看板 Saranome
作者 標題 [轉錄][情報] Paragon VS Lich King 25 Hardmode
時間 2010年05月13日 Thu. PM 11:01:57
作者 kuonet (鍋貼) 看板 WOW
標題 Re: [情報] Paragon VS Lich King 25 Hardmode
時間 Mon Apr 12 13:42:52 2010
※ 引述《hotdogee (hotdog)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《greydust (灰)》之銘言:
: : paragon官網有載點
: : http://www.paragon-wow.com/index.php?p=news&id=28
: 在Paragon的網頁已經放上了LichKing HM的圖文攻略了
: http://www.paragon-wow.com/index.php?p=article&id=11
: These are the tactics that Paragon used on their first Lich King kill
: 26.3.2010. That week we had the 5% increased healing/health/damage buff
: active. Patch 3.3.3 had come out on previous Wednesday. The patch provided
: dps buffs to some classes (like frost death knight and moonkin) as well as
: it buffed priest shields and gave the 5% damage bonus to pets.
: Basic stats on the encounter:
: Lich King: 103,9M hitpoints (dies at 10%)
: Val’kyr Shadowguards: 3M hitpoints )(P3的天使)
: Raging Spirits: 4,1M hitpoints (轉換階段會隨機出在人上的)
: Vile Spirits: (blew these up) (P3的阿飄)
巫妖王: 1億390萬(打到10%獲勝)
華爾琪影衛: 300萬*3 (打掉150萬上天)
狂怒的鬼魂: 410萬
邪惡靈魂: 不重要, 炸了他
補充 - 弱化的邪惡靈魂 - 4000上下
: The fight has 3 different phases and 2 transition phases + Frostmourne room
: in the last phase.
三階段 + 兩個轉階段 + 最後一階段大家進房間
: Click the pictures for a bigger size images.
: On our kill we had 2 shambling horrors spawning. The shamblers and some of
: the ghouls were tanked by a protection paladin, Lazeil. We had Sejta, a
: feral druid tanking the Lich King and the rest of the ghouls.
我們(以下我們都是指Paragon)P1只出兩隻恐獸, 然後防聖把恐獸+苦工食屍鬼抓一抓
: We brought the disease to Lazeil’s mob pile and he made sure the disease
: would go to the shamblers. When needed, Lazeil taunted more ghouls off
: Sejta to stack the disease. A protection paladin works perfect for
: shamblers, as they have ardent defender as an ‘oh-shit’ ability as well
: as good stuns. When Lazeil was tanking two shamblers, he stunned them right
: after they had casted Enrage. He got stun help from a retribution paladin.
: When needed, he called for a Pain Suppression from our disc priest. Enrage
: was removed from the mobs by two hunters. When the mobs go below 20% they
: gain Frenzy and start hitting like mad. It’s important to have them dying
: as fast as possible when they start going low.
防聖解病, 有必要的時候嘲諷食屍鬼過來讓病往上疊
防聖imba, 恐獸狂怒有時候幹一下10萬的還有忠誠防衛者可以扛一下
(補充: 25 Hard恐獸狂暴打坦是六位數起跳)
暈鎚+神聖憤怒可以暈兩次恐獸狂怒, 再不行就叫懲戒騎幫暈, 還是不行就給鎮壓
恐獸20%會狂怒, 所以20%最好祈求他快快死
(補充: 25 Hard恐獸20%+狂怒打坦數字是2開頭的六位數, 尤其是第一隻恐獸
病疊不高沒辦法一次跳掉20%, 通常是選擇直接暈到死)
: On the transition phase we spread out as well as possible; melee did two
: piles to ease up the healing. We always brought the spawning raging spirits
: to the tank (it's important to face the tank to get the spirit spawn in a
: good position and it's easier for the tank to grab it). Our druid tank
: Sejta turned the raging spirits facing the center, so that they could be
: moved straight towards the Phase 2 spot when the val'kyr phase started. We
: had two hunters shooting the frost orbs and some ranged guys assisting with
: instants when needed. Our rogues and hunters used at least 1
: tricks/misdirect per spirit, as the threat on these mobs needed to be
: really good.
