※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-10-12 10:26:17
看板 Stock
作者 標題 [新聞] 美國老謝:反彈曇花一現,未來還會跌
時間 Mon Oct 11 23:16:52 2021
Charts suggest S&P 500 is seeing a temporary rally and more downside may be
ahead, Cramer says
原文連結: https://ibit.ly/dpqD
發布時間: 發佈於 2021年 10 月 5 日
- CNBC’s Jim Cramer said Tuesday that technical analysis from Carolyn Boroden
suggests the S&P 500 may be the midst of a temporary bounce.
-“Until we get Boroden’s favorite moving average crossover, she can only see
this rebound as a bit of a relief rally,” the “Mad Money” host said.
Charts suggest the S&P 500 may be the midst of a temporary relief rally after
weeks of tough sledding on Wall Street, CNBC’s Jim Cramer said Tuesday.
The “Mad Money” host’s comments came after the broad equity index jumped
1.05% Tuesday, rebounding from a technology-driven sell-off in the prior
“The charts, as interpreted by Carolyn Boroden, suggest that today’s bounce
might not be the end of the relief rally because we were due for a reversal,
even if it’s a temporary one,” Cramer said.
Boroden, a technician who runs FibonacciQueen.com, believes the S&P 500 “
could still be vulnerable to more downside,” Cramer said. “But — and this
is a very big but — it also looks due for a tradeable low right here, right
The reason Boroden thinks that is because she’s identified a cluster of
seven Fibonacci timing cycles that are set to come due between Tuesday and
Thursday, Cramer explained. That technical indicator suggests the S&P 500,
which has struggled in recent weeks, could change trajectory, he said.
“Again, though, she’s only looking for a temporary countertrend rally and
not an actual bottom,” Cramer said. “Even that isn’t guaranteed,” he
cautioned. “Just because we’ve got a bunch of Fibonacci timing cycles
coming due at the same time doesn’t necessarily mean the S&P will make a low
and reverse course.”
Cramer said Boroden will only start to put her faith in a more sustained
rebound until she spots a solid buy signal, which for her is when the
five-day exponential moving average crosses above the 13-day exponential
moving average.
“That just hasn’t happened yet, and it would take a few more days of upside
to even get close,” Cramer said. “Until we get Boroden’s favorite moving
average crossover, she can only see this rebound as a bit of a relief rally.
That said, even if we can’t shake the broader decline, she’s convinced that
we’re due for a bounce and today may be just the beginning. I think she’s
making a compelling point.”
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※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 10/11/2021 23:17:25
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 10/11/2021 23:17:49
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 10/11/2021 23:18:17
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 10/11/2021 23:17:49
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 10/11/2021 23:18:17
→ : 薩滿沒看劇評我看不懂1F 10/11 23:18
→ : 穩了2F 10/11 23:19
→ : 標題可以這樣下嗎...3F 10/11 23:22
→ : 穩了4F 10/11 23:23
推 : 超穩5F 10/11 23:23
→ : 爆噴~ 問一下老謝是很反向的意思嗎?6F 10/11 23:24
看台灣老謝有多準→ : 穩了7F 10/11 23:25
→ : 不過台股不跟漲,恭喜美股投資人
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 10/11/2021 23:26:54→ : 不過台股不跟漲,恭喜美股投資人
推 : 要漲了 XD9F 10/11 23:30
推 : Jim Cramer 股票看很廣10F 10/11 23:32
推 : 有這麽邪門,拜托用力看多-11F 10/11 23:32
→ : 會討論CEO12F 10/11 23:33
推 : 美元指數這麼強 恩..13F 10/11 23:33
推 : 老謝就是準14F 10/11 23:35
推 : 10/5號 上禮拜的 已經又討論20多隻股票了15F 10/11 23:35
→ : 穩到不行16F 10/11 23:37
推 : TheStreet 頻道 每天都會提幾隻股票聊話題17F 10/11 23:45
→ : 有點像固定找他 簡短採訪
→ : 有點像固定找他 簡短採訪
推 : 台灣老謝之前還在狂喊台灣經濟好的不得了,台股超便宜19F 10/11 23:48
推 : 穩了,明天ALL IN20F 10/11 23:48
推 : Jim Cramer's Stock Breakdown21F 10/11 23:49
推 : 根本挑戰台灣先生反霸主的地位22F 10/11 23:50
推 : Jim本人如果知道被跟老謝一起比會暴怒吧XD23F 10/11 23:50
推 : 其實差不多24F 10/11 23:52
→ : 都是講自己的感覺 然後採訪CEO
→ : 只是美國公司比較多 要認識比較多人
→ : 都是講自己的感覺 然後採訪CEO
→ : 只是美國公司比較多 要認識比較多人
推 : 穩了27F 10/11 23:54
推 : 謝謝老謝28F 10/11 23:55
→ : 我記得不能自己亂改標題?29F 10/12 00:01
沒有亂改喔 而且是說內文標題要忠實呈現不然原文那麼長怎麼塞標題..
→ : 台灣老謝說台股將要噴破2萬點30F 10/12 00:02
→ : 目前還有3000多點我還不趕緊all in
→ : 目前還有3000多點我還不趕緊all in
→ : 就是個股市名嘴而已32F 10/12 00:04
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 10/12/2021 00:06:25噓 : 噓33F 10/12 00:32
推 : 噫!解套之日不遠矣34F 10/12 00:36
→ : 禿了木35F 10/12 01:11
推 : 笑死 美國也有老謝分身36F 10/12 05:04
→ : 台灣老謝比喻 Jim?這大概是 Jim 此生最大侮辱吧37F 10/12 05:20
推 : 其實大多有被他給說中 在馬後炮方面 嘻嘻38F 10/12 05:31
噓 : 原文發文 內文不是要翻譯成中文嗎?39F 10/12 06:46
→ : 板規 1-2-2
→ : 板規 1-2-2
推 : 先朝聖41F 10/12 06:48
噓 : 垃圾貶義詞,姓謝的真倒楣42F 10/12 07:43
→ : 不要侮辱Jim44F 10/12 08:21
→ : 今天繼續噴45F 10/12 08:45
→ : 今天不反指標了嗎xd46F 10/12 09:06
推 : 根本神準 一整串回文被洗臉47F 10/12 09:39
推 : 老謝比Cramer還要正常多了好嗎? XD48F 10/12 10:08
→ : CNBC基本上就是天線寶寶智障台
→ : CNBC基本上就是天線寶寶智障台
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 110
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