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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-10 07:28:13
看板 Stock
作者 sluttervagen ()
標題 [新聞] 美國原油庫存無預警爆增至1500萬桶
時間 Thu Dec 10 00:53:17 2020

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Oil Longs Ignore Monstrous U.S. Crude Build to Cling to $45/bbl By Investing.com
Oil Longs Ignore Monstrous U.S. Crude Build to Cling to $45/bbl ...



Investing.com --?Crude oil stockpiles rose far more than expected in the latest week the Energy Information Administration said on Wednesday.

Crude inventories?spiked last week, adding 15.2 million barrels compared with analysts' expectations for a 1.42 million-barrel drawdown.

Distillate stockpiles, which include diesel and?heating oil, rose by 5.2 million barrels in the week against expectations for a 1.41 million barrel increase, the EIA data showed.

Refinery crude runs?rose by 424,000 barrels in the last week, EIA said. The weekly?refinery utilization rate?was 1.7%, according to the report.

U.S.?gasoline inventories?rose by 4.22 million barrels last week the EIA said, compared with expectations for a 2.27 million-barrel build.

"No one could have possibly foreseen this a crude build this humongous, which rates as the single largest for a week since the week ended April 13," said Investing.com analyst Barani Krishnan. "While the EIA has a cursory 1.1-million barrels per day rise in imports from the previous week as one of the catalysts for the build, a drill down of the inventory growth in the Gulf Coast shows a 12 million barrel build, while the West Coast has another 3.2 million barrel gain. That, in itself, explains where

this 15 million barrels came from."

Krishnan added: "It seems like all those tough Saudi cuts in exports to the U.S. in earlier weeks have been wiped out by these huge additions now. To what purpose, it isn’t clear yet. If the crude build wasn’t bad enough, we had generous additions of more than 4 million in gasoline stocks? and 5 million in diesel-led distillate inventories.?What’s even more stunning is where oil prices are. Bulls still have the gall to keep??WTI?at above $45 per barrel at these numbers. It looks like distortion

between market expectations for vaccine success and economic reopening from Covid-19 couldn’t be greater than the actual immediate impact we are having with caseloads, hospitalizations and deaths."







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in771028zzz : 航運利多?1F 12/10 00:54
sluttervagen: ALL IN 長榮海運2F 12/10 00:55
JamesHsuan  : 現在油量消耗是疫情前六七成  你減產有可能六七成嗎3F 12/10 00:55
a5413eric   : 才跌0.45%4F 12/10 00:55
a5413eric   : 這應該是利空出盡了吧
kyova       : 航海王噴噴6F 12/10 00:56
bat205      : 長榮我看噴到火星去了7F 12/10 00:56

ALL IN 嘉年華集團阿


Carnival Corporation (CCL)

sweety655633: 之前按照紀律8F 12/10 00:58
sweety655633: 每次罷工仔就買進長榮航的現在都賺不少了
talentsu    : 油價要再往下不易,趁油價波段低檔補庫存,尚合理10F 12/10 00:59
sweety655633: *開除11F 12/10 00:59
tedandjolin : 所以航運繼續往上? 拜託了QQ12F 12/10 00:59



hkr91511208 : 大爆V了啦13F 12/10 01:04


jackq       : 不可質疑神秘油14F 12/10 01:04
drmit       : 這壞事吧15F 12/10 01:07

zakijudelo  : 不是表示離恢復正常生活又要更久了嗎?16F 12/10 01:09

※ 編輯: sluttervagen ( 臺灣), 12/10/2020 01:10:08
clement10601: 綠能搞不好反而會漲17F 12/10 01:19
Akitsukineko: 消耗是疫情前六七成  減產需要六七成?18F 12/10 01:22
SaintsRow   : 神秘油難以預測19F 12/10 01:25
chinaeatshit: 一下炸油田  一下爆增  布蘭特跟小輕原油開戰哦20F 12/10 01:26
jojojen     : 看完炸油田新聞發現油價開始跌,看到這篇回去看油油21F 12/10 01:32
jojojen     : 又拉回了==
jojojen     : 覺得乾脆別看了,早點睡比較實在==
LittleBeauty: 原油期又漲回來了= =24F 12/10 01:35
lala8520    : 華航 長榮起飛==25F 12/10 02:23
emuplayer   : 美國一天要消耗多少你知道嗎?  1500萬? 哈欠~~~26F 12/10 02:27
donkilu     : 上半年早就說會拉高庫存了 哪是突然發生的事27F 12/10 02:55
ice1015     : 冬季不拉高庫存,是真的會死人28F 12/10 03:02
nrxadsl     : 戰爭?29F 12/10 03:07
ED9         : 哀哀30F 12/10 03:12
vulu04u04   : 天氣冷就是用油時機31F 12/10 04:28
linda17a3   : 漲 綠能跌一點32F 12/10 04:55
yellmt      : 航運起飛...33F 12/10 05:09
bunjie      : 神秘油就是短期完全無法預測啊XD 不然為何稱神秘油34F 12/10 06:07
bboywhite   : 神秘油油蔥鴨~~35F 12/10 06:09
abram       : 冬天暖爐也要用油36F 12/10 06:32
deii        : 跟敗燈的票一樣爆增37F 12/10 06:53
apple960164 : 但今天夜盤大跌,好怕長榮被拖累38F 12/10 06:55
fjtc12      : 航運續噴 開營收再噴 噴不完了39F 12/10 07:02
jimmmy722   : 多空交戰40F 12/10 07:08

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