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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-12 00:39:21
看板 Stock
作者 qk123 (qk123)
標題 [新聞] Elon Musk's Brother Sells $25m shares
時間 Thu Feb 11 17:28:47 2021

原文標題:Elon Musk’s Younger Brother Sells $25.6 Million Tesla Shares
Musk’s Younger Brother Sells $25.6 Million of Tesla Shares
(Bloomberg) -- Kimbal Musk, the younger brother of Elon Musk and a Tesla Inc. board member, sold $25.6 million of shares in the electric-car maker, ac ...

發布時間:Thu, February 11, 2021, 12:30 PM

(Bloomberg) -- Kimbal Musk, the younger brother of Elon Musk and a Tesla Inc.
board member, sold $25.6 million of shares in the electric-car maker,
according to a filing with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission.

The 48-year-old sold 30,000 shares on Feb. 9 at an average price of $852.12,
according to the filing. Tesla shares dropped 5.3% Wednesday to close at
$804.82. Tesla soared 743% in 2020 and is up another 14% this year.

Read more: Tesla Insider Stock Sales Are on Pace to Eclipse a 2013 Peak

The transaction reduced Kimbal Musk’s holding to 599,740 Tesla shares, which
amounts to $483 million. Tesla insiders hold a 19.6% stake in the company,
according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Board member Antonio Gracias meanwhile sold 150,747 Tesla shares, leaving him
with a direct holding of 2,545. However, he replaced these with new long
positions via long-dated call options, also known as Long-term Equity
Anticipation Securities, or LEAPs. Gracias bought about 150,000 call options
expiring in June 2022 and 2025 with exercise prices of $52.38 and $68.56. He
also indirectly owns 1.3 million Tesla shares through AJG Growth Fund.

Read more: LEAPs: Here’s a Chance to Hop over Risk

Kimbal Musk is chief executive officer and co-founder of The Kitchen
Restaurant Group. Gracias is the founder and head of Valor Equity Partners.

(Updates with transactions by board member Antonio Gracias.)


Elon Musk 的弟弟賣了30,000股,不過他還有 599,740股,算小賣一點
董事會成員 Antonio Gracias 也賣了 150,747股


*[m2.連結過長請善用 https://bit.ly/ 縮網址,連結能不能點擊者板規1-2-2處份。
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WWIII       : 內部人出脫 塊陶阿1F 02/11 17:29
dergnj      : 要噴了啦 快買阿2F 02/11 17:30
NickSwisher : 賣在阿呆谷3F 02/11 17:33
EDFR        : 繃繃4F 02/11 17:35
luche       : 應該是採取零成本持有法 減輕心理壓力5F 02/11 17:36
luche       : 例如 有人股票漲幾倍 不賣好像有點緊張 這時候只要
luche       : 取出成本 忘了有買過就好
icedog122   : 慘了 馬斯克家人竟然偷賣...8F 02/11 17:37
XDDDpupu5566: 信仰不足9F 02/11 17:39
jimmyid4    : 每年都在賣有甚麼好大驚小怪10F 02/11 17:41
small91051  : 馬斯克有前妻嗎?11F 02/11 17:43
Yuijian     : 崩崩 抓穩囉12F 02/11 17:43
jimmyid4    : 去年賣在498.32美元https://bit.ly/3d3odme13F 02/11 17:44
Sunofgod    : wiki說他有三段婚姻14F 02/11 17:44
k3nt        : 才零頭而已...15F 02/11 17:50
thbygn98    : 99tsla16F 02/11 17:51
Ashand      : 生活費用完了17F 02/11 17:55
Rin5566     : 要噴了18F 02/11 17:55
KnightLee   : 他要造火箭 不賣哪來的錢 繼續儲值信仰19F 02/11 17:58
EugeneSue   : 莊趁消息殺800期權而已,還是區間震盪。20F 02/11 18:38
hcwang1126  : 過年了 提2000萬鎂出來發紅包21F 02/11 18:44
Feynman5566 : 感謝給信徒們上車機會22F 02/11 18:55
webster1112 : 零成本持有法 減輕心理壓力=>比爾蓋茲不會用這蠢法23F 02/11 19:01
alado       : 還有59萬股好嗎?要發壓歲錢而已24F 02/11 19:02
jerrychuang : 這跟前妻的威力比,不知道差多少25F 02/11 19:26
izplus      : 809加了5股26F 02/11 19:37
pttccbbs    : 要崩了27F 02/11 20:18
patrol      : 喔喔 前妻出貨XD28F 02/11 21:12
abasqoo     : 賣點來過爽生活29F 02/11 21:13
daq         : 前妻之鑑30F 02/11 22:10
SaintsRow   : 大家搶著要 現在不賣何時賣31F 02/11 22:20
DecemberLV  : 哥哥有錢 弟弟拿零用錢 臭了嗎?32F 02/11 22:23
roserule    : 賣點股票買東西犒賞自己不行嗎?33F 02/11 22:31
lafayee     : 拿去換Bitcoin 沒毛病34F 02/11 23:27
gn00295120  : 上次不是先買call嗎35F 02/11 23:41
icosahedron : 農曆年賣掉發紅包,沒問題啊36F 02/11 23:41
HiggsBoson  : 不會崩啦 他弟上次賣完盤了兩個月==37F 02/12 00:00

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