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※ 本文為 ONISUKA.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-05 15:20:11
看板 WOW
作者 difficulttt (契.Wolion)
標題 [情報] MoP t14 特效 (死D獵
時間 Wed Apr 25 12:44:01 2012

MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies
Articles and forums with game news and raiding strategies. ...

Death Knight (Forums)

Item - Death Knight T14 Blood 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Vampiric Blood ability by 20 sec.
Item - Death Knight T14 Blood 4P Bonus - New: Increases the healing received
from your Death Strike by 10%.

X2 血族cd-20秒
X4 死打治療量+10%

Item - Death Knight T14 DPS 2P Bonus - New: Your Obliterate deals 20%
increased damage and your Scourge Strike deals 10% increased damage.
Item - Death Knight T14 DPS 4P Bonus - New: Your Pillar of Frost ability
grants 5% additional Strength, and your Unholy Frenzy ability grants 10%
additional haste.

X2 滅寂+20% 天打+10%傷害
X4 冰柱力量額外+5%,邪惡狂熱加速額外+10%

 Druid (Forums)

Item - Druid T14 Balance 2P Bonus - New: Your Starfall deals 20% additional
Item - Druid T14 Balance 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your
Moonfire and Sunfire spells by 3 sec.

X2 星隕傷害+20%
X4 日/月火DOT+3秒
Item - Druid T14 Feral 2P Bonus - New: Your Shred and Mangle (Cat) abilities
deal 5% additional damage.
Item - Druid T14 Feral 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your Rip by
4 sec.

X2 撕碎/芒果(貓)傷害+5%
X4 撕扯+4秒

Item - Druid T14 Guardian 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Might
of Ursoc ability by 30 sec.
Item - Druid T14 Guardian 4P Bonus - New: Increases the healing received from
your Frenzied Regeneration by 20%.

X2 烏索克之力-30秒CD
X4 狂暴恢復治療+20%

Item - Druid T14 Restoration 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your
Rejuvenation spell by 10%.
Item - Druid T14 Restoration 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Swiftmend spell by 3 sec.

X2 回春消耗-10%
X4 迅癒CD-3秒

 Hunter (Forums)

Item - Hunter T14 2P Bonus - New: Your Kill Command deals $1% additional
damage, your Chimera Shot deals 15% additional damage, and your Explosive
Shot deals 5% additional damage.

X2 擊殺命令+?% 奇美拉+15% 爆裂射+5%傷害
X4 寵物又大又紅持續+6秒

Item - Hunter T14 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your Bestial
Wrath ability by 6 sec, increases the chance for Black Arrow to trigger Lock
and Load by 20%, and increases the ranged attack speed granted by Steady
Focus by an additional 10%.

 Mage (Forums)
Item - Mage T14 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your Arcane
Barrage spell by 15%, increases the damage done by your Pyroblast spell by
5%, and increases the damage done by your Ice Lance spell by 5%.
Item - Mage T14 4P Bonus - New: Increases the damage bonus of Arcane Power by
an additional 15%, reduces the cooldown of Icy Veins by 45%, and reduces the
cooldown of Combustion by 20%.

 Monk (Forums)
Item - Monk T14 Brewmaster 2P Bonus - New: Increases the chance to dodge
granted by your Elusive Brew ability by an additional 5%.
Item - Monk T14 Brewmaster 4P Bonus - New: Increases the damage absorbed by
your Guard ability by 20%.
Item - Monk T14 Mistweaver 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your
Surging Mist spell by 10%.
Item - Monk T14 Mistweaver 4P Bonus - New: Your Chi Wave spell will now heal
1 additional targets.
Item - Monk T14 Windwalker 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Fists
of Fury ability by 5 sec.
Item - Monk T14 Windwalker 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your
Energizing Brew ability by 5 sec.

 Paladin (Forums)
Item - Paladin T14 Holy 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your Holy
Radiance spell by 10%.
Item - Paladin T14 Holy 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Holy
Shock spell by 1 sec.
Item - Paladin T14 Protection 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Ardent Defender ability by 30 sec.
Item - Paladin T14 Protection 4P Bonus - New: Increases the healing done by
your Word of Glory spell by 20%.
Item - Paladin T14 Retribution 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by
your Templar's Verdict ability by 15%.
Item - Paladin T14 Retribution 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Avenging Wrath ability by 85 sec.

 Priest (Forums)
Item - Priest T14 Healer 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your Flash
Heal spell by 10%.
Item - Priest T14 Healer 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Penance
spell by 4 sec and reduces the cooldown of your Circle of Healing spell by 4
Item - Priest T14 Shadow 2P Bonus - New: Increases the critical strike chance
of your Mind Flay spell by 10%.
Item - Priest T14 Shadow 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your
Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch spells by 3 sec.

