭政閔 張志豪69F 03/18 12:12
lu723: Federer70F 03/18 12:22
Chieen: 林哲瑄又強又帥71F 03/18 12:46
mk5520: 有錢都喜歡,長怎樣沒關係72F 03/18 12:48
randolph499: M. Trout73F 03/18 12:51
kiyosumi: 羽生結弦74F 03/18 13:07
mvpdirk712: 足球要也是要挑Torres,內馬爾就免了75F 03/18 13:09
malaimomo: 羽生結絃76F 03/18 13:11
Linda: 坂本勇人77F 03/18 13:25
sn99930: C羅78F 03/18 13:25
abbyeeyore: 羽球李龍大~~帥又可愛靦腆~~球技也是頂尖79F 03/18 13:26
vivian5171: 王柏融 大王超強80F 03/18 13:49
aa8372q: Manu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!禿頭還能帥的只有他了82F 03/18 14:10
danterip: 沒有Kawhi Leonard 是怎樣?83F 03/18 14:16
yesterdayslo: Kline Kahn Ozil muller 小豬 狐媚 割麥子還有小新84F 03/18 14:43
yesterdayslo: !
vupp1818: 大谷翔平 羽生結弦 宇野昌磨86F 03/18 14:48
goolie: 棒球沒有陽 失敗87F 03/18 15:06
tsunana2727: 陳冠宇QQ88F 03/18 15:15
mizushima: 棒球郭俊麟 籃球Rubio89F 03/18 15:22
jasmine77: 高國豪90F 03/18 17:00
schizobrain: 2005 年開始看nba喜歡wade91F 03/18 17:26
mickeyq82814: Nadal92F 03/18 17:51
judy00355: 高國輝 陳鏞基 林哲瑄 大谷翔平 坂本勇人93F 03/18 18:03
judy00355: 寧澤濤
joyceflower: 費爸!!!!!!!95F 03/18 18:08
mark50611: 老費無誤96F 03/18 18:19
silvia770202: 彭政閔97F 03/18 18:49
marsonele: 張嘉哲 可是退役惹QQ98F 03/18 18:59
miro119: 發現這篇裡的足球迷,好多德國迷出沒XD99F 03/18 19:15
catv: 德國足球隊 楊岱鋼100F 03/18 19:25
polkihhy5: 周思齊~~~101F 03/18 20:35
verrrna: Mike trout>\\\<102F 03/18 23:21
baby2980: 彭政閔、林威助103F 03/19 00:09
jane2225: Rafa104F 03/19 00:09
n865400000: Rafa105F 03/19 00:44
Allenichiro: 看到某薩迷ID在黑C羅,拉瑪西亞影劇學院好意思說別人106F 03/19 00:51
Allenichiro: XD
dolphinTai: 蔣智賢~~108F 03/19 01:07
admire77: 怎麼可以沒有信安109F 03/19 01:25
a22570111: 棒球 Noah Synderguard110F 03/19 02:06
eippuy: Rafa111F 03/19 02:23
p274y: 林志傑 張宗憲112F 03/19 02:44
baumann: 退休的貝克漢算嗎?113F 03/19 02:51

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