看板 Provisional
作者 標題 [轉錄] 廣告點「╳」被植入後門程式!留神!
時間 2019-01-22 Tue. 23:03:54
作者 pageantry (( 人心不古 )) 看板 AntiVirus
標題 [問題] 我也被勒索了!!該如何查是否有後門程式?
時間 Mon Jan 21 14:08:12 2019
原本要價是 1000 USD 的比特幣,不過今天這封變成 800 USD 的比特幣
雖然這是 PC 而非 notebook 所以錄不到我什麼 nasty pictures
Some time ago you visited a bunch of adult websites, one of those adult
websites was infected with a backdoor, developed by me. This backdoor
installed itself onto your system, giving me FULL access to all your data,
accounts, contacts, etc.
You can change your passwords but it will not help you, my backdoor will
always grant me full access to your device. Read on and i will tell you how
to close this backdoor.
I have downloaded all your contacts, files, data, etc. From time to time i
also activated your camera and recorded some videos and took some pictures of
you while you "pleased" yourself watching adult content... you know what i
Now you have 2 options:
Option 1: You ignore this email and i will send all the very nasty pictures
and videos i have of you to ALL your contacts, along with ALL data i have on
you. On top of that my backdoor will lock up your device and you will never
be able to use it again! You probably do not want that, imagine the disgrace!
So read option number 2.
Option 2: I have been watching you for a while now and i want you to
compensate me. To do this please transfer $800 bitcoins to my bitcoin
address: 1L4LYQGhn41ucmNVGc6LAchNy9SP7d15ug (copy/paste this, it's case
sensitive). If you don't know how to use bitcoins just use any search engine
and search "how to buy bitcoins". You can buy bitcoins instantly with your
debit or credit card on many sites.
When you opened this email my system activated a timer. From now you have 8
hours to perform this transaction. When the transaction does not come in
within this time my system will automatically activate option 1, i guess you
don't want that so make the transaction in time and my system will
automatically delete all the data, files, contacts, pictures and videos i
have of you on my server and the backdoor will automatically be closed and
you can go on living your life like this never happened.
I did not target you, you visited the wrong website at the wrong time. I live
in a country where it is impossible to find any job, so i do this to support
my loved ones, think of this as a donation.
Your time is counting!
Good luck.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AntiVirus/M.1548050895.A.F1D.html
→ : 騙人的啦,你密碼共用的吼1F 01/21 14:17
→ : 我很多密碼都用這個沒錯,不過應該只有自己知道,但他2F 01/21 15:34
→ : 真的是拿到了!
→ : 真的是拿到了!
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→ : 原來如此: “Oh no - pwned” 果然中奬了6F 01/21 19:46
→ : 還好常用的 gmail 沒事
→ : 還好常用的 gmail 沒事
※ 作者: phimj 時間: 2019-01-22 23:03:55
※ 看板: Provisional 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 81