我們盡量站散, 近戰分成兩團 (補充: 25 Hard疊到2一跳就8000左右了)
鬼魂頭朝中間, 這樣p2比較快跑到中間接王
兩個獵人打冰球, 其他遠程看情況幫忙(補充: 25 Hard冰球血量54000)
: In the second phase we had our whole raid standing on top of our marked
: moonkin - Lappe. We started by moving the boss and the remaining raging
: spirit to our raid position 1. We usually had the last raging spirit at 5-
: 10% when the first wave of val'kyrs spawned. It is absolutely crucial to
: have the whole raid on the exactly same spot to get the val'kyrs going
: exactly to the same direction after they have grabbed their targets. The
: spot also has to be far enough from the edges to have the maximum amount of
: time to dps the mobs down to 50%.
: http://static.paragon-wow.com/00x_200_pictures/phase-2_valkyrs.jpg
第二階段 - 華爾琪
第二階段我們標記一隻胖鳥, 大家跟他疊, 一開始站到圖上位置一(Position 1)
中污染的就往下面跑, 華爾琪出就朝黃色箭頭方向扁他, 坦順便把巫妖王和狂怒帶
站在一起超重要, 這樣華爾琪才會飛同一個方向(術士除外)
然後離中心越近越好, 讓華爾琪飛比較遠可以扁比較久
: We had our tank Lazeil and both our holy paladins Ilonie and Diamondtear on
: their specific raid marks to use Hammer of Justice on the val'kyrs to stun
: them. It was very important to get all the stuns in as fast as possible to
: keep the mobs together for cleaves. If one of the paladins got the val’kyr
: we had 2 retribution paladins to take their place. After the 6 seconds stun
: was over, two paladins used Holy Wrath back to back. Additionally we had
: three rogues to use Cheap Shots on the mobs if they needed more stuns. The
: mobs were slowed by unholy death knight's Desecration, rogue's crippling
: poisons, and our moonkin's Typhoon.
防聖 + 兩個補聖一人暈鎚一隻, 盡量暈快點讓他們暈在同一個點更好扁
假如有聖被抓, 沒關係, 我們還有兩個懲戒騎
六秒暈完之後, 兩個聖騎輪流用神聖憤怒
緩的話是髒DK的緩地板 + 賊致殘毒藥 + 鳥D颱風
: As the val’kyrs get dps’d down to 50% they drop the player they were
: carrying and fly up in the air and start shooting. They have aggro and we
: used a retribution paladin with righteous fury on to pull aggro from the
: val’kyrs. When they flew up our protection paladin taunted them off the
: retribution paladin to soak the damage they did. If the val’kyrs were
: allowed to shoot around freely they would have destroyed all the discipline
: priest shields which would have made infest healing impossible.
華爾琪打到50%上天之後還是有仇恨, 簡單作法就是懲戒騎開正義之怒, 坦騎直接嘲諷
: We always tried to get the defiles as far away from the throne (and the
: raid) as possible. Val’kyrs and the defile have different timers so
: sometimes there is a lot of time before the next defile after the val’kyrs,
: sometimes there is only two seconds in between.
: http://static.paragon-wow.com/00x_200_pictures/phase-2_before_defile.jpg
華爾琪跟污染的CD時間不太一樣, 所以有時候中間隔很久, 有時候連續來
(補充: 例如第二次污染跟華爾琪一起來)
: When val’kyrs came just before the defile, our ranged dps and healers
: waited for all three of them to land, and after that immediately took a few
: steps away from the raid to be able to run the defile far enough from the
: raid. The melee dps'd the val'kyrs from the opposite side of the throne. If
: a melee got the defile, he ran away from the group and the rest of the
: melee simply moved to the throne side of the mobs.
