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※ 本文為 applejone.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-10-06 12:03:03
看板 PC_Shopping
作者 pertonas (崁入式訊息菜鳥™ p)
標題 [情報] AMD Catalyst 11.10 Battlefield 3 特試版驅動出爐!
時間 Tue Sep 27 11:20:14 2011

link : http://goo.gl/2Cj9T

稍微比nVIDIA晚了一些,但還是趕在Battlefield 3 Beta前出爐了。

AMD Catalyst 11.10 Preview 特色如下:

- Improves performance in Battlefield 3 Open Beta release for both
non-Anti-Aliasing, and application enabled Anti-Aliasing cases on the AMD
Radeon™  HD 6000 and AMD Radeon™  HD 5000 Series for single GPU configurations

- Improves performance in Battlefield 3 Open Beta release for both
non-Anti-Aliasing, and application enabled Anti-Aliasing cases on CrossFire
configurations using the AMD Radeon™  HD 6000 and AMD Radeon™  HD 5000 Series

- Enables support for Eyefinity 5× 1 display (portrait and landscape)
configurations using the AMD Radeon™  HD 6000 and AMD Radeon™  HD 5000 Series

- Vision Engine Control Center: User Interface enhancements have been
implemented for the CrossfireX, GPU Overdrive, and Information Center pages.

來源驅動似乎有問題…竟然出現….Nsis Error,看似檔案上傳錯誤了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
nvidia:XD1F 09/27 11:34
davidbright:5系列有,太感動了2F 09/27 11:34
korsg:感覺裝了又要出包...3F 09/27 11:39
pertonas:LINK裡面有正常版本的 XDD4F 09/27 11:41
amokk76267:HD5000+LGA775再戰十年!!5F 09/27 11:42
fantasylee:11.9都還沒出6F 09/27 13:23
onebow:有多少人現在用11.8?7F 09/27 20:06
kisia:現在一般人能用的都是11.8吧 GURU3D有11.9RC8F 09/27 20:23
mahayo:希望有比較穩定一點9F 09/28 05:33
xtt:AMD的新版驅動,常常讓我玩某些舊遊戲當機.. ~"~10F 09/28 17:12

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