※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-11-23 20:43:16
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作者 標題 [新聞] 牛津 Covid-19 疫苗平均70%,最好90%保護力
時間 Mon Nov 23 16:02:50 2020
1.原文連結: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55040635
Covid-19: Oxford University vaccine shows 70% protection
The coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford
stops 70% of people developing Covid symptoms, a large scale trial
It is both a triumph and a disappointment after vaccines by Pfizer
and Moderna showed 95% protection.
However, the Oxford jab is far cheaper, and is easier to store and
get to every corner of the world than the other two.
So it will still play a significant role in tackling the pandemic,
if it is approved by regulators.
There is also intriguing data that suggests perfecting the dose
could increase protection up to 90%.
The Oxford researchers have performed the normally decade-long
process of developing a vaccine in around 10 months.
"The announcement today takes us another step closer to the time
when we can use vaccines to bring an end to the devastation caused
by [the virus]," said the vaccine's architect Prof Sarah Gilbert.
The UK government has pre-ordered 100 million doses of the Oxford
vaccine, enough to immunise 50 million people.
What did the trial show?
More than 20,000 volunteers were involved, half in the UK, the
rest in Brazil.
There were 30 cases of Covid in people who had two doses of the
vaccine and 101 cases in people who received a dummy injection.The researchers said it works out at 70% protection.
When volunteers were given two "high" doses the protection was
62%, but this rose to 90% when people were given a "low" dose
followed by a high one. It's not clear why there is a difference.
"We're really pleased with these results," Prof Andrew Pollard,
the trial's lead investigator, told the BBC.
He said the 90% effectiveness data was "intriguing" and would mean
"we would have a lot more doses to distribute."
When will I get it?
In the UK there are four million doses ready to go, with another
96 million to be delivered.
But nothing can happen until the vaccine has been approved by
regulators who will assess the vaccine's safety, effectiveness,
and that it is manufactured to high standard. This process will
happen in the coming weeks.
However, the UK is ready to press the go button on an
unprecedented mass immunisation campaign that dwarfs either theannual flu or childhood vaccination programmes.
Care home residents and staff will be first in the queue, followed
by healthcare workers and the over-85s. The plan is to then work
the way down the age groups.
How does it work?
The vaccine is a genetically modified common cold virus that used
to infect chimpanzees.
It has been altered to stop it causing an infection in people and
to carry the blueprints for part of the coronavirus, known as the
spike protein.
Once these blueprints are inside the body they start the producing
the coronavirus' spike protein, which the immune system
recognizes as a threat and tries to squash it.
When the immune system comes into contact with the virus for real,
it now knows what to do.
Are the results disappointing?
After Pfizer and Moderna both produced vaccines delivering 95%
protection from Covid-19, a figure of 70% is relatively
However, anything above 50% would have been considered a triumph
just a month ago.
This vaccine can also be stored at fridge temperature, which meansit can be distributed to every corner of the world, unlike the
Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, which need to be stored at
much colder temperatures.
打安慰劑的有101人得到。雖然結果沒有比 Pfizer, Moderna 還好,
Oxford University breakthrough on global COVID-19 vaccine | University of Oxford
Oxford announces interim trial data from its Phase III trials that show its candidate coronavirus vaccine is effective at preventing COVID-19 and offe ...
These preliminary data indicate that the vaccine is 70.4%
effective, with tests on two different dose regimens showing that
the vaccine was 90% effective if administered at a half dose and
then at a full dose, or 62% effective if administered in two full
另外官方新聞稿說如果第一劑劑量減半,第二劑正常打有 90% 保護力
如果兩劑都用正常劑量則是 62%
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1606118574.A.1CD.html
推 : 這年頭沒有個90,一堆人哪敢打....1F 11/23 16:03
推 : 多打幾款就好 準備當疫苗人惹2F 11/23 16:04
推 : 賣去發展中國家,應該還是有市場3F 11/23 16:05
→ : 雞尾酒療法不知道有沒有比較好4F 11/23 16:05
→ : 效果好的被發展中國家搶光5F 11/23 16:05
推 : 疫苗6成左右就能達到全體免疫效果了6F 11/23 16:07
推 : 跟前兩個比起來好廢7F 11/23 16:08
→ : 重點是負作用...8F 11/23 16:08
推 : 其實這就一般疫苗該有的保護力,只是跟前兩支比起9F 11/23 16:09
→ : 來沒那麼神,而且動作又比較慢,所以....也許可以
→ : 賣便宜一點
→ : 來沒那麼神,而且動作又比較慢,所以....也許可以
→ : 賣便宜一點
推 : 遜掉了12F 11/23 16:09
推 : 這隻不是已經做了一大堆了 可以平價大量供應813F 11/23 16:10
推 : 窮國只能打便宜的賭運氣14F 11/23 16:11
推 : make UK heart again15F 11/23 16:11
推 : 雞尾酒療法不適合推廣吧...16F 11/23 16:11
→ : great17F 11/23 16:11
推 : 別笑!台灣說不定只能買到這種的18F 11/23 16:12
→ : 窮國不要唧唧歪歪有的打就好了19F 11/23 16:14
推 : 這支最便宜啊 3~5美元就有了20F 11/23 16:17
推 : 遜了...最早出來的結果賽跑輸人21F 11/23 16:19
→ : 牛津的之前不是說喊停了嗎? 這支不考慮啊22F 11/23 16:21
※ 編輯: SkyPlus ( 臺灣), 11/23/2020 16:24:02推 : 這個對貧窮國家的效果最好 便宜很多23F 11/23 16:23
→ : 前兩隻出來那麼強 顯得70很弱 其實70不錯了 但這隻24F 11/23 16:28
→ : 還有副作用不是?!
→ : 還有副作用不是?!
→ : 這支優勢在最便宜26F 11/23 16:29
推 : 嫩了 但好運輸是關鍵27F 11/23 16:33
→ : 前兩支要低溫冷凍運送耶,除非砸大錢裝設備不然也很28F 11/23 16:34
→ : 難普及
→ : 難普及
推 : 砸的錢和疫情造成的損失肯定無法相比吧30F 11/23 16:36
→ : 70%保護力 搞不好其他30%很慘31F 11/23 16:36
→ : 最後一定都打便宜的那種阿,除非自費32F 11/23 16:36
→ : 台灣健保沒錢 搞不好只能打這種比較便宜的???33F 11/23 16:38
→ : 結果台灣都買這個?母湯喔34F 11/23 16:46
推 : 新聞裡有講喔,兩劑的組合方式不同,可以提高到90%35F 11/23 16:50
※ 編輯: SkyPlus ( 臺灣), 11/23/2020 16:56:29推 : 偏偏他們家訂單頗多,單看效果誰會賺似乎不一定喔36F 11/23 17:26
推 : 提高到90%又便宜的話 CP值蠻高的37F 11/23 17:26
推 : 台灣人最愛講CP值,會搶著要打這支38F 11/23 17:28
→ : 效果好的被發展中國家搶光?歐美日國家搶輸發展中39F 11/23 17:32
→ : 國家,真難想像
→ : 國家,真難想像
推 : 一針不夠 你可以打兩針 真種商業頭腦 讚讚讚41F 11/23 18:11
推 : 對付這病毒的疫苗都是要打兩針 跟商業無關42F 11/23 18:44
推 : 70不錯了 流感疫苗更低43F 11/23 19:00
推 : 採購只有70的疫苗肯定會被罵死44F 11/23 20:17
推 : 我有個疑問耶!如果都沒打,得武漢肺炎機率有多高?45F 11/23 20:22
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 65
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