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作者 標題 [新聞] 莫德納:Omicron是真正的威脅
時間 Tue Dec 14 21:00:24 2021
Omicron 'poses a real threat', says Moderna chief
Coronavirus live: Omicron poses real threat, says Moderna chief; Pfizer says Covid pill near 90% effective | World news | The Guardian
Moderna chief cautions against assumptions Omicron is milder than Delta; Pfizer says pill cut hospitalisation and deaths in high-risk patients ...
2021/12/14 20:10
In the UK, Dr Paul Burton, chief medical officer at Moderna, has been speaking
to MPs on the Commons science and technology committee.
Burton said he expects data in the coming days to show how well the Moderna bo
oster improves protection against the Omicron variant.
He cautioned against claims, largely from South Africa, that the variant is ca
using milder disease, and warned that Omicron and Delta are likely to circulat
e together for some time.
“I do not think Omicron is a milder, less severe version of the current virus
,” he told the committee. (我不認為Omicron會造成比較輕微的疾病)
He added:
The idea it will push Delta out of the way and take over may occur in the futu
re, but I think in the coming months these two viruses are going to co-exist,
and Omicron, which I would maintain is actually a severe disease, will now inf
ect people on a background of very, very strong Delta pressure.(我認為Omicron
It will also lead to a situation where individuals will become co-infected…wh
ich gives the opportunity for this virus to further evolve and mutate which is
a concerning and worrying situation.
We certainly don’t have to panic, we have many many tools at our disposal, we
’ve learnt so much about this virus over the last two years, and we can conti
nue to fight it, but I think Omicron poses a real threat.
When you look at the data in SA about 15% of people who are hospitalised are i
n the intensive care unit, and while there’s variability, if you look back ea
rlier in the year, at a time of delta surge in August, those numbers are about
the same, 15%.(目前在南非,有15%的住院病人在加護病房,這個數字與8月Delta盛行
So while the mortality rate we are seeing right now is mercifully lower, I thi
nk as a disease it is a very fit virus and it’s severe.
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推 : 是不是莫德納疫苗對omicron太弱,輸給輝瑞感覺可以1F 12/14 21:01
→ : 下去了
→ : 下去了
→ : 翻譯: 繼續買疫苗,3劑、4劑一直打3F 12/14 21:01
推 : 我只覺得藥廠只想找藉口賣新藥4F 12/14 21:02
推 : 誰說會輕症的 非洲年輕人 當然看起來一堆輕症 老化5F 12/14 21:03
→ : 的歐美國家呢?
→ : 的歐美國家呢?
推 : 業務嘴 不吹的嚴重一點怎麼賣疫苗?7F 12/14 21:03
推 : 不考慮跟漫威合作 推出疫苗人嗎?8F 12/14 21:03
推 : 那有多少比例確診的人住院?這跟多少住院比例重症是9F 12/14 21:05
→ : 兩個觀念…為何不提供前者數據?
→ : 兩個觀念…為何不提供前者數據?
推 : 真正的威脅就是,今天富有國家打完又怎樣,南非繼11F 12/14 21:05
→ : 續煉蠱,兩個月後又一樣劇本
→ : 續煉蠱,兩個月後又一樣劇本
推 : 翻譯:多買點疫苗13F 12/14 21:05
推 : 賣藥郎當然要吹疾病有多嚴重 才會有人要買啊14F 12/14 21:05
推 : 輝瑞說不用怕 莫德納怕爆 到底是怎樣15F 12/14 21:06
推 : 這些人都掌握股市漲跌的密碼欸 很會很會16F 12/14 21:06
推 : 外國人不戴口罩才最可怕17F 12/14 21:07
推 : Omicron就算重症率降為delta1/2但是傳染力提高4倍18F 12/14 21:07
→ : 這樣醫療反而會爆掉
→ : 這樣醫療反而會爆掉
噓 : 丸子20F 12/14 21:08
推 : 口罩死不戴再來說多可怕 厲害21F 12/14 21:09
推 : 說一句殘忍的,你身體不好,打一百劑去病毒量高的22F 12/14 21:10
→ : 地方,你抗體長不出來也是難抵抗
→ : 地方,你抗體長不出來也是難抵抗
噓 : 你會問軍火商這場戰爭好不好打?24F 12/14 21:11
→ : 笑死
→ : 笑死
推 : 輝瑞是說買我的疫苗不用怕26F 12/14 21:11
→ : 你問G頭 妹妹U不U質27F 12/14 21:12
推 : 輝瑞有藥 你莫德那沒有 下去吧28F 12/14 21:12
推 : O都還沒開始 美股就烙賽了29F 12/14 21:12
推 : 好險我沒打莫德納 弱爆30F 12/14 21:13
推 : 一邊唱雖 一邊減產??31F 12/14 21:13
→ : 結合流感還開發失敗 加油好嗎32F 12/14 21:13
推 : 翻譯:大家趕快來訂多一點疫苗33F 12/14 21:14
噓 : 疫苗沒用就承認34F 12/14 21:15
噓 : 哪家賣疫苗公司不這樣說35F 12/14 21:15
推 : 已反應36F 12/14 21:16
推 : 我覺得人民會慢慢無感無力 除了Omicron37F 12/14 21:17
→ : 下次又會出現什麼 一直打加強劑不是辦法
→ : 下次又會出現什麼 一直打加強劑不是辦法
推 : 賺爛了賺爛了39F 12/14 21:18
推 : 就兩支mrna在爭奪加強劑市場 民眾應該看得很煩了40F 12/14 21:18
→ : 而且打疫苗又不是沒風險41F 12/14 21:18
推 : 想想上次BNTX唬爛2劑就好 這次一定信MRNA42F 12/14 21:18
→ : 人民遲早會麻痺的 特別當你打完兩劑後43F 12/14 21:21
推 : 好 歐印PFE44F 12/14 21:23
推 : 看來疫情不用擔心了45F 12/14 21:26
推 : 翻譯:快買我的疫苗啊王八蛋46F 12/14 21:26
推 : 第三年有要重新開始了...47F 12/14 21:27
推 : 藥廠一定要持續賣啊!不然怎賺大錢48F 12/14 21:27
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