: http://static.paragon-wow.com/00x_200_pictures/phase-2_after_defile.jpg
反正簡單講, 假如華爾琪跟污染一起來 = 整個Raid直接站一起
差很久 = 遠程先站到下面那塊去, 等放完污染再去疊
: Naturally we kept the Lich King on top of val'kyrs all the time to get all
: possible cleaves on him. When we knew the defile would come a lot before
: val'kyrs, we had our raid standing still where they had stopped after
: killing the val'kyrs, and doing max dps until the defile came. The defile
: was taken far away from our next raid spot and everyone ran to the spot as
: fast as possible to be grouped for the next val'kyrs.
所以根據這個戰術, 巫妖王永遠會在上半圓, 然後根據這個站位用力扁他
: We had one discipline priest, Jhazrun, shielding 20 raid targets for
: infest. We had death knights using anti-magic shells and warlocks using
: their shadow wards (if they didn't get shielded) to minimize the healing
: needed on them. Our 5 paladins had an aura mastery rotation which covered
: up 5/6 of all infests. When our disc priest got grabbed by a val'kyr, or we
: knew there wouldn't be an aura mastery, we had three priests backing the
: healing up with Divine Hymns.
一個戒律牧負責上20個人盾, 然後DK & wlk, 用反魔 & 防護暗影減傷初始傷害
然後五個聖輪流開精通光環, 每六次可以開到五次
戒律牧被抓或是剛好那次沒精通光環, 我們還有三個牧師可以輪流唱神聖禮頌
: Second transition phase is just like the first, just that there are more
: frost orbs spawning, as well as one extra raging spirit (4 altogether).
沒啥特別, 只是更多冰球 + 多一隻鬼魂
: When we entered the last phase, the whole raid took a few steps over the
: edge to the safe side and dps'd the spirits like mad before the first soul
: harvest. Lazeil moved the Lich King a few steps away from the middle, to
: the opposite direction from the raid. During the soul harvest the whole
: raid is stunned and takes damage, so everyone should be at least over 60%
: hitpoints to avoid deaths.
進去P3先靠邊邊, 然後開始狂扁鬼魂
王在唱第一次邪惡靈魂之前坦在另外一側, 唱完之後再帶過來人群
然後應該就要全體靈魂收割了, 收割前記得血量要維持在60%+以免慘死
: In the Frostmourne room we instantly had the whole raid gathering on top of
: our marked death knight, Synti, in the middle of the room. He checked out
: where there were very few bombs and took the whole raid there. There are
: bombs spawning everywhere in the room, but most spawn on top of players. By
: stacking everyone in the same pile, we were able to move to a clear area,
: and drag a line of falling bombs behind us. The trick is to make sure the
: raid doesn't move too fast, so that healers can top the raid and casters
: can kill the spirits. Starfall is super good to clear the room of spirits,
: especially when you stand in the middle before picking a direction to run
: as a group. Never let a spirit reach the group and blow up - never let
: anyone die, as the boss grows in size and gains stacks as Frostmourne gets
: the player’s soul.
收割進去霜哀房間之後, 所有人先往中間集中, 然後我們給某DK頭上一個標記
一開始先看哪個角落炸彈最少, 把整個Raid往那邊帶
炸彈的機制是到處都會出, 但大部份都在玩家頭上出, 所以當大家站在一起的時候
玩家頭上會有很多炸彈, 然後旁邊比較少, 就往同一個時針方向繞
同時記得別跑太快, 這樣補系才有機會補, 遠程才有機會往上打弱化靈魂
(補充: 炸彈炸到 or 鬼魂爆炸 = 20000傷害)
炸死人巫妖王就會長大, 長大之後就是秒坦
: After getting back from first Frostmourne room the Lich King casts defile
: immediately. We just moved away from everyone. After that, everyone but
: hunters and priests stacked instantly behind the raging spirits which were
: tanked next to the edge. Lich King summons vile spirits on the other side
: of the room and then he is brought to the raging spirit pile.
