※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-08 15:59:44
看板 Browsers
作者 標題 這幾天browser的新聞蠻多的 :-)
時間 Thu Apr 4 07:53:12 2013
看起來 web browser engine 又有一些新的話題 :-)
Google Forks WebKit And Launches Blink, A New Rendering Engine That Will Soon
Power Chrome And Chrome OS
Google Forks WebKit And Launches Blink, A New Rendering Engine That Will Soon Power Chrome
TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. ...
Google forks Apple’s Webkit to create Blink rendering engine for Chrome
Google Forks Webkit to Create Blink Rendering Engine for Chrome
Google has announced that it is forking the WebKit browser architecture developed by Apple to create its own Blink rendering engine for Chrome. ...
Opera confirms it will follow Google and ditch WebKit for Blink, as part of
its commitment to Chromium
Opera Confirms It Will Follow Google, Ditch WebKit for Blink
Like Google, Opera has confirmed it will be using Blink, not WebKit, going forward. ...
Mozilla and Samsung Collaborate on Next Generation Web Browser Engine
Mozilla and Samsung Collaborate on Next Generation Web Browser Engine | The Mozilla Blog Mozilla’s mission is about advancing the Web as a platform for all. At Mozilla Research, we’re supporting this mission by experimenting with what’s next when ... ...
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◆ From:
→ :早上看了一圈, opera 還是被dororo XD, blink 消息各大網站都1F 04/04 08:13
→ :出現了, opera 只有在 hacker news 看到
→ :出現了, opera 只有在 hacker news 看到
推 :推3F 04/04 11:48
※ 看板: P_qman 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 116
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- 大家都在四月三號發表新聞. 看起來 web browser engine 又有一些新的話題 :-) Google Forks WebKit And Launches Blink, A New Rend …4F 1推