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看板 NashStyle
標題 [少女][小鹿] 111209~1210 新加坡演唱會 in Singapore (BATCH1)?
時間 2011年12月13日 Tue. AM 01:56:48




4min Solo

Her trousers were ripped but I didn't film it! - YouTube n__n sad do not reupload taken by: @saradolimz


111209 SNSD Singapore concert - Yoona Solo [Fancam] - YouTube 9 Dec 2011 Girls Generation 2011 Tour 4 minutes to save the world


So at the start she showed three fingers while she's singin 4 minutes... - YouTube ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH do not reupload taken by: @saradolimz


SNSD Concert SG Yoona - 4 Minutes - YouTube SNSD Concert SG Yoona - 4 Minutes



 Yoona I'm In Love With The Hero 飛天小鹿


Fantastic (performance) 小鹿拉拉熊互動片段

SNSD Singapore Concert 2011 - Fantastic (performance) - YouTube Look out for Yoona and Sunny playing with the fan's gift!


111209 YoonA Sunny Taeyeon @ GG Concert Singapore [fancam]

111209 YoonA Sunny Taeyeon @ GG Concert Singapore [fancam] - YouTube on the boat! 1080P HD! no re-uploading, especially from aznkinknowsbest the loser Fanclub: https://twitter.com/#!/GG_likeaBOSS admin: https://twitter.com/#!/...


[FANCAM] 111210 SNSD - Snowy Wish (Yoona focused)


Yoona and jessica were so cute!!!! Yoong purposely screamed into  her sica’s ears then sica took revenge. UBER ADORABLE ttm!!

Cant believe fany told yoona about my flounder face board!!!!! Even pointing it out!! LMAO at how yoona was acting all annoyed. So cute!!!!!

Yoong was holding and playing with a rilakkuma plush!!! Then sunnyy took it & yoona showed *annoyed face* sunny then threw it back to fans!
cr: Yoona_fied


YoonA is the prettiest in my opinion. She can pull off both cute and sexy image so easily. Her solo performance is being cheered so loudly (just not as loud as duet of Tiff and Taeng). She looks so gentle waving her fans. WOW… I love her and Singaporean guys love her too. <3
by: hangengoppa

Im Yoona, oh God, she's the prettiest, she's so deadly that I wasn't ready to see her. I kept on screaming waahhhhh that's Yoona!
by: Jimsoonkyu

Yoona: I love how even though she's the face of snsd, she doesn't put on airs and seeks attention by making unnecessary moves (unlike other idol groups). I get this humble vibe from her, and how she's glowing so brightly just being herself.
by: glitterspark

※ 作者: YOONANASH 時間: 2011-12-13 01:56:48
※ 編輯: YOONANASH 時間: 2011-12-13 07:57:02
※ 看板: NashStyle 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 298 
※ 文章分類: 小鹿
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