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作者 標題 [新聞] Intel和 AMD 暫停向俄羅斯供應產品
時間 Sun Feb 27 09:32:46 2022
Intel and AMD suspended product deliveries to Russia - Aroged
AMD and Intel have suspended deliveries of their products to Russia. This is reported RBC citing own sources. This can lead to a shortage of computers ...
February 26, 2022
in Games
AMD and Intel have suspended deliveries of their products to Russia. This is
reported RBC citing own sources. This can lead to a shortage of computers,
servers and other products, which will lead to higher prices.
It is reported that both companies verbally announced to Russian
manufacturers that they were temporarily suspending the supply of their
products to Russia. Also, the Chinese office of Intel notified partners about
the introduction of a ban on the supply of processors to Russia. The embargo
on AMD and Intel chip stands was confirmed by RBC and a representative of the
Association of Russian Developers and Electronics Manufacturers (ARPE).
RBC reports that the Russian representative of Intel did not directly answer
the question whether the supply of processors to the country was stopped, but
said that “the company is closely monitoring the situation and enforcing
sanctions and export control regulations, including new sanctions imposed by
OFAC [Управлением по контролю за иностранным
и активами]and rules issued by BIS [Бюро промышленнос
ти и безопасности при Министерстве торгов
ли США]“. Representatives of AMD in Russia have so far declined to
и активами]and rules issued by BIS [Бюро промышленнос
ти и безопасности при Министерстве торгов
ли США]“. Representatives of AMD in Russia have so far declined to
comment, as has the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Recall that earlier it was reported that only electronics for industrial and
military purposes fall under the new US sanctions. The published document
contains an important clarification that the export of consumer electronics
will be allowed to Russia. We are talking about smartphones, computers,
modems and digital cameras. Computer components are not mentioned, so the
fate of their deliveries to Russia is still unclear.
One can only assume that industrial electronics include server processors,
accelerators, network equipment and other components of the server segment.
But AMD Ryzen and Intel Core processors, AMD Radeon graphics cards and many
other consumer products do not seem to fall under this definition. But this
is only our reasoning, and it is worth waiting for official comments.
AMD 和英特爾已暫停向俄羅斯交付其產品。據報導,RBC 引用了自己的消息來源。這可能
辦事處通知合作夥伴有關禁止向俄羅斯供應處理器的消息。 RBC 和俄羅斯開發商和電子
製造商協會 (ARPE) 的代表確認了對 AMD 和英特爾芯片支架的禁運。
辦事處通知合作夥伴有關禁止向俄羅斯供應處理器的消息。 RBC 和俄羅斯開發商和電子
製造商協會 (ARPE) 的代表確認了對 AMD 和英特爾芯片支架的禁運。
RBC 報導稱,英特爾的俄羅斯代表沒有直接回答是否停止向該國供應處理器的問題,但表
示“該公司正在密切關注情況並執行製裁和出口管制法規,包括 OFAC 實施的新制裁[У
правлением по контролю за иностранными ак
тивами]和BIS發布的規則 [Бюро промышленности и без
опасности при Министерстве торговли США]“.
迄今為止,AMD 在俄羅斯的代表和工業和貿易部都拒絕置評。
示“該公司正在密切關注情況並執行製裁和出口管制法規,包括 OFAC 實施的新制裁[У
правлением по контролю за иностранными ак
тивами]和BIS發布的規則 [Бюро промышленности и без
опасности при Министерстве торговли США]“.
迄今為止,AMD 在俄羅斯的代表和工業和貿易部都拒絕置評。
但 AMD Ryzen 和 Intel Core 處理器、AMD Radeon 顯卡和許多其他消費產品似乎並不屬
但 AMD Ryzen 和 Intel Core 處理器、AMD Radeon 顯卡和許多其他消費產品似乎並不屬
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Y6jJ0zm (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1645925568.A.F70.html
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