※ 本文為 roganjack 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-01 17:17:10
作者 標題 [影音] 111129 2011 MAMA 飯拍影片集合
時間 Wed Nov 30 21:33:08 2011
111129 2011 Mnet Asian Music Awards 飯拍影片集合
http://youtu.be/SdNXYb-nm2U -1
http://youtu.be/ra54FXfOYkA?hd=1 -2
http://youtu.be/hJKUiwDtxzo?hd=1 -3
[FANCAM] SNSD Girls Generation @ MAMA 2011 Red Carpet Part 1 - YouTube
Do not take this out without credits.
Do not take this out without credits.
http://youtu.be/QeuOEwnOG7k?hd=1 -4
[FANCAM] SNSD Girls Generation @ MAMA 2011 Red Carpet Part 2 - YouTube
do not take out without credits by @pinksabers
do not take out without credits by @pinksabers
http://youtu.be/ci4hOGdv5Y8?hd=1 -5
[FANCAM] SNSD Girls Generation @ MAMA 2011 Red Carpet Part 3 - YouTube
do not take out without credits by @pinksabers
do not take out without credits by @pinksabers
http://youtu.be/bOuAln5uEwY?hd=1 -6
http://youtu.be/27hUk0kD9iE?hd=1 -7
[FANCAM] SNSD Girls Generation @ 2011 MAMA Awards Red Carpet Part 4 - YouTube
do not take out without credits
do not take out without credits
http://youtu.be/ymtXL-hJ5kw?hd=1 -8
[FANCAM] SNSD Girls Generation @ 2011 MAMA Awards Red Carpet Part 5 - YouTube
do not take out without credits
do not take out without credits
http://youtu.be/WYdm9iKA4To?hd=1 -1
The Boys
http://youtu.be/ooD6nEUVTno 主Yuri
111129 MAMA 2011 - SNSD The Boys (Yuri Focus) - YouTube
Please do not reupload.
Please do not reupload.
http://youtu.be/7lhr9pM00zU?hd=1 全場 -1
GG-Special remix performance - YouTube
Superb performance! Super nice costumes!
Superb performance! Super nice costumes!
http://youtu.be/WC3qA_sEt-U?hd=1 全場 -2
http://youtu.be/-uehJDJoC2c 全場 -3
http://youtu.be/grYKmNF0KCo?hd=1 全場 -4
http://youtu.be/8Lh8ZHVS0QQ?hd=1 主Tiffany -1
111129 MAMA tiffany thestephi main - YouTube
http://youtu.be/qSigu7rowlw?hd=1 主Tiffany -2
111129 MAMA theboys tiffany fancam - YouTube
http://youtu.be/YpwqxRXZNpk?hd=1 DANCE WITH Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg remix
[FANCAM] 111129 SNSD @ MAMA (DANCE WITH Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg remix) - YouTube
look how high Taeng was the whole time
look how high Taeng was the whole time
http://youtu.be/qpKJK1Teih0?hd=1 High w Dr Dre & Snoop Dogg
[FANCAM] 111129 SNSD & BEAST & SuJu - High w Dr Dre & Snoop Dogg @ MAMA - YouTube
Drop It Like Its Hot
Drop It Like Its Hot
http://youtu.be/BP_lotC_T8g?hd=1 CL & Black Eyed Peas (Where's The Love)
[FANCAM] 111129 SNSD & BEAST - CL & Black Eyed Peas (Where's The Love) @ MAMA - YouTube
Hyoyeon & Sunny moments, & poor Hyoyeon dancing alone.
Hyoyeon & Sunny moments, & poor Hyoyeon dancing alone.
http://youtu.be/0YKTRMIHkJc Super Junior Sorry
Fancam - Super Junior Sorry w/ SNSD reaction - YouTube
Awesome dancing from SNSD to SJ's Sorry Sorry! Follow me on Twitter.com/jonkoo for more video updates =D Do Like the video so many other Sones know about it!
Awesome dancing from SNSD to SJ's Sorry Sorry! Follow me on Twitter.com/jonkoo for more video updates =D Do Like the video so many other Sones know about it!
http://youtu.be/re1jgG0kYT4?hd=1 Super Junior Sorry 正面
[FANCAM] 111129 SNSD - Sorry Sorry @ MAMA - YouTube
super high & dorky soshi
super high & dorky soshi
http://youtu.be/19I56ZPnijA?hd=1 Lonely
http://youtu.be/KXz251aHHrw Party Time
http://youtu.be/jGm78uo8nco?hd=1 主YoonA
http://youtu.be/JBcZyhpghn4?hd=1 主Yuri
http://youtu.be/Rv8EWPORdqQ?hd=1 主Taeyeon
[FANCAM] 111129 SNSD - Taeyeon @ MAMA - YouTube
her cute little steps !
her cute little steps !
