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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-07-16 08:02:55
看板 Stock
作者 tonku (哈囉,我是tonku)
時間 Thu Jul 16 05:27:34 2020

2.連結過長請善用 https://goo.gl/ 縮網址,連結能不能點擊者板規1-2-2處份。

Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos Twitter hacked with bitcoin-giveaway scam - Business Insider Their accounts posted tweets containing what claimed to be their bitcoin addresses, with Musk's tweeting he's "feeling generous because of COVID-19." ...



Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have been hacked as part of a widespread bitcoin giveaway scam.

Musk posted multiple tweets Wednesday afternoon containing what claimed to be
his bitcoin address, saying he was "feeling generous because of COVID-19."
Gates' account sent an identical tweet minutes later, followed by Bezos.

Musk's account followed up with another tweet stating that if "You send $1,000
, I send back $2,000!" for the following 30 minutes.

Bezos' account was compromised around 5 p.m. Wednesday, with the exec tweeting
that he would only do "a maximum of $50,000,000" in bitcoin giveaways.

The tweets from Musk's account have since been deleted. The tweet from Gates'
 account is gone as well.

Musk's, Gates', and Bezos' accounts aren't the only one that have been
 compromised. Several high-profile financial services and crypto exchange
accounts, such as Cash App, Ripple, Binance, and Coinbase, were affected on
Wednesday as well. According to CoinDesk, the attackers hacked Changpeng Zhao,
 the CEO of Binance, after he attempted to warn users of the scam.
Several of the entities that were hacked, including CoinDesk, had multi-factor
 authentication turn on, the site reports.

A Twitter spokesperson told Business Insider the issue is "being looked into." Representatives for Gates, Bezos, and Musk did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Musk is frequently the target of cryptocurrency scams, with scammers
impersonating his account in an attempt to get followers to send them digital
 currency. He tweeted in February about the ongoing issue, saying that
"The crypto scam level on Twitter is reaching new levels. This is not cool."



駭客po了自己的bitcoin wallet說匯一千美金近來我會兩千給你XD







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wts4832     : 連彭博跟拜登都被盜囉 幹嘛不直接幫拜登退選1F 07/16 05:30
wts4832     : 這樣股市還不飛天
tonku       : 駭客能拿到admin權限,但感覺又這麼三腳貓也是真的3F 07/16 05:31
tonku       : 搞笑
SRNOB       : 這不會 這套路好幾年了 都沒人管5F 07/16 05:31
wts4832     : 還有巴菲特的 巴老發錢囉 https://reurl.cc/z8VAZN6F 07/16 05:32
tonku       : 完了!我剛剛匯錢過去了,老吧我的2000美呢?7F 07/16 05:32
wts4832     : 歐巴馬也參戰了 https://reurl.cc/5lmM5V8F 07/16 05:41
wts4832     : 太可笑了 過了一個半小時還沒控制住9F 07/16 05:42
※ 編輯: tonku ( 英國), 07/16/2020 05:44:08
hugoyo      : 主要是有一個人直接給4.5個,蠢到有剩10F 07/16 05:44
※ 編輯: tonku ( 英國), 07/16/2020 05:46:08
SRNOB       : 這駭客真的蠻蠢的 隨便幾個字都能讓特斯拉造成大波11F 07/16 05:48
SRNOB       : 動
gigongwen   : 笑死13F 07/16 05:53
meRscliche  : 什麼鬼14F 07/16 05:53
if2         : 老巴發錢XDD15F 07/16 06:03
guanting886 : 爆賺六顆比特幣爽喔16F 07/16 06:18
idernest    : 一定是逛了不好的網站才被駭17F 07/16 06:18
ickeal      : 連推特自己官方帳都中招19F 07/16 06:23
guanting886 : 靠邀數字還在增加 這樣快donate到二百萬台幣惹20F 07/16 06:29
SRNOB       : 太少 有這權限隨便放空賺更多 可能駭客不是美國人21F 07/16 06:32
pttccbbs    : 放空Tesla, 那招才強22F 07/16 06:39
horseorange : 空tsla那招不錯23F 07/16 07:03
illiterate  : 兩倍券24F 07/16 07:12
amazingwow  : 這自己做call訊 還不賺爆25F 07/16 07:13
pantani     : 大概沒有本金吧26F 07/16 07:17
BoatLord    : 空特斯拉XD27F 07/16 07:18
pig0038     : 這駭客是要炒比特幣吧xddddd28F 07/16 07:21
pig0038     : 比特幣的最大實用用途:支付贖金
Acold       : 駭客本來就不是要賺錢的吧30F 07/16 07:38
koexe       : 這是在做心理學實驗嗎 論名人言論對民眾的影響力31F 07/16 07:46

※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 52 
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( ̄︶ ̄)b jkyoe 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2020-07-16 10:20:18 (台灣)
  07-16 10:20 TW
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