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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-08-18 12:53:37
看板 Stock
作者 djviva (安身守份待時以動)
標題 [其他] 0817美國商務部華為禁令
時間 Tue Aug 18 08:46:25 2020

焦糖葛葛說看原文比較好, 那我們來看一下
Commerce Department Further Restricts Huawei Access to U.S. Technology and Adds Another 38 Affiliates to the Entity List | U.S. Department of Commerce The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) in the Department of Commerce (Commerce) today further restricted access by Huawei Technologies (Huawei) and ...


Commerce Department Further Restricts Huawei Access to U.S. Technology and
Adds Another 38 Affiliates to the Entity List

華為禁令加強了, 另外新添了38家子公司到實體清單中

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) in the Department of Commerce
(Commerce) today further restricted access by Huawei Technologies (Huawei)
and its non-U.S. affiliates on the Entity List to items produced domestically
and abroad from U.S. technology and software. In addition, BIS added another
38 Huawei affiliates to the Entity List, which imposes a license requirement
for all items subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and
modified four existing Huawei Entity List entries. BIS also imposed license
requirements on any transaction involving items subject to Commerce export
control jurisdiction where a party on the Entity List is involved, such as
when Huawei (or other Entity List entities) acts as a purchaser,
intermediate, or end user. These actions, effective immediately, prevent
Huawei’s attempts to circumvent U.S. export controls to obtain electronic
components developed or produced using U.S. technology.  

不管華為跟實體清單內的公司, 是購買者or中間人or終端客戶
任何公司要把含有美國技術的產品賣過去, 都需要美國老大的賴森司同意

In May 2020, BIS amended the longstanding foreign-produced direct product
(FDP) rule to target Huawei’s acquisition of semiconductors that are the
direct product of certain U.S. software and technology. Today’s amendment
further refines the FDP rule by applying the control to transactions: 1)
where U.S. software or technology is the basis for a foreign-produced item
that will be incorporated into, or will be used in the “production” or “
development” of any “part,” “component,” or “equipment” produced,
purchased, or ordered by any Huawei entity on the Entity List; or 2) when any
Huawei entity on the Entity List is a party to such a transaction, such as a
“purchaser,” “intermediate consignee,” “ultimate consignee,” or “

This amendment further restricts Huawei from obtaining foreign made chips
developed or produced from U.S. software or technology to the same degree as
comparable U.S. chips.

“Huawei and its foreign affiliates have extended their efforts to obtain
advanced semiconductors developed or produced from U.S. software and
technology in order to fulfill the policy objectives of the Chinese Communist
Party,” said Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. “As we have restricted its
access to U.S. technology, Huawei and its affiliates have worked through
third parties to harness U.S. technology in a manner that undermines U.S.
national security and foreign policy interests. This multi-pronged action
demonstrates our continuing commitment to impede Huawei’s ability to do so.”

The following 38 new Huawei affiliates across 21 countries were added to the
Entity List because they present a significant risk of acting on Huawei’s
behalf contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the
United States. There is reasonable cause to believe that Huawei otherwise
would seek to use them to evade the restrictions imposed by the Entity List.

Huawei Cloud Computing Technology; Huawei Cloud Beijing; Huawei Cloud Dalian;
Huawei Cloud Guangzhou; Huawei Cloud Guiyang; Huawei Cloud Hong Kong; Huawei
Cloud Shanghai; Huawei Cloud Shenzhen; Huawei OpenLab Suzhou; Wulanchabu
Huawei Cloud Computing Technology; Huawei Cloud Argentina; Huawei Cloud
Brazil; Huawei Cloud Chile; Huawei OpenLab Cairo; Huawei Cloud France; Huawei
OpenLab Paris; Huawei Cloud Berlin; Huawei OpenLab Munich; Huawei
Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH; Huawei OpenLab Delhi; Toga Networks; Huawei
Cloud Mexico; Huawei OpenLab Mexico City; Huawei Technologies Morocco; Huawei
Cloud Netherlands; Huawei Cloud Peru; Huawei Cloud Russia; Huawei OpenLab
Moscow; Huawei Cloud Singapore; Huawei OpenLab Singapore; Huawei Cloud South
Africa; Huawei OpenLab Johannesburg; Huawei Cloud Switzerland; Huawei Cloud
Thailand; Huawei OpenLab Bangkok; Huawei OpenLab Istanbul; Huawei OpenLab
Dubai; and Huawei Technologies R&D UK
The Temporary General License (TGL) has now expired. This rule further
protects U.S. national security and foreign policy interests by making a
limited permanent authorization for the Huawei entities on the Entity List.
This limited authorization is for the sole purpose of providing ongoing
security research critical to maintaining the integrity and reliability of
existing and currently “fully operational networks” and equipment.

