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作者 標題 [新聞] 美銀: ECB升息可能讓歐元區陷入分裂
時間 Wed Jun 8 18:31:21 2022
BofA: ECB to Hike 50bp in July, Sept but Could Raise Eurozone Fragmentation Ri
pound sterling live
08 June 2022
Gary Howes
The European Central Bank will raise its key Deposit Rate well above 0% before
the year is done, but this risks raising Eurozone fragmentation risks warns B
ank of America.
歐洲中央銀行將在年底前將其主要存款利率提高至遠高於 0%,但美國銀行警告稱,這可
In a new research note BofA say it now sees a cumulative 150 basis points of D
eposit Rate hikes this year, up 50bp on their previous assumptions.
他們認為 7 月和 9 月將出現 50 個基點的大幅波動,這比市場共識更為鷹派,市場共識
目前預計 7 月將出現更謹慎的 25 個基點。
They see sizeable 50bp moves in both July and September which is more hawkish
than the market consensus which currently anticipates a more cautious 25bp mov
e in July.
"Our call was already more hawkish than consensus, and is even more so now," s
ays Ruben Segura-Cayuela, Europe Economist at BofA Europe in Madrid. "We can't
see the ECB avoiding a 50bp move by September, at the latest."
Such a surprise could boost Euro exchange rates initially, but "we continue to
worry this is too much too fast," says Segura-Cayuela.
Indeed, BofA's economist team describe themselves as "bears with a hawkish ECB
call" in a recent note that comes days ahead of the ECB's June policy update,
due Thursday 09.
The policy update should see the ECB confirm an end to its quantitative easing
programme while confirming a first rate hike in July.
ECB 7月升息市場預期穩穩的
But the haste to tackle inflation could mean Eurozone fragmentation risks rise
quickly, "with Italy in the spotlight," says Segura-Cayuela.
"To be completely clear, we still don't understand the ECB's rush. We are self
-declared macro bears, because we don't really understand how the economy can
go through a very large energy price shock unscathed in the first place, never
mind how the economy is supposed to cope with neutral rates when it is so far
away from equilibrium. Hence we expect the central bank to be stopped out by
the economy after all these hikes this year," he explains.
Nevertheless BofA have taken on board the reasoning of various members of the
ECB's Governing Council of late, including that of President Christine Lagarde
The ECB has made clear it wants to be seen to act against inflation and to lea
n against the risk of second round effects proactively.
Eurozone inflation reached 8.1% in May 2022, up from 7.4% in April 2022.
But BofA is concerned that raising interest rates rapidly would put unnecessar
y upward pressure on the so-called peripheral Eurozone countries such as Greec
e and Italy.
They already pay more than the likes of Germany and France on their sovereign
debt and higher ECB rate hikes will inevitably push up their funding costs fur
The risk is the rise in funding costs for these countries becomes disorderly a
nd sparks a fresh crisis.
"Just because the ECB doesn't address fragmentation risks doesn't mean they do
n't exist," says Segura-Cayuela. "The frequency of Italian debt sustainability
questions is rising again".
Furthermore, the analyst says markets are not adequately considering the prosp
ects of a Eurozone recession, "we have the impression that recession risks are
much more readily acknowledged in the US than in the Euro area".
"To us, the Euro area risks seem much more elevated. Our part of the world has
to cope with very high food and energy price inflation, a real household inco
me squeeze close to 4% this year (more than during the Euro area crisis), unce
rtainty from the war in Ukraine, demand weakness and supply bottlenecks in Chi
na, slowing growth in the US and the UK, and the upcoming monetary policy tigh
tening," says Segura-Cayuela.
What is the answer to the headache the Eurozone economy faces?
More fiscal support is the answer suggested by Segura-Cayuela. "Headwinds come
from all sides, and fiscal policy, for now, is doing too little to compensate
BofA suggests a more cautious approach to fiscal policy tools could prevail, i
n anticipation of higher funding costs on the back of monetary policy tighteni
A shift in the economic landscape will meanwhile prompt the ECB to put the bra
kes on its rate hiking ambition in 2023.
"We are bearish on the macro outlook and we think their hiking-cycle ambitions
are likely to get stopped out in 2023," says Segura-Cayuela.
