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※ 本文為 elf 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-01-04 16:30:38
看板 SuperJunior
作者 debby40135 (Show)
標題 [日記] 120102 始源推特更新
時間 Mon Jan  2 23:47:57 2012

[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 05:57]
good morning beautiful world. first day in philipines. Its so beautiful sunrise. It will be lovely day. God bless!

good morning beautiful world. first day in philipines. Its so beautiful
sunrise. It will be lovely day. God bless! http://pic.twitter.com/OlI3V3I1
good morning beautiful world. first day in philipines. Its so beautiful sunrise. It will be lovely day. God bless!

崔社長啊~~ 是"Philippines"溜~~ 科科科科

[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 09:14]
Now We are at Orchard Road‎ Metro Manila‎ Quezon City.

Now We are at Orchard Road Metro Manila Quezon City.

[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 15:19]

Philipines you are amazing. Wonderful ! http://pic.twitter.com/XIWsP3w0

[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 22:39]

it was really good time with you philipines. Im so proud of you all and very
appriciate for your love and passion. http://pic.twitter.com/ySg4hMOa

噢~~ 犯規!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[2012/01/02 菲律賓時間 22:44]
dont be! It was awesome! proud of you all! “@hellapetal__: @siwon407 Sorry if we made your CF shooting cancelled :(”

dont be! It was awesome! proud of you all! “@hellapetal__: @siwon407 Sorry
if we made your CF shooting cancelled :(”

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
alicesun:推!!真的犯規!!但我好喜歡始源這張照片,眼神好迷人喔!><1F 01/02 23:48
qqjull06955:他只要瀏海一出現我完全沒轍 LS那陣子超多有瀏海的!!2F 01/02 23:49
mapleXD:好帥呀 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3F 01/02 23:50
erinylan:無法抗拒瀏海~~超愛!!又被眼神殺死了>///<4F 01/02 23:51
bultra:回覆的非常溫暖~好貼心的始源~5F 01/02 23:52
miniyeah:有瀏海好可愛6F 01/02 23:56
bultra:很喜歡照片的氛圍,溫和而寧靜~7F 01/02 23:56
bleck2110:appr"e"ciate....XDDDDD8F 01/03 00:00
kathy0611:推!!!!! 真心也覺得他超犯規啊!!!!!!!!!!!!9F 01/03 00:03

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