看板 PC_Shopping
作者 標題 [轉寄][情報] 聯力PC-V1020 and PC-V2120.
時間 2010年09月18日 Sat. AM 11:50:02
看板 PC_Shopping
作者 標題 [情報] 聯力PC-V102 and PC-V2120.
時間 Fri Sep 17 22:31:50 2010
PC-V1020 Mid-Tower Chassis
* Support ATX/Micro-ATX motherboards
* Motherboard tray sliding out on back
* 5.25" standard optical drive x3
* 5.25" to 3.5" converter optical drive x1
* 3.5" HDD x7 and 2.5" HDD x1
* 8 PCI slots for VGA cards up to 305mm length
* Two 140mm blue/red LED fans at front
* One 140mm fan at top
* One 120mm fan at rear
* USB3.0 x 4 / e-SATA x 1 / HD Audio I/O ports
* Availability: Arriving at local distributors end of September
* MSRP for PC-V1020 (VAT not included): US$289 for PC-V1020A/B
(silver/black); US$349 for PC-V1020R (red)
PC-V2120 Full-Tower Chassis:
* Support ATX/Micro-ATX/HPTX motherboards
* Motherboard tray sliding out on back
* 5.25" standard optical drive x5
* 3.5" HDD x10 and 5.25" HDD x3
* 11 PCI slots for VGA cards up to 335mm length
* Three 140mm fans + one 120mm fan at front
* Three 120mm fan holes at top
* One 120mm fan at rear
* USB3.0 x 4 / e-SATA x 1 / HD Audio I/O ports
* Availability: Arriving at local distributors end of September
* MSRP for PC-V2120 (VAT not included): US$459 for PC-V2120A/B; US$539
for PC-V2120X (all black)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: ang728 來自: (09/17 22:32)
→ :OP就算了...標題還錯1F 09/17 22:32
→ :我對不起箱箱(つД`)・゚2F 09/17 22:35
推 :顆顆 走水果風 可惜只有正面像 其他都不像3F 09/17 22:35
推 :看著我手邊的V1200跟V2100..............4F 09/17 22:38
推 :該有的都有了 不過面板0分5F 09/17 22:47
推 :還是舊款的洞洞裝比較好看,感覺這台改內配置比較多6F 09/18 00:17
→ :打幾個超音波發射與感應 就可以當機器人跑了7F 09/18 00:35
推 :不算OP啦 這次價錢出來了 V1020 $349美金 我夢碎了...8F 09/18 01:17
→ :喔 看錯 是紅色版$349 普通版$289 好像也沒便宜到哪...
→ :喔 看錯 是紅色版$349 普通版$289 好像也沒便宜到哪...
※ 來源: Disp BBS 看板: PC_Shopping 文章連結: http://disp.cc/b/128-zCZ
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