※ 本文為 ROGANJACK 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-02-21 10:04:24
作者 標題 [閒聊] Tiffany, what the fans mean to you?
時間 Mon Feb 20 15:11:17 2012
Q.What the fans mean to you? And.. How awesome are they?
Words cannot describe.
I have to say they are our inspiration and they are the foundation behind our
They are who keep us going I think and, always keep us ready for more.
Without the fans we wouldn't be here. Opportunities are only happening because
and for the fans.
Without the fans we wouldn't be able to chase such great opportunities and
by DAVID YI / DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER / Sunday, October 23, 2011
Tiffany Hwang (SNSD) Interview with the NY Daily News - YouTube Tiffany Hwang takes time to talk to David Yi from the NY Daily News. Read the entire article here: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/music-arts/korean...

You guys are our energy and you guys are our fuel. So thank you so much and..
You think that we don't know, but we know! You guys are all there.
So thank you, thank you a million times I can't thank you enough.
111024 GIRLS' GENERATION Runs NY Fanmeeting Tiffany's beautiful mind to SONE - YouTube Tiffany's beautiful mind to SONE@ 111024 GIRLS' GENERATION Runs NY Fanmeeting 티파니의 소원을 향한 감동적인 이야기, 한국어 번역 Fancam Credit to gjk911@youtube http://www.youtube...

Words cannot describe
how GREAT is Tiffany's LOVE to SONE.
and.. so do SONE.
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推 :英文課時間到1F 02/20 15:12
推 :帕妮阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2F 02/20 15:12
推 :帕尼啊~~3F 02/20 15:12
推 :帕妮阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~我要哭了!!!4F 02/20 15:14
推 :帕妮阿~~~~難怪其他隻會說你是最肉麻的T^T5F 02/20 15:19
推 :帕妮啊~~~6F 02/20 15:22
推 :嗚嗚都起雞皮疙瘩了 帕妮阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7F 02/20 15:35
推 :帕妮阿!!!!!!!!!T_T8F 02/20 15:53
推 :帕妮阿~~~~~~~~~康桑哈咪達9F 02/20 17:04
推 :梯帕妮 so sweet (*〞︶〝*)10F 02/20 17:30
推 :感動感動11F 02/20 17:58
推 :帕妮啊!!!!!!!!!一整個令我感動> <!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12F 02/20 20:42
推 :帕妮阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14F 02/20 20:52
推 :帕妮啊~~~~~~好感動!!!!!!!謝謝你成為我們的帕妮!!!!!15F 02/20 21:23
推 :帕妮阿!!!!!!!!!!!!16F 02/20 22:22
推 :帕妮阿~~~姐姐好感動!!!!!嗚嗚嗚~~~~17F 02/21 00:17
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