※ 本文為 ONISUKA.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-11-04 15:17:33
看板 WOW
作者 標題 [情報] Classes, Item, Professions Q&A Panel
時間 Sun Oct 23 04:32:35 2011
MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies
Articles and forums with game news and raiding strategies.
Articles and forums with game news and raiding strategies.
Why does Ghostcrawler hate paladins?
A ret paladin killed his parents.
Shadow Priests: The wording on the new Shadow Orbs suggests that they're
going to be based on a resource, is that true?
在新的資料片中 暗牧的暗影寶珠會更依賴於資源系統,這是真的嗎?
We're still working on the details but yeah, it will be a secondary resource
kind of mechanic, take out the RNG aspect maybe. The idea currently is that
Mind Blast will cost shadow orbs and have no cooldown
Are you satisfied by healing in PvP?
Balancing PvE and PvP healing is kind of a big challenge. Its something we
talk about all the time, I dont think we have solved the problem yet and its
something we are still working on. We've seen a lot of dual caster comps in
the blizzcon tournament and we've buffed Mortal Strike and healing reduction
in 4.3 and hopefully you'll be able to bring back warriors and rogues in PvP.
平衡PvE跟PvP的治療是個很大挑戰 我們時常在討論這件事情
我們看到很多雙施法者組合在這次暴雪巡迴賽中,所以我們在4.3 buff致死打擊
How do the old debuff talents work with new talent tree and tanking model?
We want tanks to do more of the active things to keep themselves alive rather
than relying on the healers
My classes are about classes that have a 100 cap on a resource. Currently
there are talents that increase these resource, are there any plans for the
new talent trees to do that?
It's going to vary on class by class basis, its something that does not
really fit into the current talent system as it is currently designed.
I have 10 characters, will you add an 11th slot so we can have all 11 classes?
Not sure just yet, might keep the current character cap but let you have them
on any realm, so you can have many many charaters on one realm
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :dual caster comp = 雙施法者的組合1F 10/23 04:36
推 :推推2F 10/23 04:37
※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (10/23 04:39)推 :debuff天賦那條和角色上限那條我不太懂他的意思...@@3F 10/23 04:42
推 :聖騎:走了一個卡幹 來了一個鬼蟹....4F 10/23 04:42
→ :不太懂角色欄位那個回答耶~~5F 10/23 04:48
推 :是說維持總共50個角色上限 但不限一個伺服器上限10隻6F 10/23 04:50
→ :可以一個伺服器很多隻甚至是50隻
推 :debuff是在說挫志怒吼等debuff移除的原因 因為無趣
→ :可以一個伺服器很多隻甚至是50隻
推 :debuff是在說挫志怒吼等debuff移除的原因 因為無趣
推 :角色那段 比較像是一樣A伺服器最多10個角色9F 10/23 04:55
→ :但是 那10個角色 可以在B C D伺服器上使用y
→ :但是 那10個角色 可以在B C D伺服器上使用y
推 :可能同一群組內角色都可以來去?11F 10/23 05:00
推 :不是 wowhead那邊有說 可以改成一個伺服擠50隻(其他伺服12F 10/23 05:01
→ :當然就0隻 因為一個帳號總上限50) 但不保證一定會這樣改
→ :當然就0隻 因為一個帳號總上限50) 但不保證一定會這樣改
→ :翻譯不完了 下午睡醒再翻14F 10/23 06:00
→ :那樣只需要一個帳號就可以擁有四十九個倉庫耶15F 10/23 08:20
→ :天天天天啊16F 10/23 10:22
推 :不知道會不會有50個角色封頂的成就 XDD17F 10/23 11:19
※ 看板: WOW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 97
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