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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-17 01:35:46
看板 Stock
作者 Severine (賽非茵)
標題 [新聞] Google將更新Android版的隱私權計畫
時間 Wed Feb 16 22:59:34 2022


Google plans privacy change similar to Apple’s, which wiped $230 billion off
Facebook’s market cap





Google on Wednesday announced it’s adopting new privacy restrictions that
will cut tracking across apps on its Android devices, following a similar
move made by Apple last year that upended several firms’ advertising

Google said it’s developing new privacy-focused replacements for its
advertising ID, a unique string of characters that identifies the user’s
device. The digital IDs in smartphones often help ad-tech companies track and
share information about consumers.

The changes could impact big companies that have relied on tracking users
across apps, like Facebook-parent Meta. Apple’s tweaks hit Meta particularly
hard, for example. Meta said earlier this month Apple’s privacy changes will
decrease the social media company’s sales this year by about $10 billion.
That news contributed to wiping $232 billion from the company’s market cap
in a single day, eventually pushing the company’s below $600 billion. Meta
was worth more than $1 trillion back in June 2021.

But while Meta fought against Apple’s changes, it seems supportive of the
way Google plans to implement its privacy tweaks.

“Encouraging to see this long-term, collaborative approach to
privacy-protective personalized advertising from Google,” Graham Mudd, vice
president of product marketing, ads and business at Facebook said on Twitter.
“We look forward to continued work with them and the industry on
privacy-enhancing tech through industry groups.”

Google said it will continue to support the current identifiers for the next
two years, which means other companies have time to implement changes.

Apple was criticized by Facebook and other companies for rolling out its App
Tracking Transparency feature, which reduces targeting capabilities by
limiting advertisers from accessing an iPhone user identifier. With that
change, users were given a pop-up window that let them block apps from
tracking their data for advertising purposes.

Google criticized Apple’s approach in its blog post without naming the

〃We realize that other platforms have taken a different approach to ads
privacy, bluntly restricting existing technologies used by developers and
advertisers,” Google Android vice president of product management, security
and privacy, Anthony Chavez, wrote in a blog post. “We believe that —
 without first providing a privacy-preserving alternative path — such
approaches can be ineffective and lead to worse outcomes for user privacy and
developer businesses.”

Focusing on privacy practices could help the tech giant get ahead of
regulatory issues as lawmakers and consumers become more aware and concerned
of their personal data. The company said it would work closely with






品營銷,廣告和業務副總裁Graham Mudd在Twitter上表示。"我們期待通過行業團體繼續




告商使用的現有技術,"Google Android產品管理,安全和隱私副總裁Anthony Chavez在
一篇博客文章中寫道,"我們相信 , 如果不首先提供保護隱私的替代路徑 - 這種方法可


心得/評論:                             ※必需填寫滿30字,無意義者板規處分

想說怎麼有些B2C的SaaS又崩一片 結果是Google搞事.
看來Faang互搞的戰火還會持續下去 然後流彈波及四處.

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jason2641668: 還好我都玩法人互搞的台股而已1F 02/16 23:03
s78543      : 啥意思?以後廣告商不能精準投放廣告給用戶嗎?2F 02/16 23:05
newsnew     : fb因為蘋果已經很慘了 現在google也來搞3F 02/16 23:06
asubelieve  : 這個感覺是針對蘋果而來的ㄏㄏ4F 02/16 23:07
asubelieve  : 文中就有提到GOOG對蘋果的做法很感冒
Severine    : 這其實不只搞到FB 連其他依賴廣告的也QQ6F 02/16 23:08
asubelieve  : 感覺是蘋果打算限制其他公司 來獲得自己最大利益7F 02/16 23:08
jason2641668: 針對蘋果而來? 標題是說調整的方向與Apple相似欸8F 02/16 23:08
jason2641668: 哪裡是針對蘋果而來 標題超清楚就是對 Meta 影響
jason2641668: privacy change similar to Apple’s
jason2641668: 蘋果的服務基本上都是在自己設備上
jason2641668: Google隱私調整對蘋果影響根本不大

我覺得你少看了下面那一段.又感覺像是Google要調整 然後FB會配合.

But while Meta fought against Apple’s changes, it seems supportive of the
way Google plans to implement its privacy tweaks.