In a concurrent rule, BIS revised the Entity List to require a license when a
party on the Entity List acts as a purchaser, intermediate consignee,
ultimate consignee, or end user to an EAR transaction. This aligns with the
additional restrictions imposed in the revisions to the FDP, when any of the
Huawei entities on the Entity List are a party to the transaction, such as by
acting as purchaser, intermediate consignee, ultimate consignee, or end user.

另外, 中國的中芯國際也被迫挺美要遵守禁令, 設備緣故
中芯被迫挺美 遵守華為禁令 | 蘋果新聞網 | 蘋果日報
【財經中心╱綜合外電報導】綜合中國媒體報導,上周華為消費者業務執行長余承東證實台積電不再為海思手機晶片代工,市場猜測華為可能有其他5種具挑戰性的晶片來源選擇,當中包括中國晶圓代工廠中芯國際。然而中芯在美國禁令下也無力支持華為。 中芯日前在回復關於投資人針對是否能繼續供應華為時... ...


華為禁令延9月30日生效 - 兩岸要聞 - 中國時報
美國總統川普表示,大陸近日向美國採購大量農產品,目的是要令他開心,但他質疑北京其實最希望由民主黨總統參選人拜登勝出大選。此外,川普政府決定暫時授予五角大廈權利,和使用華為或中國製造的通訊設備的承包商合 ...


美掐斷華為 殃及聯發科
美掐斷華為 殃及聯發科 - 工商時報
新規阻止第三方設計公司賣晶片給華為 ...


天下晨間新聞  美國再斬華為,聯發科不妙?|天下雜誌
川普政府似乎想斬斷華為一切活路,而最新被捲進貿易戰火裡的,是聯發科? ...

第一波: 2019年5月, 華為列實體清單禁止美企與其合作, 並不給華為用google
第二波: 25%美國技術含量產品沒美國同意不準賣華為, 5月降為0%
第三波: 除非美國同意, 不然不給華為繞道使用含美技術的產品








