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作者 標題 [轉寄][情報] NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 Release Slide …
時間 2010年09月07日 Tue. PM 01:36:01
看板 PC_Shopping
作者 標題 [情報] NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 Release Slides leaked
時間 Mon Sep 6 18:10:11 2010
NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 Release Slides leaked
Chinese website IT168 has leaked slides from the release presentation of
NVIDIA's upcoming GeForce GTS 450. While there are no major surprises, the
slides confirm several rumours. The reference design of the GeForce GTS 450's
body is identical to the reference GTX 460. It features 4 SM or PolyMorph
Engines with 48 SP or CUDA Cores each (much like GF104, unlike GF100), for a
total of 192 SP. The core is clocked at 783 MHz, with the shaders at 1566
MHz. 1GB 128-bit GDDR5 memory clocked at 900 MHz mean a low bandwidth of 57.6
GB/s, well below the likes of the HD 5770 and predecessor GTS 250. The GTS
450 features 32 TMUs, and looks like a fully enabled GF106 part. In essence,
GF106 is GF104 cut in half.
The GTS 450's power consumption is decent, with TDP listed at 106W. However,
we have seen actual TDP and NVIDIA's figures vary in the past. Performance
wise, the GTS 450 is expected to be somewhere between the Radeon HD 5750 and
Radeon HD 5770. The HD 5770 has a near identical TDP of 108W, but the HD 5750
consumes only 86W. All three cards, as expected, use a single 6-pin PCIe
效能方面,GTS450預期處於Radeon HD5750和 HD5770之間。後者TDP為108瓦,前者則只有
86瓦。這三張卡都使用單6-pin PCI-e接頭。
NVIDIA's key selling points will be similar to the GTX 460 - excellent
price/performance and high overclocking potential. Expected to retail at
$130, the GeForce GTS 450 is slightly cheaper than the Radeon HD 5750,
despite performing approximately 10% better. Heavily factory overclocked
versions will be available, upto 900+ MHz. In fact, the some GTS 450 may hit
1 GHz. From a stock speed of 783 MHz, this is incredible overclocking
potential. Sporting a GTX 460-like cooler, the GTS 450 provides ample cooling
performance, with Furmark load temperatures only 72C at default fan settings.
價格預計會比Radeon HD 5750略為便宜,為130美金,儘管比起後者多出了10%的效能。
Overall, the GeForce GTS 450 is looking like a strong product. One might
suggest that the card could do better with more memory bandwidth, but as it
stands, it is still extremely competitive against the Radeon HD 5750.
However, the problem for NVIDIA is that the GTS 450 won't be competing
against the HD 5700 series for long. Being 11 months late means AMD's Radeon
HD 6700 series is set to release in one month's time, on October 12th. At the
same time, the GTS 450's likely direct competitor will be the Radeon HD 6600
series, though we are not sure when it will release. Till then, we hope AMD
drops the price for the Radeon HD 5700 series to finally ignite some life
into the mainstream ~$150 segment.
,但就目前情況來看,GTS450面對HD 5750仍具有極高的競爭力。然而,N家的問題在於
GTS450將無法對抗HD 5700系列太久,因為HD 6700系列將緊接著在一個月後發佈,也就是
10月12日。那時,GTS450的可能對手將是HD 6600系列。希望那時侯AMD能將HD 5700系列降
Source: http://0rz.tw/ETkM0
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: RayHouston 來自: (09/06 18:15)
→ :快來拋售1F 09/06 18:13
→ :130美金是4145台幣...掰掰了2F 09/06 18:14
推 :台灣怎麼可能只賣130鎂( ′-`)y-~3F 09/06 18:18
推 :NT4145......4F 09/06 18:19
推 :掰5F 09/06 18:22
→ :哼...6600完全不想要 我4年前就有了 還GT的6F 09/06 18:25
→ :我還ASUS TOP版的....7F 09/06 18:27
→ :很快就會看當 GTS980 了, 到時再買8F 09/06 18:34
→ :腸先駕4999元9F 09/06 18:35
→ :嘗鮮價
→ : (?
→ :嘗鮮價
→ : (?
→ :雖然我的 4850 TOP才買2星期 但是還是想要買67xx12F 09/06 18:37
推 :4145...太猛了13F 09/06 19:28
→ :NV要硬起來了嗎14F 09/06 19:31
推 :如果在台灣也是比5750便宜的話那就ok...15F 09/06 19:40
→ :GTS 450 1G日本會賣在14000日幣...我們撇開高飛的匯率不看16F 09/06 19:51
→ :日本現在賣的最好的卡叫做5770 HAWK..秋葉原均價是16950日幣
→ :而同樣是MSI的5750 1G版秋葉原均價是13400日幣..
→ :為什麼我不拿台灣價錢來說...因為我沒簽日本NDA....XDDDDD
→ :日本現在賣的最好的卡叫做5770 HAWK..秋葉原均價是16950日幣
→ :而同樣是MSI的5750 1G版秋葉原均價是13400日幣..
→ :為什麼我不拿台灣價錢來說...因為我沒簽日本NDA....XDDDDD
推 :推箱神20F 09/06 19:54
推 :某達人的57701G不是14400@@?21F 09/06 20:07
推 :"會比Radeon HD 5750略為便宜" 威力彩等你出450了!23F 09/06 22:17
推 :130美要4145,5770現在1G有不到4千然後說會比5750便宜?24F 09/07 10:19
→ :這樣不是很矛盾嗎= =
→ :這樣不是很矛盾嗎= =
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