“Encouraging to see this long-term, collaborative approach to
privacy-protective personalized advertising from Google,” Graham Mudd, vice
president of product marketing, ads and business at Facebook said on Twitter.
“We look forward to continued work with them and the industry on
privacy-enhancing tech through industry groups.”

asubelieve  : 內文有寫 GOOG有給媒體公司時間去做調整13F 02/16 23:10
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 02/16/2022 23:12:24
asubelieve  : GOOG批評APPLE的做法 蘋果自己也在推自己的APP侵害14F 02/16 23:12
asubelieve  : 使用者的隱私
centaurjr   : 害我昨天抄底的fb破底吃筍16F 02/16 23:13
Severine    : 那是給你再抄底用的R17F 02/16 23:14
centaurjr   : 小賠出場比較安全,下去真的怕18018F 02/16 23:15
asubelieve  : which reduces targeting capabilities by limiting19F 02/16 23:16
Severine    : 抱一天就嚇到跑 不累嗎XD20F 02/16 23:16
w300204     : 廣告股慘一片QQ21F 02/16 23:16
asubelieve  : advertisers from accessing an iPhone user22F 02/16 23:16
asubelieve  : identifier
jason2641668: 因為 Google 跟 Meta 都是以廣告作為大收入來源24F 02/16 23:17
jason2641668: 而且 Google 給廠商兩年的時間調整
centaurjr   : 跑是為了再低接用的26F 02/16 23:17
jason2641668: 基本上就是在互相取暖27F 02/16 23:17
centaurjr   : 我要是fb300沒跑現在怎麼敢亂抄21628F 02/16 23:18
littlesss   : 關閉第三方cookies的意思29F 02/16 23:19
s78543      : 我是反著看的 廣告公司不能精準投放廣告 他們就得30F 02/16 23:19
s78543      : 花更多錢鎖定消費者
Severine    : 其實現在就是廣告商在亂丟廣告 受眾都很膩32F 02/16 23:21
centaurjr   : 也有可能大家發現沒差,但是不是馬上33F 02/16 23:21
Severine    : 結果就是廣告商拼命丟 但觸擊率不會隨之提升34F 02/16 23:21
s78543      : 投放100個人可能會有20個人消費 未來投放500個人才35F 02/16 23:22
s78543      : 維持20個人消費
centaurjr   : 盤勢很差,利空這麼兇應該還是會下去37F 02/16 23:22
jason2641668: https://i.imgur.com/kFPNlTB.png38F 02/16 23:22
jason2641668: Google承諾這個改動不會擋人財路
jason2641668: 所以 Meta 當然支持 = =
littlesss   : 所以大家才會趕著建置app拉人入會員41F 02/16 23:24
s78543      : 大家有差啊 像遊戲廣告這樣 一堆造假畫面42F 02/16 23:24
s78543      : 5種不同畫面連結到同一個遊戲 以後假廣告越來越多
centaurjr   : 反正破底過了要殺很快就下去,再找下一個支撐看看囉44F 02/16 23:26
Severine    : 我常用的APP會透過廣告給獎勵 結果沒一個想點進去45F 02/16 23:27
Severine    : 不然就是高度重複 連續五個一樣之類
Severine    : 有趣的是IG還常打廣告 感覺錢太多亂投
centaurjr   : 我老婆玩農場我看他點垃圾廣告點的蠻開心的XD48F 02/16 23:28
centaurjr   : 看獎勵你想不想要而已
Severine    : ...好吧每個人習慣不同XD50F 02/16 23:29
pushstut    : 網頁能順便嗎?看個文章一堆垃圾廣告欸幹-.-51F 02/16 23:29
Severine    : 哦 我是看了就有獎勵 我就放在那邊掛著做事52F 02/16 23:29
Severine    : 但聽起來每次都差不多
s78543      : adg好用 可以少看一堆廣告54F 02/16 23:30
Severine    : 網頁那個不要想了 他們搞這些也不是為了讓廣告變少55F 02/16 23:30
Severine    : 我說這些平台商 都是想賺廣告錢的
centaurjr   : 以後跟YouTube 一樣開個FB付費會員就可以不用看了57F 02/16 23:33
centaurjr   :  誤
Severine    : 結果你會發現那些廣告後面接了各家廣告商 都得買XD59F 02/16 23:34
pushstut    : 每次都要點X關廣告,有的還擋在中間關不掉orz60F 02/16 23:36
Severine    : 那種要鎖全螢幕的我都直接離開..61F 02/16 23:37
s78543      : 那個手機也能安裝 過濾大概9成廣告吧62F 02/16 23:40
longkiss0618: adg用2年 他說幫我擋了120萬個廣告@@63F 02/17 00:01
kid1a2b3c4d : mata GGGGGGGGGGGGG了64F 02/17 00:58

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