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看板 PC_Shopping
作者 applejone. (applejone.bbs@ptt.cc)
標題 [轉寄][情報] AMD延期發布HD 6000系列到十一月份
時間 2010年09月29日 Wed. PM 04:50:01

看板 VideoCard
作者 sdcheck (Bite me)
標題 [情報] AMD延期發布HD 6000系列到十一月份
時間 Wed Sep 29 00:59:21 2010

AMD has recently postponed the launch schedule of its next-generation Radeon
HD 6000 series GPUs (Southern Islands) from the original October 12 to
November, according to sources from graphics card makers.

Seeing its chance, Nvidia aims to launch its new entry-level GPUs as well as
cut its existing GPU prices in October to boost the market share, the sources

Both AMD and Nvidia declined to comment on their products' launch schedule.

Due to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) skipping its 32nm
R&D for GPUs and advanced directly to 28nm R&D, AMD has adjusted its plans
and decided to continue adopting a 40nm process for its new Radeon HD 6000
series. However, due to the series' GPU structure and processes being similar
to the existing 5000 series, some market watchers are taking a conservative
attitude toward the new products.

In response, Nvidia plans to launch its new entry-level GeForce GT 430 in
October, while reducing the price of its GeForce GT 220 and GTX 460 768MB
graphics cards.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
oceanforward:預定的延期XD1F 09/29 01:01
ganbaday:........本來想說快可以看到結果了= =2F 09/29 01:05
hskao:該不會是想先清5800系列庫存?3F 09/29 01:06
killer2k:AMD:要你命5000已經夠你受了,6000等你壞了再上4F 09/29 01:07
vreynice:明天去幫忙清庫存吧(不等了的意味5F 09/29 01:11
RichardHan:這是哪招ˋˊ6F 09/29 01:21
hskao:對手太弱所以乾脆慢慢發佈就好? ^o^7F 09/29 01:39
jackblack:轉錄至看板 PC_Shopping                                09/29 01:43

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