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看板 WOW
作者 標題 [情報] MoP t14 特效 (死D獵
時間 Wed Apr 25 12:44:01 2012
MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies
Articles and forums with game news and raiding strategies. ...
Articles and forums with game news and raiding strategies. ...
Death Knight (Forums)
Item - Death Knight T14 Blood 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Vampiric Blood ability by 20 sec.
Item - Death Knight T14 Blood 4P Bonus - New: Increases the healing received
from your Death Strike by 10%.
X2 血族cd-20秒
X4 死打治療量+10%
Item - Death Knight T14 DPS 2P Bonus - New: Your Obliterate deals 20%
increased damage and your Scourge Strike deals 10% increased damage.
Item - Death Knight T14 DPS 4P Bonus - New: Your Pillar of Frost ability
grants 5% additional Strength, and your Unholy Frenzy ability grants 10%
additional haste.
X2 滅寂+20% 天打+10%傷害
X4 冰柱力量額外+5%,邪惡狂熱加速額外+10%
Druid (Forums)
Item - Druid T14 Balance 2P Bonus - New: Your Starfall deals 20% additional
Item - Druid T14 Balance 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your
Moonfire and Sunfire spells by 3 sec.
X2 星隕傷害+20%
X4 日/月火DOT+3秒
Item - Druid T14 Feral 2P Bonus - New: Your Shred and Mangle (Cat) abilities
deal 5% additional damage.
Item - Druid T14 Feral 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your Rip by
4 sec.
X2 撕碎/芒果(貓)傷害+5%
X4 撕扯+4秒
Item - Druid T14 Guardian 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Might
of Ursoc ability by 30 sec.
Item - Druid T14 Guardian 4P Bonus - New: Increases the healing received from
your Frenzied Regeneration by 20%.
X2 烏索克之力-30秒CD
X4 狂暴恢復治療+20%
Item - Druid T14 Restoration 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your
Rejuvenation spell by 10%.
Item - Druid T14 Restoration 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Swiftmend spell by 3 sec.
X2 回春消耗-10%
X4 迅癒CD-3秒
Hunter (Forums)
Item - Hunter T14 2P Bonus - New: Your Kill Command deals $1% additional
damage, your Chimera Shot deals 15% additional damage, and your Explosive
Shot deals 5% additional damage.
X2 擊殺命令+?% 奇美拉+15% 爆裂射+5%傷害
X4 寵物又大又紅持續+6秒
Item - Hunter T14 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your Bestial
Wrath ability by 6 sec, increases the chance for Black Arrow to trigger Lock
and Load by 20%, and increases the ranged attack speed granted by Steady
Focus by an additional 10%.
Mage (Forums)
Item - Mage T14 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your Arcane
Barrage spell by 15%, increases the damage done by your Pyroblast spell by
5%, and increases the damage done by your Ice Lance spell by 5%.
Item - Mage T14 4P Bonus - New: Increases the damage bonus of Arcane Power by
an additional 15%, reduces the cooldown of Icy Veins by 45%, and reduces the
cooldown of Combustion by 20%.
Monk (Forums)
Item - Monk T14 Brewmaster 2P Bonus - New: Increases the chance to dodge
granted by your Elusive Brew ability by an additional 5%.
Item - Monk T14 Brewmaster 4P Bonus - New: Increases the damage absorbed by
your Guard ability by 20%.
Item - Monk T14 Mistweaver 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your
Surging Mist spell by 10%.
Item - Monk T14 Mistweaver 4P Bonus - New: Your Chi Wave spell will now heal
1 additional targets.
Item - Monk T14 Windwalker 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Fists
of Fury ability by 5 sec.
Item - Monk T14 Windwalker 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your
Energizing Brew ability by 5 sec.
Paladin (Forums)
Item - Paladin T14 Holy 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your Holy
Radiance spell by 10%.
Item - Paladin T14 Holy 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Holy
Shock spell by 1 sec.
Item - Paladin T14 Protection 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Ardent Defender ability by 30 sec.
Item - Paladin T14 Protection 4P Bonus - New: Increases the healing done by
your Word of Glory spell by 20%.
Item - Paladin T14 Retribution 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by
your Templar's Verdict ability by 15%.
Item - Paladin T14 Retribution 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Avenging Wrath ability by 85 sec.
Priest (Forums)
Item - Priest T14 Healer 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your Flash
Heal spell by 10%.
Item - Priest T14 Healer 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Penance
spell by 4 sec and reduces the cooldown of your Circle of Healing spell by 4
Item - Priest T14 Shadow 2P Bonus - New: Increases the critical strike chance
of your Mind Flay spell by 10%.