: We had a hunter placing a trap a bit in front of the group, which the Lich
: King triggered when he was brought to the raid. We used our retribution
: paladin to bubble and blow up all the first wave or vile spirits at the
: trap as they flew towards the raid. It is crucial to have the whole raid
: packed up as good as possible to have all the spirits coming to one spot.
: When we get the defile to the group, the defile guy instantly takes it
: behind the raid while everyone else takes a few steps towards to boss and
: the tank. If the Lich King tank gets the defile he moves away from the raid
: and brings the boss back later. If someone stands behind the group on the
: gray No Go Zone, the spirits won't come low enough and the soaker won't be
: able to blow them, and they will wipe the raid.
在霜哀房間跑一跑之後國王就會復活你, 一出去巫妖王會馬上送一個污染
除了獵人和牧師之外, 其他整個Raid集中到狂怒鬼魂後面繼續海扁他
因為整個Raid幾乎集中在狂怒鬼魂旁邊, 所以獵人放個冰霜陷阱在團隊前面
因為鬼魂走的路徑根本一樣, 所以我們直接叫懲戒騎無敵去吃掉所有鬼
至於污染的話就照同一個方向帶, 除了坦克中之外, 其餘狀況跑法完全一樣
(補充: 這個看影片很清楚)
圖就是上面說的戰術, 要注意的是No Go Zone, 只要有一個人跑到這條線上
又有一隻鬼魂不幸看他沒吸到 = wipe
: http://static.paragon-wow.com/00x_200_pictures/phase3_spirit_soak.jpg
: We had our hunters and priests on the sides of the room and they used their
: Fade and Feign Death when the spirits activated (note: not spawned) to make
: sure they all flew towards the boss. This gave them the opportunity to
: stand still and do max dps/channel heals. After the first spirit wave was
: soaked, we usually had the raging spirits dead and we were able to go all
: out on the boss. We used our first bloodlust in the beginning of phase 1
: and this was the spot where we used our second lust. The boss summoned the
: next wave of spirits and we moved him a bit towards the middle while ranged
: stood still and nuked before the second Harvest Soul.
至於獵人和牧師, 我們是直接叫他們站遠 or 隨便站, 用漸隱和假死消仇恨
確保鬼魂會直直走向王那邊, 這樣他們輸出治療的也會比較開心
通常這時候嗜血的精神亢奮也好了, 所以就在第二波邪惡靈魂叫完之後開下去扁王
: After we got up from the Frostmourne room we used our protection paladin to
: soak the next spirit waves. The idea is to go move the raid across the room
: and soak the spirits on the trap in front of the raid.
所以第一波 = 懲戒騎無敵吃
第二波 = 懲戒騎無敵吃
第三波呢? 狂怒的鬼魂死了 防騎無敵吃
第四波之後他沒提到, 不過無責任猜測大概是神聖騎吃
第六波? 沒有第六波, 王狂暴了
(1) Pal Imba
(2) Pal Imba
(3) Pal Imba
★br********ed 冷無情會冰心訣嗎?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :Pal Imba!1F 04/12 13:44
→ : NERF PAL!2F 04/12 13:45
推 :假如有聖被抓, 沒關係, 我們還有兩個懲戒騎3F 04/12 13:47
推 :Pal Imba!4F 04/12 13:47
推 :結論: pal imba5F 04/12 13:48
→ :Pal IMBA6F 04/12 13:49
推 :Pal Imba7F 04/12 13:50
推 :真的非常多部分應對都用到pal 而且還要大量的pal..8F 04/12 13:51
推 : 願聖光憐憫你!9F 04/12 13:51
→ :跟當初Anub H首推差不多的感想10F 04/12 13:52
→ :Pal:打我啊!笨蛋11F 04/12 13:52
推 :我們10人LK首推就是靠兩聖無敵撞前兩次的~~~12F 04/12 13:52
推 :pal so imba13F 04/12 13:52
→ :牧師唱神聖禮頌才對@@ 希望禮頌是回魔的。14F 04/12 13:53
→ :這是個聖騎主場的時代!15F 04/12 13:53
推 :Arthas:早知道不轉職了...16F 04/12 13:54
→ :WOW目前一直就圍著帕拉丁在跑(看看阿薩斯 弗丁17F 04/12 13:55
→ :能夠爆冰出來打爆frostmourne也不簡單啊!!
