看板 Regular_Pony_Time
作者 標題 彩虹小馬_同馬漫畫_書蟲Pinkie-11
時間 2016-06-29 Wed. 19:48:17
這篇是連接到之前翻譯過的Ask Pinkie Pie Solutions-04,本圖文作者將她設定為幼馬的Derpy Hooves (照理說她們兩個年紀是相近的),並不是我翻譯的Dinky Hooves,那篇的註解就當作是給Dinky Hooves的介紹 。
Derpy Hooves in Real Life Compilation - YouTube
I take no credit for any of the footage used in this video. It was compiled from various similar videos and all credit goes to the original animators and Hasbro
I take no credit for any of the footage used in this video. It was compiled from various similar videos and all credit goes to the original animators and Hasbro

※ 作者: tim383803853 時間: 2016-06-29 19:48:17
※ 看板: Regular_Pony_Time 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 73