看板 Regular_Pony_Time
作者 標題 彩虹小馬_同馬音樂_Proud to be a Brony
時間 2016-07-01 Fri. 14:17:00
Remastered version of the song by BlackGryph0n: http://blackgryph0n.deviantart.com
The artist's goes by JPT on JukeBoxAlive: http://www.jukeboxalive.com/player/player.php?sid=3014319&method=play
Direct DA Song Link:http://blackgryph0n.deviantart.com/art/Proud-to-be-a-Brony-SONG-252972815
Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/5fb9a3fijsy1omz/Proud+to+be+a+Brony+(Remastered).mp3
MLP FIM: Proud to be a Brony [The Original PMV] (Fixed Audio)
MLP FIM: Proud to be a Brony [The Original PMV] (Fixed Audio) - YouTube Remastered version of the song by BlackGryph0n: The artist's goes by JPT on JukeBoxAlive:

A while ago if you would ask me what I watch in my spare time,
No I probably wouldn't tell you what was really on my mind.
But lately I've been thinking of a reason I should hide
FiM as if to mention it where painful, when it feels so good inside!
Why can't I mention Fluttershy and her timid loving mind,
How she can be herself near animals, but shies away from her own kind?
Why can't I mention Pinkie Pie? And the way she kind of acts a bit like me sometimes?
為什麼我不能提到Pinkie Pie?和她那種行事方式,有時有點像我這樣的嗎?
You see I use to hate that I liked my little pony. Not any more...
I'm proud to be a brony!
(Sound bytes from the show during bridge.)(從節目的聲音節取的橋段。)
"Can't hear ya, I'm asleep.""我聽不到你耶,我在睡覺"
"Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh OHMYGOSH!!""喔我的天啊X5"
"Thiiis is whiiining!""這是抱怨!"
"You rock! woohoo...""你搖滾!嗚呼..."
"Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.""你忠實的學生,Twilight Sparkle."
"can you do that? Can you explode twice?""你可以做這個嗎?你可以爆炸兩次嗎?"
"It needs to be about twenty percent cooler.""我需要百分之20的酷."
"Oatmeal?! Are you crazy!?"“燕麥片?你瘋了!”
"I don't wanna talk about it..."“我不想談論它......”
Many try to make me feel embarrassed but their attempts have been in vain,
For though they tell me I'm the one with problems, they're the ones who are insane!
So for those watch but won't admit it; well you shouldn't be like that.
Cause you could be twenty percent cooler in ten seconds flat!
Why don't you mention Rainbow Dash and her acrobatic skill,
How she will try her hoof at anything just to get a little thrill?
Why don't you mention Apple Jack, and talk about her honest southern style power of will?
See you don't have to fake that you hate my little pony. Shout it out!
"I'm proud to be a brony!"
你為什麼不提Rainbow Dash和她的雜技技巧,
你為什麼不提Apple Jack,談論她誠實的意志南方風情的力量?
---Musical Interlude------音樂插曲---
"My Little Pony""我的小馬駒"
"Winter Wrap Up""冬季大掃除"
"Art of the Dress""禮服的藝術"
So I'm gonna mention Rarity and how she's oh so lady like,
But even though she's prim and proper, she could make it in a fight!
And I'm gonna mention Twilight, and though she's kinda nerdy, boasts a power tucked away, could take an Ursa any day!
So how about you? Would you do what I do, or be phony?
I'm asking you now...
和我要提到Twilight,雖然她有點書呆子,隱藏擁有的力量, 任何一天都有對付大熊座的力量 !
現在我問你 ...(補充更新)
Are you proud to be a brony?!你很驕傲是個brony嗎?!
Are you proud to be a brony?...你很驕傲是個brony嗎?...
Download here:
Instrumental Download:
Original here:
Proud to be a Brony (Fusion Remix)
Proud to be a Brony (Fusion Remix) - YouTube
This song is dedicated to all of you Bronies who make me Proud to be part of this incredible fandom! An epic bro-hoof from me to you! /) Download here: http:...
This song is dedicated to all of you Bronies who make me Proud to be part of this incredible fandom! An epic bro-hoof from me to you! /) Download here: http:...

※ 作者: tim383803853 時間: 2016-07-01 14:17:00
※ 看板: Regular_Pony_Time 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 103