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作者 標題 [情報] MoP Raids and Dungeons Panel - 4
時間 Sun Oct 23 00:00:09 2011
地城與團隊副本 - (4) Q&A
: Right now you currently randomly choose legendary to a class
: that hasnt got one for a while cant you make a quest chain
: where guilds can give the legendary to their most deserving raid member?
Q: 你們現在只是隨便挑一個很久沒有幫他們設計傳說武器的職業出來用,
: The questlines we are currently making have really class specific features,
: we could open it up but it would lose some of that exclusivity.
: Do you want unique and awesome or generic and boring?
A: 我們目前設計的任務線確實對於職業的針對性很高,
: The 10/25 man lockout is frustrating because I have nothing to do on my alt.
: Will Raid Finder let us join as a group with our guild?
Q: 現在10人跟25人團隊共用進度實在是太令人沮喪了,因為我的分身沒什麼事可作
: You can queue with a group, there are no lockouts,
: and normal/heroic raids do not share any lockout with Raid Finder difficulty.
: (You only get loot once from Raid Finder)
A: 你是可以組一隊直接排進去,地雷搜尋器不會有進度鎖住
: For Cata, there are 3 raids that came in right from the expansion.
: Have you guys thought about a way to not make it so overwhelming?
: Is there going to be like a middle ground?
Q: 在浩劫重生中,資料片一開始就有3個團隊副本,你們有考慮過不要這麼累嗎?
: Essentially the number of bosses comes down to make sure we can
: spread the loot around. It mostly comes down to the number of bosses
: we can get down for a patch.
A: 首領的數量會考量到掉落物列表的分配需求,
: Are any more old classic WoW dungeons going to be remade, maybe Hogger?
Q: 我們會有更多的RETURNS嗎?
: Everyone loves them, but it is a matter of time.
: We made sure to get some in for Cataclysm launch,
: we want to add them whenever we have time to do so.
A: 大家都喜歡這些副本,不過要RETURNS要看時間上的問題
: So when you guys announced 4.3 you said there were only going to be 7 bosses.
: You said you were going to focus on epicness and putting more work into them.
: Firelands only felt like half a raid.
: Is this omsething we can expect to see in the next raid tiering in MoP?
Q: 當你們發布4.3的消息時,你們說只會有7個首領
: We want as many people as possible to experience that content.
: We were looking at the number of people getting kills on the raid bosses
: and there were not a lot. We immediately put out hotfixes to make sure
: more people can experience the content.
A: 我們想要更多人來體驗這些內容
: Is there any plan to seperate 10 and 25 man achievements again,
: especially server firsts?
Q: 有考慮過把10人、25人的進度再次分開嗎? 尤其是在伺服器首殺這件事情上?
: There were some difficulty differences,
: it is something we have talked about but we aren't making any promises
: right now. Maybe in the future!
A: 要修改的話會遇到很多困難,這件事情我們內部已經討論過了
: You were talking how challenge modes can be done for dungeons,
: are they also for raids and will they be unlocked immediatly or
: will they unlock gradually?
Q: 你提到在地城中可以選擇進行挑戰模式
: There is a chance we could do them for raids, we want to start out with
: dungeons and see if it feels right. There is one thing we didnt really
: mention, but say when you get the gold medal, your gear would get nerfed
: so you can run it again. We havent really finalised this to be honest.
A: 這個機制確實有機會套用在團隊副本,只是我們希望先在地城副本上試用看看成效
: Two raids on the same tier gives players choice in progression.
: Single raids make it hard to get to the end and make progress.
: Will you add raids that have multiple paths to get to the last boss?
Q: 同一等級的兩個團隊副本,給了玩家推進副本進度的選擇性
: This is something we are talking about, especially with Raid Finder.
: It breaks up Dragon Soul in 4.3 into two parts,
: giving you the big reward for beating either part.
: This might be something we can do if we figure out
: the logistics in the future.
A: 這個我們有討論過,尤其是在構想地雷搜尋器的時候
: Last years BlizzCon and during cata you hinted at an Abyssal Maw raid,
: what happened to it?
Q: 去年BlizzCon上你們有說過浩劫重生中會有深淵之喉的團隊副本,它掛了嗎?
: We do not have any plans to release the Abyssal Maw raid,
: it was going to fit in the end of this year.
: The story line we were telling didnt fit with the patch cycle.
: It just ended up not fitting. The concept was as far as we got on it.
: From the story perspective we have moved on so we probably wont use it again.
A: 我們沒有任何打算釋出深淵之喉團隊副本的計畫,
: For the new dungeon challenges, how are you going to handle lower stats
: like hit. Will it put you below your hit cap?
Q: 說到新公開的挑戰模式副本,你們會如何處理降低類似命中這類的屬性
: Good point, there are lots of details like that to work out.
: We have Top Men working on this. Top Men.
A: 問得好,關於這些還有很多細節要處理,我們派了最頂尖的團隊在負責;最頂尖的
: In Ulduar and Icecrown you could get the Mimiron's Head or Invincible
: for completing the hard modes, but in Firelands you gave the Fire hawk mounts
: to people completing normal mode as well.
: And it's a bummer to see people who don't deserve it running around
: with the awesome mounts.
Q: 在奧杜亞跟寒冰皇冠當你完成困難模式時,你可以刷到米米倫的頭還有無敵座騎
: In normal mode you had a small chance to get them, and in Heroic mode
: you had a 100% drop rate, you were rewarded more. That's part of the reason
: why we will separate the Raid finder difficulty now, mounts will only
: come from Normal and Heroic modes since the Raid Finder is an intro to raiding.
: All the prestige items will stay in normal and heroic mode.
A: 在普通難度你只能以很小的機率得到,但在英雄難度是100%的掉落率,所以你得到更多
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