※ 本文為 ROGANJACK 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-13 09:28:39
作者 標題 [影音] 120512 Tiffany Star Call
時間 Sat May 12 12:21:07 2012
120512 Tiffany Star Call
久違的Star Call 阿
120511 Starcall from Tiffany - YouTube
120511 Starcall from Tiffany - Twinkle message Twitter cr: to owner
120511 Starcall from Tiffany - Twinkle message Twitter cr: to owner
[STARCALL] 120512 Starcall from Tiffany - YouTube
120512 Starcall from Tiffany Recorded by StarsAboveMe9@YT [TRANS][STARCALL]From. Tiffany Hello I'm SNSD's Tiffany I thought about where I would go with SNSD ...
120512 Starcall from Tiffany Recorded by StarsAboveMe9@YT [TRANS][STARCALL]From. Tiffany Hello I'm SNSD's Tiffany I thought about where I would go with SNSD ...
http://goo.gl/lsgQZ apple上的 Star Call App
App Store - StarCall
Join over 2 million users from 101 different countries! US, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Canada, England, France and more!
With Starcall, you’ll get closer to your favorite K-POP stars than you ever imagined possible! Starcall gives fans premium access to the lives of th ...
Join over 2 million users from 101 different countries! US, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Canada, England, France and more!
With Starcall, you’ll get closer to your favorite K-POP stars than you ever imagined possible! Starcall gives fans premium access to the lives of th ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :帕妮啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1F 05/12 12:22
推 :帕妮髮色又變了,這樣染很傷阿~~~帕妮阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2F 05/12 12:24
推 :帕尼 推~3F 05/12 12:24
TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter
TwitLonger is the easy way to post more than 140 characters to Twitter ...
TwitLonger is the easy way to post more than 140 characters to Twitter ...
→ :這應該是之前錄的喔 可以看5/1的Genie app服裝一樣5F 05/12 12:26
推 :帕妮阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6F 05/12 12:44
新增中字※ 編輯: vivianhsu319 來自: (05/12 16:07)
推 :帕妮阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>//////////////////<7F 05/12 22:13
推 :Android也有STARCALL app喔8F 05/13 00:52
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