※ 本文為 elf 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-01-04 16:30:38
看板 SuperJunior
作者 標題 [日記] 120102 始源推特更新
時間 Mon Jan 2 23:47:57 2012
[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 05:57]
good morning beautiful world. first day in philipines. Its so beautiful
sunrise. It will be lovely day. God bless! http://pic.twitter.com/OlI3V3I1
崔社長啊~~ 是"Philippines"溜~~ 科科科科
[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 09:14]
SiwonChoiNow We are at Orchard Road Metro Manila Quezon City.
Now We are at Orchard Road Metro Manila Quezon City.
[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 15:19]
Philipines you are amazing. Wonderful ! http://pic.twitter.com/XIWsP3w0
[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 22:39]
it was really good time with you philipines. Im so proud of you all and very
appriciate for your love and passion. http://pic.twitter.com/ySg4hMOa
噢~~ 犯規!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 22:44]
SiwonChoidont be! It was awesome! proud of you all! “@hellapetal__: @siwon407 Sorry if we made your CF shooting cancelled :(”
dont be! It was awesome! proud of you all! “@hellapetal__: @siwon407 Sorry
if we made your CF shooting cancelled :(”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :推!!真的犯規!!但我好喜歡始源這張照片,眼神好迷人喔!><1F 01/02 23:48
推 :他只要瀏海一出現我完全沒轍 LS那陣子超多有瀏海的!!2F 01/02 23:49
推 :好帥呀 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3F 01/02 23:50
推 :無法抗拒瀏海~~超愛!!又被眼神殺死了>///<4F 01/02 23:51
推 :回覆的非常溫暖~好貼心的始源~5F 01/02 23:52
推 :有瀏海好可愛6F 01/02 23:56
推 :很喜歡照片的氛圍,溫和而寧靜~7F 01/02 23:56
推 :appr"e"ciate....XDDDDD8F 01/03 00:00
推 :推!!!!! 真心也覺得他超犯規啊!!!!!!!!!!!!9F 01/03 00:03
※ 看板: SuperJunior 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 71
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