Item - Priest T14 Shadow 4P Bonus - New: Increases the duration of your
Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch spells by 3 sec.
Rogue (Forums)
Item - Rogue T14 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your Venomous
Wounds ability by 20%, increases the damage done by your Sinister Strike
ability by 15%, and increases the damage done by your Backstab ability by 10%.
Item - Rogue T14 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Shadow Blades
ability by 90 sec.
Shaman (Forums)
Item - Shaman T14 Elemental 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your
Lightning Bolt spell by 5%.
Item - Shaman T14 Elemental 4P Bonus - New: Your Rolling Thunder ability now
grants 2 Lightning Shield charges each time it triggers.
Item - Shaman T14 Enhancement 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by
your Lava Lash ability by 15%.
Item - Shaman T14 Enhancement 4P Bonus - New: Increases the critical strike
chance bonus from your Stormstrike ability by an additional 15%.
Item - Shaman T14 Restoration 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the mana cost of your
Greater Healing Wave spell by 10%.
Item - Shaman T14 Restoration 4P Bonus - New: Your Tidal Waves ability now
grants 1 additional charges each time it is triggered.
Warlock (Forums)
Item - Warlock T14 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your
Corruption spell by 10%, increases the damage done by your Incinerate spell
by 5%, and increases the damage done by your Shadow Bolt spell by 10%.
Item - Warlock T14 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Dark Soul
abilities by 40 sec.
Warrior (Forums)
Item - Warrior T14 DPS 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your
Mortal Strike ability by 25% and increases the damage done by your
Bloodthirst ability by 25%.
Item - Warrior T14 DPS 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Recklessness ability by 150 sec.
Item - Warrior T14 Protection 2P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your
Last Stand ability by 30 sec.
Item - Warrior T14 Protection 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cost of your Shield
Block ability by 10 Rage.
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :戰坦四件是來亂的嗎 根本沒變硬啊!!1F 04/25 12:45
推 :坦聖4件,聖言+20%2F 04/25 12:47
推 :懲戒丁X2+裁決15% X4-翅膀CD 85秒3F 04/25 12:51
→ :DD戰 25%致死/嗜血 / -魯莽CD 150秒
→ :DD戰 25%致死/嗜血 / -魯莽CD 150秒
推 :獵的套裝不錯5F 04/25 12:58
推 :暗牧 鞭+10%爆 / 痛&觸多3秒 以前好像有類似的特效...6F 04/25 12:58
推 :這次的T裝反過來了啊 變成2件的特效比較強7F 04/25 13:04
推 :鳥德的好渣8F 04/25 13:08
推 :法師*2:彈幕增傷15%炎爆增傷5%冰槍增傷5%9F 04/25 13:16
→ :法師*4:秘強+15%增傷 脈動-45%CD 燃火-20%CD
→ :法師*4:秘強+15%增傷 脈動-45%CD 燃火-20%CD
推 :補D 以前T6兩件-2秒...這個四件-3秒 有夠老梗 =_=||11F 04/25 13:17
推 :貓D四件特效....這樣不是斬殺期等同沒特效了嗎= =12F 04/25 13:30
→ :貓4T: 1.可以打一個滿能量的撕咬 2.撕扯可與猛虎同步13F 04/25 13:32
推 :星殞.... 破控場專家阿....14F 04/25 13:34
推 :下一版的獵人變成獸王了(筆記)15F 04/25 14:09
推 :法師會不會太強了= =16F 04/25 14:13
→ :法師的T14除了屬性應該會比T13好,套裝加成完全比不上T13阿17F 04/25 15:43
→ :版本末套裝的特效一向是比初期好吧...當初T6/10不也是18F 04/25 16:06
→ :鳥D T13四件<<<<<T12四件特效19F 04/25 16:34
→ :鳥D是特例...吧 雖然我覺得盜賊T13*4也是滿微妙的(@sub)20F 04/25 17:10
→ :DK套裝真是簡單易懂又強力...21F 04/25 17:24
推 :不過DD四件增加的傷害普普. 2件大概+7%傷害
→ :以後很可能會變成t14*2, t15*2這樣搭配
推 :不過DD四件增加的傷害普普. 2件大概+7%傷害
→ :以後很可能會變成t14*2, t15*2這樣搭配
推 :推樓上, DK坦套裝特效真的很不錯24F 04/25 17:34
→ :四件每40秒覆蓋10秒的40%被治療增加, 死打又加10%補量25F 04/25 17:38
→ :t14滿搞不好就可以單刷10普龍魂...
→ :啊會卡四五王
→ :t14滿搞不好就可以單刷10普龍魂...
→ :啊會卡四五王
※ 看板: WOW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 115
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