整理完差不多是這些, 分別是華為/發哥/高通的角度, 希望對大家有幫助

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bakayalo    : 發哥不賣華為還是可以出或其他中國廠阿1F 08/18 08:48
bakayalo    : 高通就繼續被中國廠排擠吧~
BenJMAS     : 可惜今年Mi10 pro、Find X2 pro等一眾非菊廠旗艦都3F 08/18 08:49
BenJMAS     : 還是用高通,繼續幻想高通被中國廠排擠。
only0307    : 推推5F 08/18 08:53
dasuperray  : 發哥要下看多少XD6F 08/18 08:56
tonyd       : Gun 發哥崩QQ7F 08/18 08:57
kevinmeng2  : 發哥400all in8F 08/18 08:58
BenJMAS     : 發粉可憐,連當備胎都被卡脖子。9F 08/18 08:58
geminitw    : 里昂不是喊一千?分析師會不會跑路?10F 08/18 09:03
oneheat     : 一樓,跌停囉11F 08/18 09:06
poeoe       : 太慘了……12F 08/18 09:06
thinksilver : 發哥:乾我只是備胎也要被搞?13F 08/18 09:09
oneheat     : 快衝去接啊啊,米OV集體排擠喔14F 08/18 09:09
pponywong   : 通訊理論 EDA tools 太多美國技術了 根本繞不開15F 08/18 09:10
leoloveivy  : 到最後還是美國同意高通賣給中國拉 怎可能給發科賺=16F 08/18 09:10
leoloveivy  : =
lonelysam   : 發哥:涼了18F 08/18 09:11
abcd425heart: 高通手法怎麼和三星這麼像19F 08/18 09:16
abyssa1     : 禁高通然後給聯發科本來就賣匪夷所思20F 08/18 09:18
madboy      : 空空 崩崩21F 08/18 09:22
jsml        : 所以我3034也崩了…22F 08/18 09:23
ikariamman  : 矽格掰23F 08/18 09:25
roseritter  : 推整理24F 08/18 09:25
roseritter  : 情蒐已久 只等老大決定是否發動
if2         : 怎麼小兒喊完沒多久就崩了26F 08/18 09:28
djviva      : 接下來9/30之前都應該是這樣, 大選前應該沒轉圜27F 08/18 09:30
edwinrw     : 發哥獨家供應的夢28F 08/18 09:30
djviva      : 有可能460左右反彈一下,之後再走空到Q1天璣2000出來29F 08/18 09:31
labell      : 推 資安重要30F 08/18 09:32
djviva      : 發哥:"我要吃下整個大中國!!"  半年夢醒....31F 08/18 09:32
b1izzard2000: 發哥慘了32F 08/18 09:33
BenJMAS     : 等你們這些IC設計廠開發出自己的EDA工具,否則想違33F 08/18 09:33
BenJMAS     : 背美國爹的指示暗助華為,都是自以為是,不自量力。
AGODC       : 就一堆不能賣了,當然本夢比也消風了35F 08/18 09:34
geminitw    : 滴完洩 憐法克 憐永 安心上路36F 08/18 09:36
Amewakahiko : : 高通還不檢舉發哥檢舉到爆?
08/07 10:45
37F 08/18 09:37
meowgy      : 發哥又沒差,死華為,其他中國手機廠會用啊38F 08/18 09:37
geminitw    : 沒差? 砍價跪求 Oppo 下單吧39F 08/18 09:38
poeoe       : 其他中國手機廠有高通可以買==40F 08/18 09:39
BenJMAS     : 藍綠廠跟糧廠從好幾年前就一直都有在用發哥芯,所以41F 08/18 09:39
BenJMAS     : 發哥股價維持在三年前大概合理吧。
syterol     : 發哥:趁華為禁令,我要大賺特賺財富自由 (舉刀43F 08/18 09:40
afflic      : 結果跌停板44F 08/18 09:41
kkithh      : 吃不到華為還想股價7-800?45F 08/18 09:41
oneheat     : 八成不知道米OV之前不滿發哥把太多資源放在華為上46F 08/18 09:42
oneheat     : 面,現在好笑了
edwinrw     : 有差啊 本來可以跟華為抬價簽長約 全沒了48F 08/18 09:42
zakijudelo  : 爽!打死IC設計,資金回流生技49F 08/18 09:44
Amewakahiko : 米OV有高通可用的話 誰要用發哥的野雞晶片50F 08/18 09:51
mecca       : 反正就是米帝要勒索,給錢就對了。錢能解決的都小事51F 08/18 09:52
s844012     : 鬼月即將到來,什麼鬼話都出就是要拉下來52F 08/18 09:59
Samurai     : 這等於是要華為死,不可能完全排除美國技術53F 08/18 10:01
magamanzero : 簡單說 高通想得是 就是發哥能賣 我也能賣54F 08/18 10:04
magamanzero : 我不能賣 發哥也不能賣
knifeking   : 成也華為,敗也華為..56F 08/18 10:14
djviva      : 發哥只剩兩條路,高通遊說成功大家都能賣,川普敗選57F 08/18 10:16
oneheat     : 大家都能賣的話,華為還是首選高通啊58F 08/18 10:18
jeromeshih  : MTK有優勢只有在高通不能賣,M能賣,如果兩個都能賣59F 08/18 10:21
jeromeshih  : 或都不能賣比較沒優勢
kinki999    : 謝翻譯61F 08/18 10:22
djviva      : 如果高通能賣華為=發哥也能賣華為, 那麼發哥會受惠62F 08/18 10:33
djviva      : 因為中低階機種, 只有華為給的比重最多
djviva      : 如果華為掛了,那Vivo Oppo 小米八成都用高通的
djviva      : 這三家給發哥的搞不好低於20%, 利空
LargeTaco   : 喊1200的外資怎麼消失了?再喊再騙啊!最大詐騙集66F 08/18 12:40
LargeTaco   : 團

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