 Rogue (Forums)
Item - Rogue T14 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your Venomous
Wounds ability by 20%, increases the damage done by your Sinister Strike
ability by 15%, and increases the damage done by your Backstab ability by 10%.
Item - Rogue T14 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Shadow Blades
ability by 90 sec.

 Shaman (Forums)
Item - Shaman T14 Elemental 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your
Lightning Bolt spell by 5%.
Item - Shaman T14 Elemental 4P Bonus - New: Your Rolling Thunder ability now
grants 2 Lightning Shield charges each time it triggers.
Item - Shaman T14 Enhancement 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by
your Lava Lash ability by 15%.
Item - Shaman T14 Enhancement 4P Bonus - New: Increases the critical strike
chance bonus from your Stormstrike ability by an additional 15%.
Item - Shaman T14 Restoration 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your
Greater Healing Wave spell by 10%.
Item - Shaman T14 Restoration 4P Bonus - New: Your Tidal Waves ability now
grants 1 additional charges each time it is triggered.

 Warlock (Forums)
Item - Warlock T14 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your
Corruption spell by 10%, increases the damage done by your Incinerate spell
by 5%, and increases the damage done by your Shadow Bolt spell by 10%.
Item - Warlock T14 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Dark Soul
abilities by 40 sec.

 Warrior (Forums)
Item - Warrior T14 DPS 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your
Mortal Strike ability by 25% and increases the damage done by your
Bloodthirst ability by 25%.
Item - Warrior T14 DPS 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Recklessness ability by 150 sec.
Item - Warrior T14 Protection 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Last Stand ability by 30 sec.
Item - Warrior T14 Protection 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cost of your Shield
Block ability by 10 Rage.

版主指令                                攻擊力          射程          命中
拳 D文字劍                                7000             3           +60
⊕ 爆水式巨桶砲                          12000           1~6           +80
 ⊕ Tags-D 大文字滅業斬 MAP●            8000            ∞           +40

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
eplis:戰坦四件是來亂的嗎 根本沒變硬啊!!1F 04/25 12:45
miayao417:坦聖4件,聖言+20%2F 04/25 12:47
delete4067:懲戒丁X2+裁決15%  X4-翅膀CD 85秒3F 04/25 12:51
delete4067:DD戰 25%致死/嗜血   /  -魯莽CD 150秒
Molsely:獵的套裝不錯5F 04/25 12:58
ihil:暗牧 鞭+10%爆 / 痛&觸多3秒  以前好像有類似的特效...6F 04/25 12:58
zoids0308:這次的T裝反過來了啊 變成2件的特效比較強7F 04/25 13:04
tang2068:鳥德的好渣8F 04/25 13:08
tw0517tw:法師*2:彈幕增傷15%炎爆增傷5%冰槍增傷5%9F 04/25 13:16
tw0517tw:法師*4:秘強+15%增傷 脈動-45%CD 燃火-20%CD
TachibanaMik:補D 以前T6兩件-2秒...這個四件-3秒 有夠老梗  =_=||11F 04/25 13:17
Treant:貓D四件特效....這樣不是斬殺期等同沒特效了嗎= =12F 04/25 13:30
scorpio0920:貓4T: 1.可以打一個滿能量的撕咬 2.撕扯可與猛虎同步13F 04/25 13:32
aimlessli:星殞.... 破控場專家阿....14F 04/25 13:34
bf:下一版的獵人變成獸王了(筆記)15F 04/25 14:09
wtf12022:法師會不會太強了= =16F 04/25 14:13
fefe:法師的T14除了屬性應該會比T13好,套裝加成完全比不上T13阿17F 04/25 15:43
psalmian:版本末套裝的特效一向是比初期好吧...當初T6/10不也是18F 04/25 16:06
TachibanaMik:鳥D  T13四件<<<<<T12四件特效19F 04/25 16:34
psalmian:鳥D是特例...吧 雖然我覺得盜賊T13*4也是滿微妙的(@sub)20F 04/25 17:10
darkfantasy:DK套裝真是簡單易懂又強力...21F 04/25 17:24
darkfantasy:不過DD四件增加的傷害普普. 2件大概+7%傷害
darkfantasy:以後很可能會變成t14*2, t15*2這樣搭配
setom:推樓上, DK坦套裝特效真的很不錯24F 04/25 17:34
darkfantasy:四件每40秒覆蓋10秒的40%被治療增加, 死打又加10%補量25F 04/25 17:38

※ 看板: WOW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 115 
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