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作者 標題 [新聞] 美國司法部調查做空亞馬遜、微軟、摩根大
時間 Tue Sep 13 15:16:45 2022
2.連結過長請善用 https://bit.ly/ 等縮網址服務,連結不能點擊者板規1-2-2處份。
3.心得/評論請盡量充實,心得過短或濫竽充數將以板規 1-2-3、4-4 水桶處份。
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U.S. Justice Dept. short-selling probe looks at trading in Amazon, Microsoft,
JPMorgan, Bloomberg News reports
U.S. Justice Dept. short-selling probe looks at trading in Amazon, Microsoft, JPMorgan, Bloomberg News reports | Reuters
The U.S Department of Justice has subpoenaed some short sellers for trading information on firms including Amazon.com Inc , Microsoft Corp and JPMorga ...
September 12, 2022
11:58 PM GMT+8
Reporting by Eva Mathews in Bengaluru; Editing by Vinay Dwivedi
The U.S Department of Justice has subpoenaed some short sellers for trading
information on firms including Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O), Microsoft Corp
(MSFT.O) and JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), as part of a short-selling probe,
Bloomberg News reported on Monday.
The DOJ sent subpoenas over the past few months seeking details on
transactions in several blue-chip stocks, according to the report that cited
people familiar with the matter. (https://bloom.bg/3quLbIi)
The DOJ last year also issued subpoenas to dozens of firms, including Citron
Research and Muddy Waters Research LLC, as it probes potentially manipulative
trading around negative reports on listed companies published by some of
their investors.
The U.S. securities regulator has also said it has been considering measures
that require big investors to disclose more about short positions, or bets
that stocks will fall, and the use of derivatives to speculate on stock moves.
The DOJ, Microsoft, Amazon and JPMorgan did not immediately respond to
Reuters' requests for comment.
簡單來說,就是調查以香橼 (Citron Research) 與渾水 (Muddy Waters Reserach LLC)
[閒聊] 統計套利的配對交易策略:回顧與展望
I #1XwxemWa (Quant)
II #1Xxbw-nv (Quant)
III #1XxwEddS (Quant)
IV #1YRZo4j9 (Quant)
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Z82va7C (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1663053412.A.1CC.html
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