http://youtu.be/hg1x5irSaOE?hd=1 Sooyoung & Seohyun 後台
http://youtu.be/kHOfGAMqXb0?hd=1 Sooyoung & Eunhyuk I am the Best XDDDDDDD
http://youtu.be/o3yY9XeokXI?hd=1 I am the Best
http://youtu.be/oi3u3AgQJ20?hd=1 Best Solo Dance Performance & Mnet Specialized
http://youtu.be/iH9sqQmh9FE?hd=1 SeoTae
http://youtu.be/-YmtY9ADaRA?hd=1 Tiffany
http://youtu.be/ooqP7dRRPkw?hd=1 Break
[FANCAM] 111129 SNSD - Break @ MAMA - YouTube
crew is kind enough to shift the chair for Jessica to the front instead of being a loner at the back
crew is kind enough to shift the chair for Jessica to the front instead of being a loner at the back
http://youtu.be/Hq4o9Q-7uGw?hd=1 Superman & Mr Simple
http://youtu.be/TBiJjXW0z1k?hd=1 主Taeyeon
http://youtu.be/MT0aHGp3WcE?hd=1 After the boys NEW
http://youtu.be/pJxkWfKCiiI?hd=1 SNSD + Eunhyuk NEW
http://youtu.be/4vT24Yx2HqI?hd=1 Seohyun & Taeyeon NEW
http://youtu.be/Hj-iVB7Napo?hd=1 YoonA 對面的女孩看過來XD NEW
http://youtu.be/LdgNvLX9cjk?hd=1 YoonA NEW
[FANCAM] 111129 MAMA YOONA 예뻐요.mp4 - YouTube
Edited by yoonyul.com
Edited by yoonyul.com
http://youtu.be/ULqJGDAhpaM?hd=1 TaeNy!!!!
[291111] MAMA 2011 - SNSD TaeNy Fancam - YouTube
SNSD TaeNy moment Fancam when SNSD won Artist of the Year Award. TaeNy is REAL. BGM: David Choi - By My Side Credits to @real_cktang www.twitter.com/real_cktang
SNSD TaeNy moment Fancam when SNSD won Artist of the Year Award. TaeNy is REAL. BGM: David Choi - By My Side Credits to @real_cktang www.twitter.com/real_cktang
http://youtu.be/yYJ1WsBloeI?hd=1 Artist of the Year -1
[Fancam] 291111 MAMA 2011 SNSD Artist of the year award - YouTube
My fancam of SNSD winning the Artist of the Year award! plus TaeNy moment!! + some yoonghyun, JeTi etc. at the end. :) Sorry for the shaky fancams and off sh...
My fancam of SNSD winning the Artist of the Year award! plus TaeNy moment!! + some yoonghyun, JeTi etc. at the end. :) Sorry for the shaky fancams and off sh...
http://youtu.be/VKFHYGJIqRg?hd=1 Artist of the Year -2
http://youtu.be/pST1fLrC6i8?hd=1 Artist of the Year -3 JeTi
http://youtu.be/WreBIta-9dY?hd=1 Best Female Group -1
[Fancam] 291111 MAMA SNSD Best Female Group - YouTube
Soshi winning best female group! + SeoFany moment. Video is pixelated cos of the zooming... was holding to just a digi cam.
Soshi winning best female group! + SeoFany moment. Video is pixelated cos of the zooming... was holding to just a digi cam.
http://youtu.be/Wn9qrkheIgc Best Female Group -2
http://youtu.be/5wZLQ94ksCI?hd=1 ENDING -1
http://youtu.be/Z3DzQuUYpA4 ENDING -2 Shuffle Dance
http://youtu.be/ZY0zylnWT8k?hd=1 ENDING -3
http://youtu.be/BOzWvv4D5lo?hd=1 YoonA&尹恩惠
http://youtu.be/kOOx3UhTrxs?hd=1 Artist of the Year 到 ENDING -1 共18分鐘!!
[FANCAM] 111129 SNSD @ MAMA - YouTube
from Artist of the Year & Album of the Year & all the way till the end
from Artist of the Year & Album of the Year & all the way till the end
http://youtu.be/vOKne6sIEpg?hd=1 Best Male & Female Group -2
http://youtu.be/iRRnMPXwBZM?hd=1 -3
太妍好美阿>////////< 我愛你!!! 嘿嘿XDD
網頁版: http://disp.cc/b/#311-2H5O
[影音] 111129 2011 MAMA 飯拍影片集合 - SNSD板 - Disp BBS
111129 2011 Mnet Asian Music Awards 飯拍影片集合 爆發般的飯拍阿!!!!!!!!! 紅地毯 http://youtu.be/SdNXYb-nm2U -1 [111129] [Fancam] S ...