1.義德bond spread也變高
3.義大利bond yield飆升
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Ye7fxkU (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1654684283.A.B9E.html
※ 編輯: jimmydabang ( 臺灣), 06/08/2022 18:32:32
推 : 高通膨但拒買俄油 怎不學美國要求便宜賣就好1F 06/08 18:38
→ : 收太多廢物的下場2F 06/08 18:38
推 : 好事3F 06/08 18:40
推 : 馬B 不就你們搞出來的4F 06/08 18:43
→ : 到底是制裁俄羅斯,還是制裁歐洲我都不懂ㄌ
→ : 到底是制裁俄羅斯,還是制裁歐洲我都不懂ㄌ
推 : 主權債券部分肯定要想解套辦法 不然只會再倒一次6F 06/08 18:44
→ : 這次債務部分更大 東歐也一堆毛 真要吞北歐跟西歐是
→ : 這次債務部分更大 東歐也一堆毛 真要吞北歐跟西歐是
→ : 應該是制裁歐洲歐盟吧XD8F 06/08 18:46
→ : 吃不下的 這也是為啥ECB一直裝死的原因之一9F 06/08 18:46
推 : 要爆的快爆一爆10F 06/08 18:47
推 : 過了那麼多年 豬還是豬11F 06/08 18:47
→ : 頂多再變共產國家一次12F 06/08 18:47
推 : 沒油沒天然氣沒小麥貨幣還要承受風險原來是制裁歐13F 06/08 18:47
→ : 盟
→ : 盟
推 : First time?15F 06/08 18:52
→ : 美國經濟持穩但歐洲先衰退
→ : 美國經濟持穩但歐洲先衰退
推 : 歐元區這波的風險本來就比美國高很多17F 06/08 18:54
→ : 在我看來 ECB 不管做什麼歐元區都死定了
→ : 在我看來 ECB 不管做什麼歐元區都死定了
推 : 債務太多就很難升息啊 看看日本 看看南歐.....19F 06/08 18:56
→ : 歐元區只有聯合日本施壓美國停止升息才有救吧
→ : 歐元區只有聯合日本施壓美國停止升息才有救吧
推 : 德法看得很早阿,可惜被正義綁架,根本沒得選21F 06/08 19:04
推 : 美國不升息 美債會先倒XD22F 06/08 19:07
→ : 英國:還好我退了23F 06/08 19:29
推 : 英國覺得慶幸。歐盟區早該爆炸啦,歐債危機透露出24F 06/08 19:48
→ : 體質那麼差又經歷疫情。
→ : 體質那麼差又經歷疫情。
推 : 英國人到智慧真的不是開玩笑的,太聰明都被笑白癡26F 06/08 19:57
→ : 每次事後驗證英國都做的不錯,包括AZ疫苗
→ : 每次事後驗證英國都做的不錯,包括AZ疫苗
推 : 吹捧英國的麻煩看看現況= = 現在英國佬也很慘好嗎28F 06/08 20:13
→ : 明年預估G20基本上除了老俄 衰退倒數預定歐洲這幾個
→ : 一個都跑不掉 英鎊 歐元今年都慘兮兮
→ : 老俄是被制裁衰退 但歐洲這塊根本不可能獨善其身
→ : 明年預估G20基本上除了老俄 衰退倒數預定歐洲這幾個
→ : 一個都跑不掉 英鎊 歐元今年都慘兮兮
→ : 老俄是被制裁衰退 但歐洲這塊根本不可能獨善其身
推 : 有10年前的既視感32F 06/08 20:17
→ : 當大家一樣慘 只要稍微好一點就贏了咩33F 06/08 20:38
→ : 現在誰比歐盟慘
→ : 英國本身就這樣了 在歐盟裡面陪一堆歐豬玩有比較好?
→ : 現在誰比歐盟慘
→ : 英國本身就這樣了 在歐盟裡面陪一堆歐豬玩有比較好?
推 : 英國:還好我退了36F 06/08 20:44
推 : 英國目前CPI 9% 核心CPI 6.2% 歐盟目前CPI 8.1% 核37F 06/08 20:50
→ : 心CPI 3.75%
→ : 心CPI 3.75%
→ : 英國這一次做的很好啊,連升息都比美國早39F 06/08 21:02
→ : 英國某種程度跟台灣一樣,大量民生需求仰賴進口,
→ : 台灣是有中油當坦,不然早就跟英國一樣慘
→ : 英國某種程度跟台灣一樣,大量民生需求仰賴進口,
→ : 台灣是有中油當坦,不然早就跟英國一樣慘
→ : 有隊友是好 不過豬隊友通常會拖累自己 歐盟一堆豬42F 06/08 21:04
→ : 老美: 我韭菜還沒割夠 不准升息!!!43F 06/08 21:42
推 : 說個笑話:歐盟44F 06/08 21:44
→ : 為了歐洲情懷 靠作帳調整拉進來的 呵呵45F 06/09 09:34
→ : 門檻好好執行 餅做不大但穩
→ : 可惜咧
→ : 門檻好好執行 餅做不大但穩
→ : 可惜咧
推 : 英國更慘吧...,畢竟英國制裁俄國最用力了48F 06/09 10:58
→ : 反正烏克蘭如果被俄國吞下,以後俄國就能用糧食玩弄
→ : 歐盟,所以歐盟也只能撐下去
→ : 反正烏克蘭如果被俄國吞下,以後俄國就能用糧食玩弄
→ : 歐盟,所以歐盟也只能撐下去
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 60
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