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作者 標題 [新聞] 俄羅斯女子被控在美國進行間諜活動 #練習翻譯
時間 2018-07-17 Tue. 12:34:24
[BBC]Russian woman charged with spying in the US
16 July 2018
The US government has charged a 29-year-old Russian woman with conspiracy to act as a Russian government agent while infiltrating political groups.
Maria Butina had developed close ties with the Republican party and had become an advocate for gun rights, according to US media reports.
根據美國媒體的報導,Maria Butina已經與共和黨發展出密切的關係並且倡議槍支權力.
The charges are not related to the Mueller probe that is examining alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
She allegedly worked at the direction of a high-level Kremlin official.
Ms Butina's attorney Robert Driscoll said in a statement released on Monday that his client was "not an agent" and instead just an international relations student "who is seeking to use her degree to pursue a career in business".
Butina女士的律師Robert Driscoll周一發表聲明,表示她並不是一名情報員而是一名用她的學位尋求商業工作的國際關係學生.He added the charges were "overblown" and there was "no indication of Butina seeking to influence or undermine any specific policy or law or the United States".
Mr Driscoll said his client had "has been co-operating with various government entities for months" over the allegations.
Ms Butina, who lives in Washington, was arrested on Sunday and was held in jail pending a hearing set for Wednesday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a statement.
The announcement of her arrest came hours after US President Donald Trump met his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, and defended the Kremlin against claims of interference in the 2016 presidential election.
在川普與普丁會面,並為克林姆民宮涉嫌干涉2016大選發聲辯護後的幾個小時,發出了對該女的逮捕聲明.Mr Trump said there had been no reason for Russia to meddle in the vote.
The arrest also came days after the justice department charged 12 Russian intelligence officers with hacking Democratic officials in the 2016 US elections.
What is she accused of?
In a sworn statement unsealed on Monday, FBI Special Agent Kevin Helson said her assignment was to "exploit personal connections with US persons having influence in American politics in an effort to advance the interests of the Russian Federation".
週一,一份未密封的宣誓聲明表示,FBI特別調查官Kevin Helson表示她的職責是揭露"利用個人與在美國有政治影響力的人之關係,以促進俄羅斯利益"She did so without registering her activities with the US government, as required under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, prosecutors say.
Ms Butina sought to foster ties with an "organisation promoting gun rights", the DOJ said, without naming any group or politicians.
According to an affidavit, she was trying to "establish a 'back channel' communication for representatives of the Government of Russia".
The criminal complaint states that she focused on developing personal connections with influential US politicians to "advance the interest" of Russia.
As a part of that alleged mission, the complaint says Ms Butina was organising an event to further influence "the views of US officials as those views relate to the Russian Federation".
Ms Butina reported back to an official in the Russian government about her progress using Twitter direct messages among other means, according to the complaint.
In one message, the Russian official told Ms Butina: "Your political star has risen in the sky. Now it is important to rise to the zenith and not burn out (fall) prematurely."
The affidavit also states that the unnamed official was sanctioned by the US Treasury.
Who is she?
Ms Butina, originally from Siberia, came to the US on a student visa to study at American University. The complaint alleges that she was in fact secretly working for the Russian government.
She founded a group called the Right to Bear Arms before she arrived in America, and US media have previously reported her ties to the National Rifle Association (NRA), the most powerful gun lobby in the US.
在她抵達美國前,成立了一個名為"攜帶武器權力"的組織,美國媒體之前報導過她與美國最大的槍枝遊說團體全國步槍協會有連繫She has previously denied having worked for the Russian government.
The Washington Post reported that she became an assistant to Russian banker and former senator Alexander Torshin. He was sanctioned by the US Treasury in April.
華盛頓郵報指出她是俄羅斯前銀行家與前參議員Alexander Torshin的助理.而他在4月已經被美國財政部制裁.
Mr Torshin, who is a lifetime member of the NRA, and Ms Butina attended NRA events in the US beginning in 2014.
She also attended a Trump campaign event and reportedly asked Mr Trump about his views on foreign relations with Russia.
"We get along with Putin," Mr Trump had answered, according to the Washington Post.
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