※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-08 22:54:14
看板 TY_Research
作者 標題 [颱風] 今年第12號颱風形成
時間 Wed Aug 8 11:05:14 2012
TS 1212 (KIROGI)
Issued at 01:30 UTC, 8 August 2012
<Analyses at 08/00 UTC>
Scale -
Intensity -
Center position N31° 25'(31.4° )
E159° 30'(159.5° )
Direction and speed of movement NNW 20km/h(10kt)
Central pressure 996hPa
Maximum wind speed near the center 18m/s(35kt)
Maximum wind gust speed 25m/s(50kt)
Area of 30kt winds or more NE440km(240NM)
<Forecast for 08/12 UTC>
Intensity -
Center position of probability circle N32° 00'(32.0° )
E158° 00'(158.0° )
Direction and speed of movement WNW 20km/h(10kt)
Central pressure 996hPa
Maximum wind speed near the center 18m/s(35kt)
Maximum wind gust speed 25m/s(50kt)
Radius of probability circle 90km(50NM)
<Forecast for 09/00 UTC>
Intensity -
Center position of probability circle N34° 00'(34.0° )
E156° 00'(156.0° )
Direction and speed of movement NW 25km/h(13kt)
Central pressure 998hPa
Maximum wind speed near the center 18m/s(35kt)
Maximum wind gust speed 25m/s(50kt)
Radius of probability circle 140km(75NM)
<Forecast for 10/00 UTC>
Intensity -
Center position of probability circle N40° 00'(40.0° )
E154° 00'(154.0° )
Direction and speed of movement N 30km/h(16kt)
Central pressure 1000hPa
Maximum sustained wind speed 18m/s(35kt)
Maximum wind gust speed 25m/s(50kt)
Radius of probability circle 260km(140NM)
▃▄▄▅▅▄▃▃ █▆█▆ ◢█◣ ▆ █ ▉ █▉ █◥
▋▋◥◥◥▏~▇▇ 尊重 !███◢◤ ◥◣愛護 █▉████ █▉ˍ█!
▊ ▅▅▂~▂◤▍ ▉▇█▇◤██!◥ !▉ █ ▊▋▇▇▇▇▏█◢
▋~ ▁▃▁ ▎▎ ▇▇█▇ ▇◣▇▇ █ █ ▅ ◢▉◣
▆ █▍▅▄▄ ▃▃▃▃ ◣▉ ▊◤ ██ ███▉█▉▇█◥
yaksa▆▆▄▂▂▃▃▅▇▇◎國家研究院◎Academy◎EarthEnviron◎Ecophilia 環境版
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: andy5807tw 來自: (08/08 11:06)
推 :小J膽敢讓卡大發完文就被打臉1F 08/08 11:09
→ :小J:我都被打臉了拖個人下水吧(誤)2F 08/08 11:30
推 :小J XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD3F 08/08 11:50
推 :這颱風看來人畜無害啊4F 08/08 13:26
推 :有可能來台灣嗎?5F 08/08 15:40
推 :樓上...........它根本就不會來= ="6F 08/08 15:43
推 :XDD7F 08/08 16:37
→ :...有這麼期待颱風?- -8F 08/08 16:44
推 :不會放假啦9F 08/08 16:59
→ :如果能來到附近,台灣會比較涼,現在太熱了10F 08/08 17:37
推 :其實像海葵走法也很好阿 台北一整個涼爽很多11F 08/08 18:00
→ :但是不要帶來西南氣流打南部就好了
→ :但是不要帶來西南氣流打南部就好了
→ :有機率侵台的颱風 都要到月底才比較有機會13F 08/08 18:05
推 :想必五樓應該沒點開網址看才這麼問吧XD14F 08/08 22:25
→ :發現ad大15F 08/08 22:40
※ 看板: TyPhoon 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 70