ψ Girl's genration make you feel the heat! Girls bring the boy out! 現在是
m ▄▅▆▇▉█ █ █▄▃▂▎ █▇▅▄ ▅▆▅ ▂▃ ▅▅ ▅▆▇█少女時代
o ▅▆█▇▉▉▂▃▉ ▉▃▄ ▉▃▆▊ ▎▅▆█ ▉ █ █▅▆▇ 以後是
c ▉▉ ▊▊▃▄▊ █▅▆ █▅▃▉ ▉ ▏▎ █▆▉ ▄▃▂▆ 少女時代
k ▊▊ ▋▋ ▋▋ █▅▆▇▏ █▂▄█ ▏▄▂█ █ ▉▅▆▇▉ 永遠是
i ▄▅ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▆▇ ▅▄▆ ▆▅▄ ▆▆ ▅▆▇ 少女時代
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :推!!!1F 11/30 21:33
推 :讚啊!!!未看先推2F 11/30 21:33
推 :感謝小寶大整理!!!!!!!!!!飯拍一定要收~~~3F 11/30 21:34
推 :感謝整理!!!!!!辛苦了!!!!!!好想收整場TAT4F 11/30 21:34
推 :小寶大辛苦了 估計飯拍還要一陣子才會停XD5F 11/30 21:36
→ :韓站還沒出啥就那麼多了.... XD6F 11/30 21:37
推 :跪求網頁版....7F 11/30 21:37
→ :這個應該不會被鎖吧?8F 11/30 21:38
[影音] 111129 2011 MAMA 飯拍影片集合 - SNSD板 - Disp BBS
111129 2011 Mnet Asian Music Awards 飯拍影片集合 爆發般的飯拍阿!!!!!!!!! 紅地毯 http://youtu.be/SdNXYb-nm2U -1 [111129] [Fancam] S ...
→ :這也太多了 XD10F 11/30 21:45
推 :Yuri的披風怎麼了?是在擋漏水嘛?11F 11/30 21:47
→ :披風多功能使用 防寒、防水12F 11/30 21:48
感謝提供:) 康撒哈米搭~ 康撒哈米搭~→ :一如往常般的謙虛的少女們 >//////<14F 11/30 21:50
推 :在水管上有看到整場的表演,不過是3個部分,每個部分約1小時15F 11/30 21:50
推 :樓上那個我有看到 不過非高清16F 11/30 21:51
→ :我不確定是不是真的整場都有在裡面,不過少女時代的部分都有17F 11/30 21:52
推 :小鹿飯拍旁邊是誰啊XD?18F 11/30 21:53
推 :期待全場一個PART高清版釋出~~~ 我硬碟準備好了!!19F 11/30 21:54
→ :高清的話可能就要再等看看囉,我是只收少女時代表演的部分啦20F 11/30 21:54
推 :小寶大 請問一下 若有新的會定期更新嗎?@@21F 11/30 21:54
→ :@Z大 會更新的~22F 11/30 21:56
推 :3Q~這場的飯拍不想露收阿XDDD23F 11/30 22:00
→ :sorry sorry 後面黑衣人出來太壯觀了 XD24F 11/30 22:08
推 :好猛真多耶25F 11/30 22:10
推 :感謝整理啊!!!!26F 11/30 22:12
推 :台下的都很好笑!! 少女們好嗨...SJ那段希望有正面版XD27F 11/30 22:15
推 :感謝整理28F 11/30 22:45
推 :謝謝29F 11/30 22:55
推 :請問各位 水管的要怎麼收下來阿 我常用的一個好像壞了..30F 11/30 23:31
推 :我真的很喜歡少時跟SJ獲獎 互相替對方高興的樣子..31F 11/30 23:39
→ :我是個E.L.F(女生) 我的少時本命是太妍>///< 太可愛了
→ :我是個E.L.F(女生) 我的少時本命是太妍>///< 太可愛了
推 : 太妍>///< 太可愛了33F 11/30 23:42
推 : 太妍>///< 太可愛了34F 11/30 23:56
推 :本來SM家族就都很要好35F 12/01 00:03
推 :看到Remix版!!!天啊!!熱血沸騰!想睡卻睡不著了!!!!!36F 12/01 00:13
→ :謝謝原PO的整理啊!!!!!好好看啊!!!
→ :謝謝原PO的整理啊!!!!!好好看啊!!!
→ :SM家族都很要好+1 ,感情不好的都是飯而已....39F 12/01 00:52
已修改推文~→ :阿 沒事 看錯了XD 小寶大幫我修掉吧XDD40F 12/01 01:01
推 : REMIX 那段 太妍的高音和JESSICA 的轉音真的是太讚了!!!!41F 12/01 01:02
新增SORRY正面飯拍&Lonely 飯拍& 秀英和銀赫的I am the Best飯拍XDDDD推 :好多 很棒!!!!! 這篇我看超久的 感謝小寶大^^42F 12/01 01:34
推 :台下的比較好玩XDDDD43F 12/01 13:45
[FANCAM] 111129 SNSD & BEAST & SuJu - High w Dr Dre & Snoop Dogg @ MAMA - YouTube
Drop It Like Its Hot
Drop It Like Its Hot
已補上~ 康撒哈米搭~ 康撒哈米搭~
推 :Yuri的多功能披風XDDDD SJ還拿椅子擋XD46F 12/01 19:41
推 :SJ正面 更能感覺到 太妍的舉動 好HIGH !!!47F 12/01 21:43
感謝提供:)推 :小寶大~請問有慶功記者會的影片嗎?49F 12/02 12:47
→ :回樓上 目前還沒有看到 如果有看到會馬上補上的~50F 12/02 14:42
推 :了解~~辛苦你了!!!!康撒哈米搭~~51F 12/02 18:03
12/02 共新增5則~※ 編輯: fgd5555 來自: (12/03 01:05)