※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-09-28 00:34:22
作者 標題 [題目] 0925郭易滿分考後真題
時間 Sun Sep 25 17:19:43 2011
照慣例 所有考點跟單字都是完全命中上課教材:)
也是全球唯一可實證:) 隨時更新
本次20110925的聽力考題part 2完全重複20100415的考題:)
該回考題在[郭易滿分多益天書]-聽力本 有收錄跟權威破題唷:)
Part 1
1. (A) The woman's looking out a window.
(B) The woman's reading a menu.
(C) The woman's moving a chair.
(D) The woman's cleaning a table.
2.(A) He's holding some boxes.
(B) He's stacking some books.
(C) He's taking bags out of a car.
(D) He's carrying a suitcase.
3.(A) She's filing a photo.
(B) She's photocopying a document.
(C) She's writing on a piece of paper.
(D) She's typing a letter.
Part 2
1. Who bought the plane tickets?
(A) Yes, to your left. (B) At lunch (C) Ms. Green
2. When will the concert be over?
(A) About ten dollars (B) Around nine o'clock (C) Annie is the owner
3. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?
(A) tea sounds good.
(B) How about this type?
(C) No, it's the other one.
1. Our bikini is being sold at a discount to ------- room
for the new spring bikinies.
(A) making (B) make
(C) makes (D) made
2. The Cockroach hotel has announced plans to offer free shuttle -------
to and from hell.
(A) service (B) serve
(C) will serve (D) servings
3. The new GY machines will enable factory workers to complete tasks much -------.
(A) more efficiently (B) efficiently
(C) efficient (D) most efficiently
4. When his package failed to arrive to ------- the date specified in his order
confirmed, Mr. GuoYi gave the shipping company the finger.
(A) in (B) from
(C) between (D) by
5. Visitors are invited to tour Tony Stark's factory to see -------
Iron man is made.
(A) during (B) about
(C) how (D) whom
6. Next month's workshop is intended to help Seediq Bales
------- their killing plans.
(A) proceed (B) remark
(C) develop (D) persuade
7. The president of SNSD has announced ------ decision
to appoint Jay Zhou to the position of vice president of bullshitting.
(A) ours (B) these
(C) us (D) his
8. A boring banquet ------- the appointment of the North Korea's
new president, Hu Jintao, was held yesterday evening at the Aston Hotel.
(A) celebrating (B) celebration
(C) celebrates (D) celebrated
9. The Giddens Company has a very high ------- for producing nine knives
and stories of the highest quality.
(A) impression (B) reputation
(C) perception (D) assumption
10. Bigmouth employees must have special permission to
enter the company's storage facilities
because numerous ------- documents are filed there.
(A) limiting (B) proportionate
(C) confidential (D) surrounding
大家好 我是郭易老師的助教◎歡迎參觀訂閱老師的Yahoo Blog:)
◎師訓上百位教師(含北美籍暨長春藤Ivy League碩士群)
◎郭易滿分英文◎ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/etjason-etjason
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
→ :這三小= =1F 09/25 17:22
推 :BAC CBA BAAACC 這是今天考的@@2F 09/25 17:28
→ :BAC CBA BAAACC3F 09/25 17:30
推 :閱讀第四題為何是A呢?4F 09/25 17:33
推 :以前好像是背arrive in/at 上面的to好像是多打的(?)5F 09/25 17:33
推 :對 後面的to是多打的 考本中就 "arrive ---- day"6F 09/25 17:39
推 :糟糕...第四題我寫by耶..7F 09/25 18:19
推 :第五題為什麼是C呢?8F 09/25 18:36
推 :第四題寫by+1...看到date就...9F 09/25 18:53
推 :第五題為什麼是C QQ...10F 09/25 18:59
→ :第五題我是用翻譯語句 所以就合理的選了C11F 09/25 19:01
推 :因為他寫出how了(?)12F 09/25 19:19
→ :題目沒錯~原題有how @@"~13F 09/25 19:21
→ :對耶 我沒有看到多出來的how (完全粗心派)14F 09/25 19:22
→ :how是多的把答案打出來了:P 又多四題可作囉15F 09/25 19:29
※ 編輯: pttEnglish 來自: (09/25 19:58)→ :BAC CBA BAADCC DABC 不知道有沒有人跟我一樣?16F 09/25 19:58
推 :DABC.......................SNSD BIGMOUTH(?)17F 09/25 19:59
→ :"SNSD BIGMOUTH"??18F 09/25 20:02
推 :這次閱讀出的很簡單,我想分數應該很難賺...19F 09/25 20:09
推 :第八能解釋嗎?20F 09/25 20:41
推 :第八+121F 09/25 20:45
推 :celebrating前面省略which was22F 09/25 20:52
→ :然後"...,was"前面是整個句子的主詞
→ :應該是這樣吧(?)
→ :然後"...,was"前面是整個句子的主詞
→ :應該是這樣吧(?)
推 :為啥不是被動...25F 09/25 22:12
推 :樓上,不管什麼動,省略which都是ing26F 09/25 22:16
→ :所以第四題到底是in or by 呢?27F 09/25 22:18
→ :我現在覺得是by...因為在期限"之前"....哭哭...28F 09/25 22:45
→ :我第四題選by第八選celebrated = =...29F 09/25 22:45
推 :樓上+130F 09/25 23:13
推 :我問我們外籍老師 答案是A唷...省略which was31F 09/26 00:54
推 :錯三題qq32F 09/26 10:58
推 :第八題應該不是被動,如是被動,那the appointment33F 09/26 11:30
→ :那段話就多出來了?!我想原來應是which celebrated
推 :所以省略了which,而banquet是主動的,所以用Ving
→ :那段話就多出來了?!我想原來應是which celebrated
推 :所以省略了which,而banquet是主動的,所以用Ving
推 :celebrate後面直接接受詞的話 應該是主動用法 ing36F 09/26 11:35
推 :有人可以幫我解釋閱讀第6題為什麼不行是a?37F 09/26 23:52
→ :有答案嗎38F 09/27 19:44
推 :6.proceed -> vi39F 09/27 21:35
推 :感謝樓上40F 09/27 22:17
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