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看板 WOW
作者 lisanna20 (lisanna)
標題 [情報] MoP 附魔
時間 Tue Apr  3 16:29:31 2012

MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies
Articles and forums with game news and raiding strategies. ...

Spirit Dust

Lesser Mysterious Essence - Also crafted from Spirit Dust x 5.
次級神秘精華 - 可由5個精神之塵轉換

Greater Mysterious Essence - Also crafted from Lesser Mysterious Essence x 2.
強效神秘精華 - 可由2個次級神秘精華轉換

Small Ethereal Shard

Ethereal Shard - Also crafted from Small Ethereal Shard x 2 or crafted from
Greater Mysterious Essence x 3.
空靈碎片 - 可由2個小空靈碎片或3個強效神秘精華轉換

Sha Crystal - Also crafted from Ethereal Shard x 3.
煞水晶 - 可由3個空靈碎片轉換

Armor Enchants

Enchant Off-Hand - Major Intellect - Permanently enchants a shield or
off-hand item to increase Intellect by 165.
附魔副手 - 主要智力:永久附魔一個盾牌或副手物品增加165智力

Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery - Permanently enchants gloves to increase
mastery rating by 170.
附魔手套 - 超級精通:永久附魔手套增加170精通等級

Enchant Gloves - Superior Expertise - Permanently enchants gloves to increase
expertise rating by 170.
附魔手套 - 超級熟練:永久附魔手套增加170熟練等級

Enchant Gloves - Greater Haste - Permanently enchants gloves to increase
haste rating by 170.
附魔手套 - 巨大速度:永久附魔手套增加170加速等級

Enchant Boots - Pandaren's Step - Permanently enchants a pair of boots to
increase movement speed slightly and mastery rating by 140.
附魔鞋子 - 熊貓步伐:永久附魔鞋子增加些微移動速度和140精通等級

Enchant Boots - Blurred Speed - Permanently enchants a pair of boots to
increase movement speed slightly and Agility by 140.
附魔鞋子 - 迷蹤步:永久附魔鞋子增加些微移動速度和140敏捷

Enchant Boots - Greater Precision - Permanently enchants a pair of boots to
increase hit rating by 175.
附魔鞋子 - 巨大精確:永久附魔鞋子增加175命中等級

Enchant Boots - Greater Haste - Permanently enchants a pair of boots to
increase haste rating by 175.
附魔鞋子 - 巨大加速:永久附魔鞋子增加175加速等級

Enchant Cloak - Superior Critical Strike - Permanently enchants a cloak to
increase critical strike rating by 180.
附魔批風 - 超級致命好球:永久附魔批風增加180暴擊等級

Enchant Cloak - Superior Intellect - Permanently enchants a cloak to increase
Intellect by 180.
附魔批風 - 超聰明:永久附魔批風增加180智力

Enchant Cloak - Greater Protection - Permanently enchants a cloak to increase
armor by 550.
附魔批風 - 超保護:永久附魔批風增加550護甲

Enchant Cloak - Accuracy - Permanently enchants a cloak to increase hit
rating by 180.
附魔批風 - 精準:永久附魔批風增加180命中等級

Enchant Chest - Superior Stamina - Permanently enchants chest armor to
increase Stamina by 300.
附魔胸甲 - 超有勁:永久附魔胸甲增加300耐力

Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats - Permanently enchants chest armor to increase
all stats by 80.
附魔胸甲 - 輝煌屬性:永久附魔胸甲增加80點全屬性

Enchant Chest - Mighty Spirit - Permanently enchants chest armor to increase
Spirit by 200.
附魔胸甲 - 很有精神:永久附魔胸甲增加200精神

Enchant Chest - Super Resilience - Permanently enchants chest armor to
increase resilience rating by 200.
附魔胸甲 - 超彈力:永久附魔胸甲增加200韌性等級

Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility - Permanently enchants bracers to increase
Agility by 170.
附魔護腕 - 巨大敏捷:永久附魔護腕增加170敏捷

Enchant Bracer - Super Intellect - Permanently enchants bracers to increase
Intellect by 170.
附魔護腕 - 超聰明:永久附魔護腕增加170智力

Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Strength - Permanently enchants bracers to
increase Strength by 170.
附魔護腕 - 超能力:永久附魔護腕增加170力量

Enchant Bracer - Superior Dodge - Permanently enchants bracers to increase
dodge rating by 170.
附魔護腕 - 超會閃:永久附魔護腕增加170閃避等級

Enchant Bracer - Mastery - Permanently enchants bracers to increase mastery
rating by 170.
附魔護腕 - 精通:永久附魔護腕增加170精通等級

Weapon Enchants

Enchant Weapon - Windsong - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes
increase your critical strike, haste, or mastery rating by 1,500 for 12 sec
when dealing damage with spells and melee attacks.
附魔武器 - 風之歌:永久附魔進戰武器,進戰攻擊時有機會增加1500爆擊、加速或精通

Enchant Weapon - Jade Spirit - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to
sometimes increase your Intellect by 1,650 when healing or dealing damage
with spells. If less than 25% of your mana remains when the effect is
triggered, your Spirit will also increase by 750.
附魔武器 - 魂之玉:永久附魔進戰武器,當治療或使用攻擊法術時有機會增加1650智力

Enchant Weapon - Elemental Force - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to
sometimes inflict 3,000 additional damage when dealing damage with spells and
melee attacks.
附魔武器 - 元素之力:永久附魔進戰武器,當進戰或法術攻擊時有機會額外造成3000點

Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to
sometimes increase your Strength or Agility by 1,650 when dealing melee
damage. Your highest stat is always chosen.
附魔武器 - 舞動士氣:永久附魔武器,進戰攻擊時有機會觸發增加力量或敏捷1650點

Enchant Weapon - Colossus - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to make your
damaging melee strikes sometimes activate a Mogu protection spell, absorbing
up to 7,500 damage.
附魔武器 - 巨像:永久附魔武器,當進戰攻擊時發動莫古保護咒語,吸收7500傷害

Enchant Weapon - Flowing River - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to
sometimes increase your dodge rating by 1,650 for 12 sec when dealing melee
附魔武器 - 河流:永久附魔武器,當攻擊時觸發增加1650閃避等級持續12秒

Ring Enchants

Enchant Ring - Greater Agility - Permanently enchants your ring to increase
Agility by 160.
附魔戒指 - 偉大敏捷:永久附魔戒指增加160敏捷

Enchant Ring - Greater Intellect - Permanently enchants your ring to increase
Intellect by 160.
附魔戒指 - 偉大智力:永久附魔戒指增加160智力

Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina - Permanently enchants your ring to increase
Stamina by 160.
附魔戒指 - 偉大耐力:永久附魔戒指增加160耐力

Enchant Ring - Greater Strength - Permanently enchants your ring to increase
Strength by 160.
附魔戒指 - 偉大力量:永久附魔戒指增加160力量

DK is OP, why do you still play Shaman?

I have HONOR.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
rantea7m:塵轉精華是德政啊~~~~~~~~!!!!1F 04/03 16:32
pullmoss:為什麼看到那堆超XX我嘴角不經意的上揚了...XDDD2F 04/03 16:34
alunray:副魔武器 鼓舞士氣ˇ會超過DK的十字軍嗎?3F 04/03 16:38
Nagato:卍煞氣卍水晶4F 04/03 16:38
likeaprayer:熊貓步伐聽起來好可愛=///=5F 04/03 16:39
zooxalju:這樣附魔材料的市場價格就會比較正常了 好事6F 04/03 16:45
strray:那要看以後力量會不會超過一萬...7F 04/03 16:46
gn00430231:披風繼4.0沒敏捷 5.0也沒有敏捷QAQ8F 04/03 16:46
lotte891:熊貓步伐到底哪裡輕盈9F 04/03 16:47
roalan:超會閃 XD10F 04/03 16:47
lotte891:很有精神是多有精神XDD11F 04/03 16:48
jfurseteidce:\附魔德政/13F 04/03 16:52
v800982004:巨象....感覺好像很會範圍攻擊XD14F 04/03 16:54
DC81:超有勁 這是哪招= =a15F 04/03 16:55
walous:翻譯的超好笑 XD16F 04/03 17:00
muskox:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD17F 04/03 17:04

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