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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-05-10 09:03:11
看板 Stock
作者 FableKevinS (FableKevinS)
標題 [情報] UPST.US 財報
時間 Tue May 10 08:03:40 2022

Q1 eps 0.61
下調 2022 guidance 約10%
下調Q2 guidance 約50%
盤後斷頭台 -45%中

350買 250吃筍過
大空頭停損永不嫌晚 切記

CFO says more conservative forecast reflects 'the general macro uncertainties
and the emerging prospects of a recession'

Shares of Upstart Holdings Inc. plunged more than 40% in after-hours trading M
onday after the company cut its forecast for the full year, warning that the c
urrent macroeconomic climate is expected to weigh on loan volume.
週一盤後交易中,Upstart Holdings Inc.的股價暴跌逾40%,此前該公司下調了全年預期

The company, which uses artificial intelligence in lending decisions, now expe
cts 2022 revenue of roughly $1.25 billion. Its prior forecast was for about $1
.4 billion in revenue.

The rise in consumer interest rates means that "on the margin, a whole bunch o
f people that would have been approved are no longer approved," Chief Executiv
e Dave Girouard said on Upstart's (UPST) earnings call.

"So there's a whole bunch of loans that just never happened at all, and there'
s a bunch of people that are still approved, but the interest rate is a few pe
rcentage points higher, and a certain fraction of them are going to decide tha
t's not the product that they want," he said, especially citing the case of di
scretionary purchases.

Additionally, Chief Financial Officer Sanjay Datta noted that while delinquenc
ies were "unnaturally low" for about 18 months, the trend has reversed given t
he absence of government stimulus activity.
此外,首席財務官Sanjay Datta指出,儘管違約率在大約18個月內處於“不正常的低水平

Delinquency dynamics also contribute to higher interest rates quoted to consum
ers, he said, though Upstart has seen a stabilization in delinquency trends ov
er the past 60 days.

"Given the general macro uncertainties and the emerging prospects of a recessi
on later this year, we have deemed it prudent to reflect a higher degree of co
nservatism in our forward expectations," Datta said on Upstart's earnings call

For the second quarter, Upstart anticipates revenue of $295 million to $305 mi
llion, while analysts had been expecting $335 million.

The bleaker forecast overshadowed better-than-expected results for Upstart's m
ost recent quarter, as revenue jumped to $310 million from $121 million, while
 analysts had been expecting $300 million.

The company generated $314 million in fee revenue, up 170% from a year prior,
whereas the FactSet consensus was for $287 million

Upstart also reported first-quarter net income of $32.7 million, or 34 cents a
 share, compared with $10.1 million, or 11 cents a share, in the year-earlier
period. After adjusting for stock-based compensation and other expenses, Upsta
rt earned 61 cents a share, up from 22 cents a share a year prior and ahead of
 the FactSet consensus, which was for 53 cents a share.

"We are actually quite pleased and quite happy with the results," Girouard sai
d on the earnings call. While he appreciates "that 2022 is a complicated year
in the economy," he emphasized that he's "exceptionally confident in the stren
gth of the business and is optimistic about our future, as we have been."

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Alwen       : 示範如何瞬間斷頭 跑都跑不了1F 05/10 08:05
※ 編輯: FableKevinS ( 臺灣), 05/10/2022 08:06:12
dhvaja      : 每天震盪幅度大的小股票真的不要隨意碰2F 05/10 08:05
NEX4036     : 斷頭 直接不給跑 刺激3F 05/10 08:06
dhvaja      : 表示大戶籌碼少,都是散戶互打...籌碼太亂利多不漲4F 05/10 08:06
dhvaja      : 利空就暴跌,不就反映都是短線客在玩,根本沒人
dhvaja      : 要長投
TokyoShot   : 機構也是會砍的啊…7F 05/10 08:08
dhvaja      : UPST的貸款利率本來就很高,升息之後利率報價會更高8F 05/10 08:09
bolovema    : 太屌了,盤後直接-45%。9F 05/10 08:09
uller       : 慘….10F 05/10 08:09
dhvaja      : 之後就2種狀況,借貸需求下降或違約升高...11F 05/10 08:10
momoidcool  : 我要歐印攤平了啦12F 05/10 08:10
m4m06       : 真的upset了13F 05/10 08:10
tarcowang   : 以前有股板鄉民提過,他開車聽到廣播中某支製藥股14F 05/10 08:11
tarcowang   : 股價剩一半,還以爲公司拆股,從沒想過股價會一天
tarcowang   : 腰斬
Alwen       : 成長股屍橫遍野,想想連科技巨頭都頂不住了17F 05/10 08:12
Alwen       : 這些本益比(有些還沒有)的玩意兒,一旦獲利不如預
Alwen       : 期,只能等死
Gyin        : TENGA都撐不住了何況是這些20F 05/10 08:14
capssan     : 網飛:老子連兩次財報後-30% 叫學長21F 05/10 08:15
mioco       : upst盤後只剩4x塊,慘到不能再慘,瞬間腰斬22F 05/10 08:15
piece1      : 涼了...只能說好險只壓幾千元嗎?QQ23F 05/10 08:16
Alwen       : 蘇媽微軟這種財報都被無情砍殺,你獲利不如預期...24F 05/10 08:16
f204137     : 美國今年大幅升息 不跑也是自找25F 05/10 08:17
KANGTA23    : 不是A大發的就是少一味,坐等A大專業文!26F 05/10 08:18
f204137     : UPST被利率變化影響27F 05/10 08:18
vgil        : 從高點400墜到4028F 05/10 08:18
Alwen       : 美股買小型成長股的這波沒跑掉的話,會有陰影29F 05/10 08:21
TokyoShot   : 股神們 好好賺錢工作吧30F 05/10 08:22
LearnRPG    : https://imgur.com/iSKmJRP.jpg 好像也不是反指標XD31F 05/10 08:26
woofwoof009 : 這波暴跌本益比接近20了32F 05/10 08:26
cool189     : 一折收 (什麼真的一折了33F 05/10 08:28
woofwoof009 : 好奇會不會走Amzn 2000年 劇本XD34F 05/10 08:28
peace1way   : 噗,不是買美股不會跌嗎?繼續上車不要怕呀XDDD35F 05/10 08:29
Infinair    : 45%也太猛了XDD 好刺激36F 05/10 08:31
faelone     : 這種跌幅就機構砸出來的,你知以為散戶砸的了哦37F 05/10 08:31
cubegaga    : 按照上面那張圖 abc大大應該沒什麼賠 獲利吐回去而38F 05/10 08:33
cubegaga    : 已
donkilu     : 有夠恐怖…40F 05/10 08:33
XDDDpupu5566: 美麗ㄉ懸崖41F 05/10 08:35
gladopo     : 還好我之前財報就賣了...42F 05/10 08:35
m4m06       : 夢一場QQ43F 05/10 08:40
SILee       : 為滿手RSU的公司碼農們默哀XD44F 05/10 08:42
derekhsu    : 再也不賭財報了45F 05/10 08:44
moike22     : 好…好慘46F 05/10 08:47
ds1999h     : 看來還會繼續殺 10元以下不是夢47F 05/10 08:48
dl123       : 不懂為什麼一堆人買這檔 還有人ALL IN..48F 05/10 08:51
SILee       : 這波真的把一堆打著AI旗號到處騙吃騙喝的軟體公司都49F 05/10 08:52
SILee       : 打回原形了。
CaTkinGG    : 豪可怕51F 05/10 08:53

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