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看板 Taichung
作者 fly0904 (fly)
標題 International student pay attention! 國際學生★校園賞金遊人,熱情招募中!
時間 2017-09-04 Mon. 20:19:15

你是國際學生嗎?你喜愛搭乘公共運輸展開旅遊嗎? 你想要體驗臺灣美麗湖光山色嗎? 即日起~2017/09/26(二),交通部觀光局日月潭國家風景區「校園賞金遊人大募集」活動正式開跑,等你來報名!!




International student pay attention!
Taiwan Tourist shuttle Sun Moon Lake route, Now Recruiting campus visitors~Get to gain the reward!


Step1:Please log in to the event website to sign up to be a prize winner.

Step2:Annually selected Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Sun Moon Lake Route “Campus Tourist Reward” (4 participants) will receive Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Sun Moon Lake Route ticket package, exploring the Sun Moon Lake land and sea trip.

Step3:The four lucky winners must complete the travel mission specified within the period of the event, and after verification, receive additional reward.

Is your heart racing yet? Hurry and sign up!!

Please refer to the event website for details of the event and registration.
>>> https://goo.gl/wNtPGB


※ 作者: fly0904 時間: 2017-09-04 20:19:17
※ 編輯: fly0904 時間: 2017-09-04 20:20:29
※ 看板: Taichung 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 72 
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