看板 Regular_Pony_Time
作者 標題 彩虹小馬_同馬音樂_Giddy Up
時間 2016-06-30 Thu. 14:05:01
Giddy Up - [Remastered] - YouTube
Giddy Up - [Remastered] - is a remake of the old animation 2015 year =3 We have significantly improved the quality of the animation and some new backgrounds....
Giddy Up - [Remastered] - is a remake of the old animation 2015 year =3 We have significantly improved the quality of the animation and some new backgrounds....

註解:Giddy Up意旨為叫馬兒跑快點,也就是"駕-啊"的意思。
※ 作者: tim383803853 時間: 2016-06-30 14:05:01
※ 看板: Regular_Pony_Time 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 92