※ 本文為 ONISUKA.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-04 18:26:25
看板 WOW
作者 標題 [情報] MoP 塞拉摩 & 男熊貓聲音
時間 Mon May 21 10:29:20 2012
MMO-Champion - Pandaren Male Emote Sounds, Theramore Scenario Preview, Blue Posts, The Daily Blink Articles and forums with game news and raiding strategies. ...
就不縮了, 由 mmo-c 首頁也能看到.
另一則新聞有 死騎, 賊, 薩滿 pvp 裝 & 新地圖
還有聖騎的 Judgements of the Pure 被移除了
(中文是 純潔審判?)
還有聖騎的 Judgements of the Pure 被移除了
(中文是 純潔審判?)
男熊貓人聲音 http://youtu.be/z18Q_nsJaKw
Pandaren Male Vocal Emotes - YouTube
A short video showing off some of the newly implemented Male emotes that have been given audio files to match with them.
A short video showing off some of the newly implemented Male emotes that have been given audio files to match with them.

Theramore's Fall Scenario - YouTube
Nik and Marla managed to get a quick preview of the Theramore's Fall Scenario before it got switched off. Please keep in mind that this is a very early preview.
Nik and Marla managed to get a quick preview of the Theramore's Fall Scenario before it got switched off. Please keep in mind that this is a very early preview.

塞拉摩的事件已在 ptr 開放了?
看來 MoP 上市的時間似乎跟板友們推測的差不多.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: elizas1201 來自: (05/21 10:31)
→ :是暑假嗎 @@1F 05/21 10:33
推 :只開了一下下就關了 根本沒測到2F 05/21 11:29
→ :8 9 月吧3F 05/21 11:29
推 :應該還要改吧!! 不想被未完全版的世界劇情雷到...4F 05/21 11:55
→ :我目前最喜歡(最崩潰)的世界劇情其實是殭屍那一段XD
→ :我目前最喜歡(最崩潰)的世界劇情其實是殭屍那一段XD
推 :殭屍????我怎麼不記得那段?6F 05/21 12:05
推 :純潔審判RIP7F 05/21 12:15
推 :天譴前夕不錯玩...滿山遍野都變成殭屍 還去撒塔斯感染8F 05/21 12:17
推 :真的!! 超好玩的!! 我剛PO了一篇回憶錄嘿嘿=D9F 05/21 12:35
推 :WOW的英文語音真的是訓練口音英聽的好地方...10F 05/21 15:44
推 :please please~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T____T11F 05/22 12:30
※ 看板: WOW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 109