※ 本文為 elf 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-11-10 22:17:12
看板 SuperJunior
作者 標題 [日記] 111108 junam choi推特-提及希澈
時間 Tue Nov 8 14:09:45 2011
http://twitter.com/#!/slineok/status/133577812157284352 00:13
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
k-pop cafe' kstory 決定11月11日開業!! keke
將近2個月的時間住在明洞了.有了很多人努力的kstory 大發!!!
公益中的義氣派希澈來給加油了 連蒐藏品都給贊助 SuJu大發!! 呵呵
http://twitter.com/#!/slineok/status/133578480326672384 00:16
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.
ke ke 義氣派作詞家 希澈
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: jingyen 來自: (11/08 14:16)
推 :義氣派希澈^^1F 11/08 15:16
推 :看到希大好想念>///////<2F 11/08 15:26
推 :我怎麼覺得希澈當了公益兵看起來更憔悴阿!!!!3F 11/08 17:17
推 :我覺得是曬黑了~~4F 11/08 17:44
推 :變好瘦感覺好累T-T5F 11/08 18:16
推 :是唇色吧,以前會化,現在應該都素顏,看起來頗蒼白..6F 11/08 18:50
推 :好想念希澈喔 (我終於可以推文不用淺水了)7F 11/09 00:05
推 :想你了..Q__Q8F 11/09 20:56
推 :這張照片...........不要放上來比較好ORZ9F 11/09 21:16
→ :樓上 為什麼不能放上來? 有什麼原因嗎??10F 11/09 21:39
推 :好憔悴的希大~~雖然他說當兵後有胖~~但是我覺得更瘦了~~~11F 11/10 00:22
→ :希望希大吃胖點好看~~~~入伍前剛剃平頭時就超級好看的~~~~~
→ :希望希大吃胖點好看~~~~入伍前剛剃平頭時就超級好看的~~~~~
推 :現在開始上班~ 晚上可以回宿舍住~ 相對地飲食就沒有在訓練所13F 11/10 00:25
→ :時那麼容易餓(當時要操練嘛!),或許有吃比較少吧?
→ :時那麼容易餓(當時要操練嘛!),或許有吃比較少吧?
※ 看板: SuperJunior 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 68
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