→ :能夠爆冰出來打爆frostmourne也不簡單啊!!
推 :wlk開前有人猜不死場合pal突破天際 naxx toc icc果然- -19F 04/12 13:56
推 :是神聖禮頌不是希望禮頌喔,希望只能回藍0.020F 04/12 13:56
推 :弗丁表示:21F 04/12 13:57
推 :佛丁大概是史上最廢參戰NPC吧....22F 04/12 14:01
※ 編輯: kuonet 來自: (04/12 14:03)推 :別這麼說 要不是他跳出來砍爆霜哀 你們早就滅團變死騎了23F 04/12 14:02
推 :要不是巫喵王老馬忘了補控場 他一輩子都是個冰塊...24F 04/12 14:05
推 :早知道這麼簡單就打爆嘆霜 在聖光之願那邊就應該先砍劍25F 04/12 14:05
推 : 早就告訴你「相信聖光,你將無所不能」了,科科26F 04/12 14:10
推 :太威猛 太強大了..27F 04/12 14:11
推 :弗丁:還好我有人人為己 (咦?28F 04/12 14:11
→ :BZ:困難阿薩斯現在學會碎甲投擲,會對靠近靈魂的目標投擲29F 04/12 14:12
推 :佛丁只會補尾刀.整場戰鬥又跟廢材一樣被凍住.一整個虛到不行30F 04/12 14:12
推 :Pal I M B A!31F 04/12 14:17
推 :"相信聖光" 快跟 "達陸 好機會!" 一樣的等級了32F 04/12 14:17
推 :佛丁不就10%解凍之後 出來普攻意思一下嗎33F 04/12 14:20
推 :米芙:弗丁 加油 好嗎?34F 04/12 14:22
推 :聖騎太IMBA了35F 04/12 14:40
推 :fth用4pal而已,戰鬥時間還比pag多約20秒,所以有內情36F 04/12 15:38
推 :fth10% paragon5% 什麼內情?37F 04/12 15:56
推 :Pal Imba !!!38F 04/12 16:04
推 :本篇翻譯 聖騎出現15次 牧4次 獵5次 賊3次 鳥2次 術1次39F 04/12 16:18
→ :DK3次
→ :DK3次
推 :薩滿生氣了41F 04/12 16:23
→ :薩滿10%先跳起來打就夠了42F 04/12 16:26
推 :我好像忘了戰跟法 囧?43F 04/12 16:29
推 :薩滿呢? 敲碗44F 04/12 16:31
推 :他們沒帶法師 只帶一隻狂戰0.045F 04/12 16:31
推 :我只看到這句 "一個戒律牧負責上20個人盾," 戒牧imba46F 04/12 16:41
推 :噬血/亢奮當成薩滿吧47F 04/12 16:48
推 :!! 不需要法師!!?48F 04/12 17:31
→ :除了paragon首推之外 次推跟FTH都有mage49F 04/12 17:42
→ :10%buff之後職業限制只會更鬆 增/元薩則不知道何時出現
→ :10%buff之後職業限制只會更鬆 增/元薩則不知道何時出現
推 :聖光在這個地方不能保護你...51F 04/12 17:46
推 :想問影片PRAT 2 開始音樂歌名是??滿好聽的!!52F 04/12 19:47
→ :結論還是PAL IMBA就是了53F 04/12 21:26
推 :這該M吧54F 04/15 15:38
※ 來源: DISP BBS 看板: Saranome 文章連結: http://disp.cc/b/100-2pz
※ 作者: Saranome 來自: 時間: 2010-05-13 23:01:57
※ 編輯: Saranome 來自: 時間: 2010-05-16 01:23:35
※ 看板: Saranome 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 199