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看板 PC_Shopping
作者 applejone. (applejone.bbs@ptt.cc)
標題 [轉寄][情報] Nvidia 確定降價 GTX460 768MB版本
時間 2010年09月10日 Fri. PM 12:27:01

看板 PC_Shopping
作者 RayHouston (Superay)
標題 [情報] Nvidia 確定降價 GTX460 768MB版本
時間 Fri Sep 10 11:24:59 2010


Nvidia Corp. has confirmed the evident price drop on the GeForce GTX 460
768MB graphics card. The board, which manufacturer suggested retail price at
launch several weeks ago was $199 can now be obtained for $179 or even $169
in several online stores in the U.S. The move should further popularize the
already successful product.

The back-to-school season traditionally increases demand for video games and
various hardware and accessories for them, including graphics cards. As a
result, in order to capture additional market share, address new markets and
also get prepared for a roll-out of new product, Nvidia and its partners
decided to lower the price onto the GeForce GTX 460 768MB graphics card,
which performance level is between more expensive ATI Radeon HD 5830 and ATI
Radeon HD 5850.

Until Nvidia releases new mainstream solutions based on another graphics
processign unit with lowered performance and price, the GeForce GTX 768MB at
$179 will be the most affordable graphics solution powered by a Fermi-class
DirectX 11-supporting graphics chip.

Source: http://0rz.tw/xT1g2


GTX460 768MB降價幅度最多至30美金~

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
suzukihiro:EVGA都反映了1F 09/10 11:25
jeff198801:30美 買了!2F 09/10 11:26
※ 編輯: RayHouston      來自:      (09/10 11:29)
Chunhao:1G的呢,HAWK快降(應該不可能)3F 09/10 11:29
suzukihiro:你好像砍掉了一些推文喔w4F 09/10 11:30
RayHouston:是應要求刪除啦~5F 09/10 11:31
jeff198801:0木大眼尖0.0a6F 09/10 11:51
xtt:1G跳,不然就5850大跳,其餘免談... =.=7F 09/10 11:51
jansia:不好意思  我要求的  :p  我怕不雅觀 >///<8F 09/10 11:51
jansia:原po po分享文辛苦  我在下面的推文是多的 XD
Nafusica:據說台幣會殺到5100,神聖騎士不要告我~10F 09/10 11:53
jeff198801:不是已經殺到快5100嗎? 潮排EVGA XD 可惜不是1G11F 09/10 11:55
wiiwin:GTS250 512MB再戰10年12F 09/10 11:59
kisia:降價的貨上船了沒 還是會上飛機13F 09/10 12:00
sakura000:5850快跳 我懶的等到10月12號了14F 09/10 12:09

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