※ 本文為 elf 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-11-01 04:06:17
看板 SuperJunior
作者 標題 [日記] 111026-27 始源推特更新
時間 Thu Oct 27 22:24:34 2011
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
Lovely evening. Had a good dinner with 承宰(直接音譯)哥! Try forget to
tired.. Jason mraz - A beautiful mess.
傑森‧瑪耶茲 < A beautiful mess > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8Mz_kyRlWY
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
感謝給予我美麗的心靈和IDEA的"Mamonde"! 不單是皮膚.一直到心靈都修復了!
http://yfrog.com/j2jcvyhej http://yfrog.com/esyg9tj
依舊辛苦工作的始源.請加油~~ 也請好好保重~~
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :始源加油:))))))))))1F 10/27 22:25
推 :始源再撐一下!下個月戲殺青後,就可以休息一下了!(然後忙2F 10/27 22:31
→ :四巡,台灣的演唱會,12月泰國見面會…)請給始源時間休息!!
→ :四巡,台灣的演唱會,12月泰國見面會…)請給始源時間休息!!
推 :始源~~fighting! 我們會等你的!!!4F 10/27 22:49
推 :想你等你愛你QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ崔始源請加油!!! 謝謝翻譯^^5F 10/27 22:54
→ :始源FIGHTING!!!! 快可以小休息了~~!!6F 10/27 22:55
推 :始源 加油!!!! 希望殺青後你能好好休息~~7F 10/27 23:05
推 :始源加油~! 希望殺青後還有小空檔可以休息 Orz8F 10/27 23:40
推 :看到其他人休假去玩...你這樣...讓人心疼的要命T^T9F 10/28 00:11
→ :加油!加油!再撐一下!給點時間休息吧!不然SS4接著開始了T_T
→ :加油!加油!再撐一下!給點時間休息吧!不然SS4接著開始了T_T
推 :始源加油!!真的很辛苦 工作幾乎不間斷.....11F 10/28 08:28
※ 看板: SuperJunior 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 70
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